Vivo Joven Description
What is Live Young?
Vivo Joven is an inclusive strategy that motivates youth and citizens to promote community action in Ecuador and contribute to social transformation.
First program that opens State services to volunteering and social engagement
Make youth visible as critical thinkers, innovators, communicators, change agents and leaders who contribute to the generation of solution strategies for different social problems.
Create the largest and largest mobilization of volunteers in the history of Ecuador, through active youth participation.
The people who make up Vivo Joven guide their daily work and disposition for social and community service. They practice the following values:
Discipline, Honesty, Solidarity, Respect, Responsibility, Citizenship, Vocation of service, Will, Participation
Vivo Joven is an inclusive strategy that motivates youth and citizens to promote community action in Ecuador and contribute to social transformation.
First program that opens State services to volunteering and social engagement
Make youth visible as critical thinkers, innovators, communicators, change agents and leaders who contribute to the generation of solution strategies for different social problems.
Create the largest and largest mobilization of volunteers in the history of Ecuador, through active youth participation.
The people who make up Vivo Joven guide their daily work and disposition for social and community service. They practice the following values:
Discipline, Honesty, Solidarity, Respect, Responsibility, Citizenship, Vocation of service, Will, Participation
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