Kuis Sambung Kata Description
The Word Connection Quiz is a simple game where we are invited to make a word that starts with the last syllable of the previous word. For example, if at the beginning we are given the word "Paku", then we have to make a word with the initial syllable "Ku", for example "Horse" or "Less".
As someone who is part of the Indonesian nation, automatically, Indonesian is the everyday language of people in Indonesia, but are we sure that we have knowledge of the extensive vocabulary in Indonesian? Especially in modern times like now, we often write in Indonesian with incorrect spelling. Not even true, let alone perfect. Do we really master the vocabulary in Indonesian?
In this game we can only type basic words. Affixes will not be counted as correct words. Our vocabulary will be tested by finding new words. If we repeat a word that has already been used then it will not be counted as a correct answer. If time runs out and we haven't found the answer, the game will end.
As someone who is part of the Indonesian nation, automatically, Indonesian is the everyday language of people in Indonesia, but are we sure that we have knowledge of the extensive vocabulary in Indonesian? Especially in modern times like now, we often write in Indonesian with incorrect spelling. Not even true, let alone perfect. Do we really master the vocabulary in Indonesian?
In this game we can only type basic words. Affixes will not be counted as correct words. Our vocabulary will be tested by finding new words. If we repeat a word that has already been used then it will not be counted as a correct answer. If time runs out and we haven't found the answer, the game will end.
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