Timestamp Microdiary Description
Keep track of your activities of the day by logging or writing your current activity.
Every time you stamp your current activity, it will be placed on that specific time (and date).
Example, if it's already 1:12pm, and you're doing laundry, you can stamp your activity on the app and typed in the laundry activity. The current time (in this case, 1:12pm) is automatically added or appended to that activity.
You can also use your voice in adding your activity or diary. For some, this is the quickest/easiest way.
Since this is a microdiary, it is recommended to write a short description of your activity.
You can stamp in as many activities or diary of that specific moment as you want.
These multiple activities or microdiaries will then be shown as list on the app.
You can then copy all entries by pressing the button and paste it in your favorite diary app or any text app for archiving.
Pressing Delete All will remove all entries.
Every time you stamp your current activity, it will be placed on that specific time (and date).
Example, if it's already 1:12pm, and you're doing laundry, you can stamp your activity on the app and typed in the laundry activity. The current time (in this case, 1:12pm) is automatically added or appended to that activity.
You can also use your voice in adding your activity or diary. For some, this is the quickest/easiest way.
Since this is a microdiary, it is recommended to write a short description of your activity.
You can stamp in as many activities or diary of that specific moment as you want.
These multiple activities or microdiaries will then be shown as list on the app.
You can then copy all entries by pressing the button and paste it in your favorite diary app or any text app for archiving.
Pressing Delete All will remove all entries.
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