Share n Care Description
Share n Care is an application used by teachers and employees of Kanisius College Jakarta to share achievements and portfolios. Through the daily activities that are passed, of course there will be various achievements and problems encountered, of course, a media is needed to share achievements and report problems to fellow teachers and employees. This application is designed to solve this problem with existing features.
The Share n Care App has various features that can make it easier for teachers and Kanisius College employees. The features in this application are useful for:
1. Provide Achievement Information from teachers and Kanisius College employees
2. Provide activity information from teachers and Kanisius College employees
3. Report Problems faced by Canisius College teachers and employees
The Share n Care App has various features that can make it easier for teachers and Kanisius College employees. The features in this application are useful for:
1. Provide Achievement Information from teachers and Kanisius College employees
2. Provide activity information from teachers and Kanisius College employees
3. Report Problems faced by Canisius College teachers and employees
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