Teller Description
Teller is the top-rated Astrological App that provides the most accurate and detailed predictions.
1. Talk to Astrologer - Recharge your wallet and start a call with any Astrologer you like and speak.
2. Chat with Astrologer -Chat with any astrologer of your choice and ask as many questions as you want.
3. Live Session with Astrologers - Directly ask for an astrological solution to your problem in a live session.
🔒 Your Privacy is Protected
Your personal details are kept confidential between you and your astrologer. Be it a voice call or a chat on Teller; we ensure that your personal information stays private and protected.
💯 Guaranteed Service
Customer service in touch for 7/24. All astrologers are authentic with 4 different verification processes.
Get your first chat/call session for free with an astrologer 🆓
1. Talk to Astrologer - Recharge your wallet and start a call with any Astrologer you like and speak.
2. Chat with Astrologer -Chat with any astrologer of your choice and ask as many questions as you want.
3. Live Session with Astrologers - Directly ask for an astrological solution to your problem in a live session.
🔒 Your Privacy is Protected
Your personal details are kept confidential between you and your astrologer. Be it a voice call or a chat on Teller; we ensure that your personal information stays private and protected.
💯 Guaranteed Service
Customer service in touch for 7/24. All astrologers are authentic with 4 different verification processes.
Get your first chat/call session for free with an astrologer 🆓
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