Soluciones TI Description
- Basic data update
- Payment of installments using Credit Card or Mobile Payment
- Notification of payments via Zelle, International Transfers, National Transfers
- Check your invoice history
- Online support via WhatsApp for self-management use
- Manage your courtesy invitations
- Buy invitations online, pay with credit card or Mobile Payment
- Virtual card with QR code to access the Club facilities
- Send notifications to people who downloaded the APP
- Reserve spaces
- Basic data update
- Payment of installments using Credit Card or Mobile Payment
- Notification of payments via Zelle, International Transfers, National Transfers
- Check your invoice history
- Online support via WhatsApp for self-management use
- Manage your courtesy invitations
- Buy invitations online, pay with credit card or Mobile Payment
- Virtual card with QR code to access the Club facilities
- Send notifications to people who downloaded the APP
- Reserve spaces
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