Price After Description
Price After was created to reveal what things cost after tax and tip. We want you to know the maximum amount you could end up paying before you check out.
Simply point your camera at prices or take a picture of any product or website and Price After will reveal the maximum cost.
How does Price After work?
Price After works by letting you pick a state and amount to tip.
Price After then uses the camera to transform the prices that it sees to an estimated total that includes sales tax and tip.
Price After cannot offer you exact final prices as taxes vary wildly across the US and are subject to change. Additionally there are rules and exceptions for all different kinds of products.
Simply point your camera at prices or take a picture of any product or website and Price After will reveal the maximum cost.
How does Price After work?
Price After works by letting you pick a state and amount to tip.
Price After then uses the camera to transform the prices that it sees to an estimated total that includes sales tax and tip.
Price After cannot offer you exact final prices as taxes vary wildly across the US and are subject to change. Additionally there are rules and exceptions for all different kinds of products.
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