Pokémon Masters Tier List [October 2024 Update]


Pokémon Masters is an addition to the Pokémon games list. The game has more than 10 Million downloads which only explains how amazing this game is. Pokémon Masters is a mobile strategy game developed by DeNA.


Pokémon Masters Tier List [April 2021 Update]


Pokémon Masters offers battle against champions. You can enter the new champion stadium to battle against the Elite four and others. You can hatch Eggs to collect new Pokémon. Once you have got the new Pokémon, you can add it to your team and use it to progress further in the game. You can try to download Pokémon Masters on PC to play.


Pokémon Masters also provides you the opportunity to build the ultimate team for 3-ON-3 Battle, and much more features are waiting for you to explore.


Pokémon Masters Tier List:


Just like every other strategy game Pokémon Masters also features several units you can collect. Each unit has its own Pros and Cons to make the game a little bit balanced. With that being said, let's talk about Pokémon Masters Tier List April 2021, which is of the utmost importance. Tier list gives you an in-depth look at Sync Pairs and allows you to choose the one you want and then reroll accordingly.


Pokémon Masters is a versatile game, and its Tier List will always be different because of new units being introduced; and we will do our best to keep it updated according to the latest unit updates.


Pokémon Masters Tier List [April 2021 Update]


Before we start out Tier List, let's take a look at Pokémon Masters' Sync pairs different roles. The Sync pairs are divided into four different roles:


  • Physical


  • Special


  • Tech


  • Support


Each pair has its own role, and each pair under that certain role functions accordingly. Without wasting any more time, let's dive right into the Tier List.


S-Tier Sync Pairs and Types:


The best Sync Pairs and types so far in Pokémon Masters:


  • Player – Torchic: Support


Player and Torchic are powerful duos that can support different team setups by increasing their special attack, attack, and critical rate stats.


  • Skyla – Swanna: Support


Skyla and Swanna is another powerhouse support, but this one focuses on defensive and tanking buffs.  Master Healer is a must-have on your team if you want to last long in tougher battles.


  • Steven – Mega Metagross: Physical Strike


Why wouldn’t you put the pair with the highest attack stat in the game on top? If you want devastating damage to deal with your opponents, this pair has got you covered. On top of that, it has good healing and decent MP refresh, which are good bonuses.


  • Sygna Suit Red – Mega Charizard X: Special Attack Strike


Charizard is Metagross’s equivalent for the special attack striker’s group. It has the quickest path to Mega Evolution and impressive all-around stats. When you have this pair in your squad, you’re pretty much covered in the attacking area of the battle, and then some.


  • Sygna Suit Elsa – Rotom: Support


This pair is your best bet when you want to support special attackers like Charizard. However, what makes this Rotom duo top-tier is the bonus of survivability through evasion bonuses and the ability to reduce the sync move cooldown.


  • Sygna Suit Leaf – Mega Venusaur: Tech


This pair has amazing support potential because of massive healing for a tank. It has excellent utility and debuffs that easily skew any battle in your favor. A classic all-rounder, this duo should have a permanent spot in your roster throughout the game.

  • Serena – Delphox: Tech


This pair’s calling card is their incredible potential for damage as well as the best way to spread status effects to the opponent. Go Viral provides an excellent utility that is effective against any party composition.


  • Cynthia – Mega Garchomp: Physical Strike


This pair could end up in A-tier because it requires the Acerola – Palossand pair as well to unleash its true potential. However, it’s in S-tier right now because of that potential. While in sandy terrain, Earthquakes can deal more than double the damage. If you factor in Garchomp’s incredible attack stats into this, you’ll see that you have an AoE killing machine that can deal with multiple foes at once.


A-Tier Sync Pairs and Types:


Very Good and Useful Sync Pairs and types in Pokémon Masters:


  • Brendan – Sceptile: Physical Striker


This pair's self-sufficient nature has earned it a high place on this list. Sceptile can deal massive damage with a few turns of setup. While this burst damage is effective in shorter battles, it doesn't do well when the match drags on. This is the only thing that prevents the duo from being in S-tier.


  • Steven – Alolan Sandslash: Physical Striker


This pair makes effective use of the weather system to buff the pokemon’s attacks. Hail and Invigorating Hail are among the best in the game, and Alolan Sandslash uses these to maximum effect. It won't blow you away in terms of outrageous damage, but the consistent damage over time and normal strikes more than makeup for this.


  • Olivia – Midnight Lycanroc: Physical Striker


Lycanroc is a well-balanced pokemon. Its strong attacks have poor accuracy but can instantly be buffed during the match. Lycanroc is best utilized by upping its critical hit rate. Every critical hit triggers a speed boost, so, in longer fights, this pair has a big advantage.


