Ydo Health- Your Doctor Online Description
Your Doctor Online - This is a mobile aggregator for finding specialists from the medical field. In this app, you can find the specialist you need, and you can also set your own price.
What is this app for?
- You can find the right specialist from anywhere in the world, whether you're on vacation or on a business trip. In any language.
- You don't have to travel anywhere. You can get a second opinion from a doctor in the comfort of your own home via video call or chat.
- Get answers to important questions 24/7. Specialists use the app all over the world, too.
- They can help you read your tests.
- Quick and free answers from artificial intelligence.
- Cheaper and faster.
How does it work?
1. After registering, choose a specialization
2. Briefly describe your problem.
3. Then describe your problem in more detail.
4. Attach an attachment or photo.
5. Assign your price.
6. Your task appeared in the list of specialists, now they can accept it, or offer your price.
7. Choose the right option and accept the bid.
8. Select the video/chat communication option.
9. Complete the task and leave feedback.
You can also choose a specialist from the list for the assigned price.
All specialists are subject to mandatory moderation and confirmation of qualification.
Attention, the service is an aggregator. We do not provide medical services, we help you to find the right specialist for consultation.
This service does not encourage you not to visit your doctor in person.
What is this app for?
- You can find the right specialist from anywhere in the world, whether you're on vacation or on a business trip. In any language.
- You don't have to travel anywhere. You can get a second opinion from a doctor in the comfort of your own home via video call or chat.
- Get answers to important questions 24/7. Specialists use the app all over the world, too.
- They can help you read your tests.
- Quick and free answers from artificial intelligence.
- Cheaper and faster.
How does it work?
1. After registering, choose a specialization
2. Briefly describe your problem.
3. Then describe your problem in more detail.
4. Attach an attachment or photo.
5. Assign your price.
6. Your task appeared in the list of specialists, now they can accept it, or offer your price.
7. Choose the right option and accept the bid.
8. Select the video/chat communication option.
9. Complete the task and leave feedback.
You can also choose a specialist from the list for the assigned price.
All specialists are subject to mandatory moderation and confirmation of qualification.
Attention, the service is an aggregator. We do not provide medical services, we help you to find the right specialist for consultation.
This service does not encourage you not to visit your doctor in person.
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