MyVNMHRM Description
Appreciate with Mobile
Check in/out by phone via mobile GPS, Wifi. No complicated setup like timekeeper required.
Register for shifts and track working days
Instead of employees registering shifts through paper, they can register through the App
Keep track of working days and wages
Update working hours, working days worked in real time.
Register for leave, holidays, and illness
Employees can create a leave application through the app easily.
Monitor employee work
Management can track employees' daily work
Who is working?
Management knows exactly who is online (working) and where they are on the map.
Employee Profile
Store the information according to the content of the Curriculum Vitae
Create an internal chat group
The application allows to create live chat or group chat within the company
Create Notice for Company/Affiliate
Management can notify all employees of the company, region, branch...
Create and assign jobs to employees
Job creation tool to help assign tasks, remind due dates... to help Managers assign tasks easily
Create information for employees
The application allows you to create newsletters, learning materials for employees
Smart messaging system
Displays screen messages instantly, changes in Application action will be updated via notification system.
Check in/out by phone via mobile GPS, Wifi. No complicated setup like timekeeper required.
Register for shifts and track working days
Instead of employees registering shifts through paper, they can register through the App
Keep track of working days and wages
Update working hours, working days worked in real time.
Register for leave, holidays, and illness
Employees can create a leave application through the app easily.
Monitor employee work
Management can track employees' daily work
Who is working?
Management knows exactly who is online (working) and where they are on the map.
Employee Profile
Store the information according to the content of the Curriculum Vitae
Create an internal chat group
The application allows to create live chat or group chat within the company
Create Notice for Company/Affiliate
Management can notify all employees of the company, region, branch...
Create and assign jobs to employees
Job creation tool to help assign tasks, remind due dates... to help Managers assign tasks easily
Create information for employees
The application allows you to create newsletters, learning materials for employees
Smart messaging system
Displays screen messages instantly, changes in Application action will be updated via notification system.
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