Radheshyam Das Description
Welcome to His Grace Radheshyam Dāsa’s learning app . Radheshyam Das is the Founding Director of VOICE (Vedic Oasis for Inspiration Culture and Education), a Youth wing of ISKCON which offers Systems, Courses, and Training modules for training College and Company youths in SQ based leadership. He is also the temple president of ISCKON Pune . his app is designed to give learner’s access to the most confidential knowledge from the Holy Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam . All the courses in this app help the learner get access to knowledge that help them get eternal happiness and lots of formulae for attaining ultimate success in life . The programs in the app are designed to unleash the fullest potential of your mind, body, and spirit. Experiencing unbreakable joy, love, and fulfillment.
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