Whois Description
Find out the number calling you easily by looking at your profile! You can query the number that called you or the number you entered in the application with a single click through the other popular green application installed on your phone.
Thanks to Whois, you won't have to worry about saving the number in your phone book and finding a ridiculous name for it. You can see the number of the person calling you on the screen within the application, and you can see the profile of that person from other popular messaging application with the button next to it.
Whois is designed to save you time!
In order to see the last incoming and outgoing calls on a single screen and not to worry about typing in numbers, you need to give contacts permission when you enter our application on your phone. We do not collect any in-app transactions and data related to your directory in any way. The transactions you make in our application cannot be seen by us in any way. If you give the directory permission, the users registered in the directory will only appear on your screen, we do not collect or collect data from users in any way.
Our application is completely designed to help you save time.
Our application includes the history call screen and another screen, the number entry screen. You can view the profile with one click by clicking the button next to the previous calls by giving the directory permission, or do not give the directory permission and instantly query the number you entered from the number entry screen.
Easy to use and totally fast!
For questions and suggestions, you can contact us at kingdomicapp@gmail.com.
Thanks to Whois, you won't have to worry about saving the number in your phone book and finding a ridiculous name for it. You can see the number of the person calling you on the screen within the application, and you can see the profile of that person from other popular messaging application with the button next to it.
Whois is designed to save you time!
In order to see the last incoming and outgoing calls on a single screen and not to worry about typing in numbers, you need to give contacts permission when you enter our application on your phone. We do not collect any in-app transactions and data related to your directory in any way. The transactions you make in our application cannot be seen by us in any way. If you give the directory permission, the users registered in the directory will only appear on your screen, we do not collect or collect data from users in any way.
Our application is completely designed to help you save time.
Our application includes the history call screen and another screen, the number entry screen. You can view the profile with one click by clicking the button next to the previous calls by giving the directory permission, or do not give the directory permission and instantly query the number you entered from the number entry screen.
Easy to use and totally fast!
For questions and suggestions, you can contact us at kingdomicapp@gmail.com.
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