Riyad-us-Saliheen, often referred to as The Garden of the Righteous, is a famous and popular collection of Ahadith by Imam an Nawawi. It is considered as one of the most reliable sources of the sayings and traditions of the Holy Prophet (SAWS). Riyadh-us-Saliheen is said to have a remarkable number of authentic, strong as well as a small number of weak Ahadith. The Ahadith compiled in this collection by one of the most reputed Imams of Islamic history cover every aspect of Islamic creed and Muslim moral conduct. It is a complete source of advice and guidelines for the entire Muslim Ummah.
Riyahd-us-Saliheen holds great importance among the various compilations of Hadith as it has Ahadith extracted from six canonical collections of the Prophet’s traditions including Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Al-Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawood, Sunan An-Nisai, Sunan Ibn Majah and At-Tirmithi. It is one of the greatest books of Ahadith, which is most frequently referred to and read by Muslims for the knowledge of Hadith. Ahadith in this collection, as in other ones, have been reported in the traditional style of presenting the actual narrative and the isnad (the chain of narrators documenting the route for the transmission of the report). The isnad determine who narrated a Hadith and from whom; Isnad determine the reliability of a Hadith and they therefore hold some importance.
Riyad-us-Saliheen has approximately 2000 authentic Ahadith. It has 372 chapters and 19 sections covering good manners, etiquettes of eating, dressing up, sleeping, lying and sitting, greeting, visiting the sick, etiquettes of traveling, I’tikaf, Hajj, seeking knowledge, explanation of virtues, praise of Allah and expression of gratitude, supplicating, fasting, remembrance of Allah, details of prohibited actions, forgiveness, and miscellaneous Ahadith of significant value. This immense range of topics offer an opportunity to the readers to extract maximum knowledge of the messages of the Prophet (SAW) to his Ummah. The style of presentation in a systematic manner supersedes other works of similar nature.
Each section of the book provides exhaustive information on a specific topic. Every section carries a title. For instance, the section about mannerisms is entitled ‘Book One – The Book of Good Manners’; the section dealing with Hajj is entitled ‘Book Ten – The Book of Hajj’ and so on. This kind of systematic categorization of the contents of this book of Ahadith has made it an easy resource for Muslims.
Riyahd-us-Saliheen holds great importance among the various compilations of Hadith as it has Ahadith extracted from six canonical collections of the Prophet’s traditions including Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Al-Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawood, Sunan An-Nisai, Sunan Ibn Majah and At-Tirmithi. It is one of the greatest books of Ahadith, which is most frequently referred to and read by Muslims for the knowledge of Hadith. Ahadith in this collection, as in other ones, have been reported in the traditional style of presenting the actual narrative and the isnad (the chain of narrators documenting the route for the transmission of the report). The isnad determine who narrated a Hadith and from whom; Isnad determine the reliability of a Hadith and they therefore hold some importance.
Riyad-us-Saliheen has approximately 2000 authentic Ahadith. It has 372 chapters and 19 sections covering good manners, etiquettes of eating, dressing up, sleeping, lying and sitting, greeting, visiting the sick, etiquettes of traveling, I’tikaf, Hajj, seeking knowledge, explanation of virtues, praise of Allah and expression of gratitude, supplicating, fasting, remembrance of Allah, details of prohibited actions, forgiveness, and miscellaneous Ahadith of significant value. This immense range of topics offer an opportunity to the readers to extract maximum knowledge of the messages of the Prophet (SAW) to his Ummah. The style of presentation in a systematic manner supersedes other works of similar nature.
Each section of the book provides exhaustive information on a specific topic. Every section carries a title. For instance, the section about mannerisms is entitled ‘Book One – The Book of Good Manners’; the section dealing with Hajj is entitled ‘Book Ten – The Book of Hajj’ and so on. This kind of systematic categorization of the contents of this book of Ahadith has made it an easy resource for Muslims.
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