예금적금계산기 (세전이자,세후이자) Description
The deposit savings calculator calculates the payment amount by entering information related to deposits and savings.
It is a calculation application that automatically calculates the interest (interest tax calculation).
If you select a deposit or savings and enter the information, the interest accrued on the deposit or savings will be calculated.
1. Deposit - You can enter payment amount, interest rate (interest rate), deposit period, and select deposit method (simple interest, compound interest).
2. Savings - You can enter the monthly payment amount, interest rate (interest rate), savings period, and select the savings method (simple interest, compound interest).
3. Game - You can use a simple card matching game.
[Access Permission Information]
• Required access rights
- doesn't exist
• Optional access rights
- doesn't exist
Coding Fish: https://www.codingfish.co.kr
Design (image) source: https://www.flaticon.com
EMAIL: codingfishfish79@gmail.com
* The unit rounding process may be different from that of banks.
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It is a calculation application that automatically calculates the interest (interest tax calculation).
If you select a deposit or savings and enter the information, the interest accrued on the deposit or savings will be calculated.
1. Deposit - You can enter payment amount, interest rate (interest rate), deposit period, and select deposit method (simple interest, compound interest).
2. Savings - You can enter the monthly payment amount, interest rate (interest rate), savings period, and select the savings method (simple interest, compound interest).
3. Game - You can use a simple card matching game.
[Access Permission Information]
• Required access rights
- doesn't exist
• Optional access rights
- doesn't exist
Coding Fish: https://www.codingfish.co.kr
Design (image) source: https://www.flaticon.com
EMAIL: codingfishfish79@gmail.com
* The unit rounding process may be different from that of banks.
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