PILOT 3388 Description
PILOT - Allow you to click on a taxi for a second at any time at any time. The best of the taxes of Zhytomyr, yak know, what you need!
Reloading Koristuvannya dodatkom TAXI PILOT 3388:
- The maximum wicked wiklik taxi without a dispatcher.
- Dodatok viznachaє your mіsce roztashuvannya, і vodі zavzhdi know, de you zustrіti.
- The hour of supplying a car in the middle of 5 to 7 hvilin.
- The ability to vibrate a car is standard to comfort class.
- Pіdbіr auto pіd yourі consume (child child, air conditioner, video receipt)
- After the completion of your trip, you can evaluate your water supply and help, which can help us to earn more.
Reloading Koristuvannya dodatkom TAXI PILOT 3388:
- The maximum wicked wiklik taxi without a dispatcher.
- Dodatok viznachaє your mіsce roztashuvannya, і vodі zavzhdi know, de you zustrіti.
- The hour of supplying a car in the middle of 5 to 7 hvilin.
- The ability to vibrate a car is standard to comfort class.
- Pіdbіr auto pіd yourі consume (child child, air conditioner, video receipt)
- After the completion of your trip, you can evaluate your water supply and help, which can help us to earn more.
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