Японские кроссворды Description
No ads, no intrusive notifications, no time limit.
Solve the 300 best mini crosswords from Nonograms.ru
If you like it - for a small fee you can solve additional crosswords.
We give guarantees for our crosswords that they all have no errors and have exactly one solution, achievable without various “guesses”.
* Very flexible crossword puzzle design and management.
* "Smart" hints (open cells only according to the rules of solving Japanese crosswords)
* Ability to synchronize saved / solved crosswords with our Nonograms.ru website (synchronization works both ways).
* Scaling a crossword puzzle without "blurry lines."
* Assistant function to automatically cross out numbers (can be disabled).
* Helper function for automatically filling up already solved rows and columns with crosses (can be disabled).
* Sliding digit panel (used when the number field is partially behind the screen).
Solve the 300 best mini crosswords from Nonograms.ru
If you like it - for a small fee you can solve additional crosswords.
We give guarantees for our crosswords that they all have no errors and have exactly one solution, achievable without various “guesses”.
* Very flexible crossword puzzle design and management.
* "Smart" hints (open cells only according to the rules of solving Japanese crosswords)
* Ability to synchronize saved / solved crosswords with our Nonograms.ru website (synchronization works both ways).
* Scaling a crossword puzzle without "blurry lines."
* Assistant function to automatically cross out numbers (can be disabled).
* Helper function for automatically filling up already solved rows and columns with crosses (can be disabled).
* Sliding digit panel (used when the number field is partially behind the screen).
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