  • Sabrina – Alakazam: Support


This pair focuses on offensive support by boosting the special attack and critical hit rate of the special attack strikers. Alakazam has the bonus of healing and damage mitigation through Reflect, so he is considered a must-have for most team compositions.


  • Lyra – Meganium: Support


Another perfect pair for weather utilization, Lyra & Meganium fully bring out a team’s potential with stat boosts across the board. This pairing also boasts excellent tank capabilities with decent healing and defensive stats.


  • Rosa – Delibird: Support


This pair shines when you have physical strikers in your party. It can buff Attack and Speed, as well as other helpful stats, in a pinch. Delibird is also pretty bulky to add to its survivability in longer fights.


  • Giovanni – Mewtwo: Special Attack Striker


In mainline pokemon games, Mewtwo has always been known for its excellent Special Attack stat. The same is true for Pokemon Masters. Because of its innate special attack stat, this pair can deal huge damage without needing any buffs.


  • Karen – Mega Houndoom: Special Attack Striker


This pair has one of the highest damage potentials in the game. That’s just one aspect of its brilliance, though. High critical hit rates and a chance to make enemies flinch are extremely useful abilities that make the duo a formidable force.


  • Blue – Mega Pidgeot: Special Attack Striker


Pidgeot has a very high Special Attack ceiling (close to that of Charizard's) and has sufficient self-buffs to increase its versatility. Pidgeot also has a fast-speed stat that makes up for its lack of early damage output.


  • Sygna Suit Cynthia – Kommo-O: Special Attack Striker


Similar to Garchomp, Kommo-O has a late-game offensive arsenal that makes the initial setup worth it. This is a duo that needs good support to make it shine, but you'll enjoy excellent damage output once you cover that.


  • Acerola – Palossand: Tech


Aside from being Garchomp’s greatest wingman, Palossand has great utility for any team you slot it in. It can buff the team’s Attack and Critical Hit Rate and keep the team alive with decent healing and weather effects.


  • Will – Xatu: Tech


Xatu’s passive ability, which makes it immune to debuffs, is enough to place it so high on this list. It can't be stated enough how valuable it is to only have to buff this pair at the start of the battle and then enjoy those buffs no matter how long the match takes.


  • Agatha – Mega Gengar: Tech


Gengar is to Houndoom what Palossand is to Garchomp. A Gengar-Houndoom team would net you loads of Special Attack potential in any matches you encounter. On its own, this pair boasts excellent offensive stats and useful debuffing potential.



  • Flannery – Torkoal: Tech


This pair has good bulk, making it ideal for tanking. It also boasts good buffs that give several bonuses to your party.


B-Tier Sync Pairs and Types:


The good/medium but with some disadvantages Sync Pairs and types in Pokémon Masters:


  • Sygna Suit Blue – Mega Blastoise: Support


This is the bulkiest, tankiest duo available in the game. While Blastoise won’t blow you away offensively, its nearly impenetrable defense shines in almost any situation in-game. This pair is not versatile enough to place higher in the list, but it’s solid for its intended role.


  • Phoebe – Dusknoir: Support


This duo used to dominate the tier list for support pairs but has since fallen from that spot. Despite this, Dusknoir boasts good bulk, a bonus to Critical Chance, and an ever-useful refresh on the move gauge at will. This is a decent tank pair with lots of utility as well.


  • Misty – Starmie: Support


Starmie is versatile support because of good healing with decent buffs. The pair is best utilized as an off-tank or backup of other bulkier tanks.


  • Drake – Salamence: Support


This pair boasts great bulk and effective defensive boosts to your party. While lacking in offensive capability, Drake and Salamence are quite useful in long fights.


  • Wally – Mega Gallade: Physical Striker


S-Tier physical strikers outclass Gallade. It compensates for that by having the ability to debuff opponents, which is rare for physical attackers. Overall, this pairing is a potent offensive choice for any team.


  • Iris – Haxorus: Physical Striker


If Haxorus just had decent stats, it would be up there in S-tier. Its move set revolves around self-sufficiency through a variety of self-buffs.


  • Noland – Mega Pinsir: Physical Striker


As a physical attacker, Pinsir benefits from having one of the best damage outputs in the game. It also has decent speed that can be enhanced when Noland uses his trainer skill. Fury Cutter is also a quick move that stacks damage without consuming too much of the move gauge.


  • Korrina – Mega Lucario: Physical Striker


This pair has good damage output with the potential to increase the Critical Hit Rate further. If you build around this setup, you can have a heavy-hitting team on your hands.


