Vote Result Calculator Description
Given a number of people voting on an issue, and how many of them voted "yes" or "in favor", this calculator using newly developed mathematics formulas computes:
1. Proper Vote Results, (today, almost universally, vote results are computed erroneously)
2. Vote accuracy
3. Vote error or vote risk
The calculator can be used to measure the accuracy of any vote, whether it is a public vote, a parliament vote, congress vote, senate vote, Supreme Court vote, Jury vote, single judge court vote, committee vote, corporate board vote, etc. As long as it is a {yes , no} vote or {yes , no , don't know} vote, it can compute the Vote Results and Vote Accuracy.
The calculator also can serve as an educational tool for students, especially those studying basic or advanced statistics or probability theory and how to apply it to social fields such as the Political Science field or the Law field. The mathematical equations used and complete needed explanations can be found in the book "A Mathematical Foundation For Politics And Law" by Jamil Kazoun.
1. Proper Vote Results, (today, almost universally, vote results are computed erroneously)
2. Vote accuracy
3. Vote error or vote risk
The calculator can be used to measure the accuracy of any vote, whether it is a public vote, a parliament vote, congress vote, senate vote, Supreme Court vote, Jury vote, single judge court vote, committee vote, corporate board vote, etc. As long as it is a {yes , no} vote or {yes , no , don't know} vote, it can compute the Vote Results and Vote Accuracy.
The calculator also can serve as an educational tool for students, especially those studying basic or advanced statistics or probability theory and how to apply it to social fields such as the Political Science field or the Law field. The mathematical equations used and complete needed explanations can be found in the book "A Mathematical Foundation For Politics And Law" by Jamil Kazoun.
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