국민연금공단 웹메일 앱인증(직원용) Description
* Service Introduction: To enhance the NPS log in to the web-mail system
The pension app certification applications that are used to add authentication.
Password exposure unauthorized party to block the part with easy access to the system
As OTP service smartphone system, the National Pension Service web mail (https://mail.nps.or.kr)
Access by username, and password input from the additional authentication popup
Please use the app and register in 'Register pension app certification.
The pension app certification applications that are used to add authentication.
Password exposure unauthorized party to block the part with easy access to the system
As OTP service smartphone system, the National Pension Service web mail (https://mail.nps.or.kr)
Access by username, and password input from the additional authentication popup
Please use the app and register in 'Register pension app certification.
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