PlusXRD Pro Driver Description
- This DEMO App is a property of & it's sister concerns &
- Beware of any other site that redirects you to this DEMO (its a fraudulent site, trying to sell you our Product, without any permission from us..)
- Buy only genuine products.
- Contact us at & if any seller claims this product to be theirs and tries to sell it to you.
This is the perfect time to start a On Demand Delivery business along with Taxi Hire business for your niche!
Try our standard On Demand Delivery addon coded in our standard Taxi Driver/Carrier App's Clone.
It is a ready-to-use clone script, which can be launched in just 3 days and can be customized to suit various On Demand Delivery &Taxi like products too.
Request us at for more detail about Passenger App, Sender App, Admin Panel & Website.
- Beware of any other site that redirects you to this DEMO (its a fraudulent site, trying to sell you our Product, without any permission from us..)
- Buy only genuine products.
- Contact us at & if any seller claims this product to be theirs and tries to sell it to you.
This is the perfect time to start a On Demand Delivery business along with Taxi Hire business for your niche!
Try our standard On Demand Delivery addon coded in our standard Taxi Driver/Carrier App's Clone.
It is a ready-to-use clone script, which can be launched in just 3 days and can be customized to suit various On Demand Delivery &Taxi like products too.
Request us at for more detail about Passenger App, Sender App, Admin Panel & Website.
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