Slender Passage Description
Your sole task is to tap on the screen to make a jump, steering clear of obstacles as you advance. Yet, it's far more challenging than it initially appears. As you make progress, you'll encounter diverse and formidable obstacles. Plus, the encroaching side walls add an extra layer of complexity. These walls gradually draw nearer to each other, meaning the longer you linger on an obstacle, the narrower your escape path becomes. Fail to move beyond the obstacle, and you risk being squeezed between the walls.
But don't fret, for every obstacle you conquer, the walls reset to their original position (only to inch closer once more). So, give it your all, accumulate the highest score possible by dodging obstacles, and avoid getting trapped!
But don't fret, for every obstacle you conquer, the walls reset to their original position (only to inch closer once more). So, give it your all, accumulate the highest score possible by dodging obstacles, and avoid getting trapped!
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