  • Sygna Suit Grimsley – Sharpedo: Physical Striker


Yet another striker built on speed, Sharpedo does its role well. There are only a couple of drawbacks that bar it from entering the higher tiers. It has good speed but only shows its true damage potential a few turns in the match. Heavy Recoil is also a pain because you have to constantly keep healing Sharpedo throughout the fight.


  • Cyrus – Palkia: Special Attack Striker


Another pair with less desirable stats but make up for it with an awesome move set. Palkia needs support to get going but is a pretty solid contender for your team at any point.


  • Flint – Infernape: Special Attack Striker


This pair's Sync Grid does wonders for its effectiveness. Infernape has decent Speed and Critical Hit, which makes it a solid choice for most battles.


  • Player – Solgaleo: Special Attack Striker


This pair has a very high damage ceiling if you’re willing to commit other slots in your team to support it. It’s relegated to B-tier because of its one-dimensional nature.


  • Player – Pikachu: Special Attack Striker


Unlike other supports, Pikachu's complete lack of bulk means you can't use it as a tank. This disadvantage is offset by excellent speed and a unique move set that gives the player access to Potion Master Healer and MP Refresh.


  • Lance – Dragonite: Special Attack Striker


Dragonite has excellent stats. Dragonite has Hyper Beam and can do excessive amounts of damage. The catch? Dragonite can't buff itself up, unlike other self-sustaining pairs. If you want solid damage with this duo, you better be ready to build a support team around it.


  • Burgh – Leavanny: Special Attack Striker


This pair has decent stats to go along with good buffs and debuffs. Leavanny is a great all-around choice if you don’t have a focus for your party yet.


  • Caitlin – Reuniclus: Special Attack Striker


What makes this pair special is that it can function as decent tank support in a snow/sand team. It is excellent as both a mitigator and a damage sponge.


  • Brock – Onix: Tech


This pair’s Sync Grid has made it a viable defense-oriented support duo despite having lackluster stats. Defense buffing without spending MP is an extremely useful skill, and Potion Master is a highly effective toolkit for bulky pairs.


  • Professor Oak – Mew: Tech


Mew has incredible utility through its complete set of debuffs. On top of this, it can buff evasion, which is a completely underrated stat for mitigation.


  • Koga – Crobat: Tech


This duo was designed to be an offensive nightmare for the opponent. It can inflict poison, which scales over time, even without spending MP. Crobat is perfect for long, drawn-out fights.


C-Tier Sync Pairs and Types:


The average Sync Pairs and types in Pokémon Masters:


  • Rosa – Serperior: Support


  • Glacia – Mega Glalie: Support


  • Hilbert – Samurott: Support


  • Roxanne – Probopass: Support


  • Guzma – Golisopod: Physical Striker


  • Lyra – Jigglypuff: Physical Striker


  • Hilda – Emboar: Physical Striker


  • Kris – Feraligatr: Physical Striker


  • Bruno – Machamp: Physical Striker


  • Elesa – Zebstrika: Physical Striker


  • Roxie – Scolipede: Physical Striker


  • Plumeria – Salazzle: Special Attack Striker


  • Ethan – Typhlosion: Special Attack Striker


  • Hau – Alolan Raichu: Special Attack Striker


  • Pryce – Dewgong: Special Attack Striker


  • Zinnia – Rayquaza: Special Attack Striker


  • Silver – Ho-oh: Special Attack Striker


  • Shauntal – Chandelure: Special Attack Striker


  • Ramos – Victreebel: Tech


  • Crasher Wake – Floatzel: Tech


  • Winona – Pelipper: Tech


  • Wallace – Milotic: Tech


  • Blaine – Rapidash: Tech


  • Kukui – Lycanroc: Tech


  • Sophocles – Togedemaru: Tech


  • Erika – Vileplume: Tech


  • Viola – Masquerain: Tech


D-Tier Sync Pairs and Types:


The below-average Sync Pairs and types in Pokémon Masters:


  • Jasmine – Mega Steelix: Support


  • Dawn – Torterra: Support


  • Leaf – Eevee: Support


  • Liza – Lunatone: Support


  • Cheren – Stoutland: Support


  • Bugsy – Mega Beedrill: Physical Striker


  • Marshal – Conkeldur: Physical Striker


  • Tate – Solrock: Physical Striker


  • Norman – Slaking: Physical Striker


  • Roark – Rampardos: Physical Striker


  • Morty – Drifblim: Physical Striker


  • Barry – Empoleon: Special Attack Striker


  • Gardenia – Roserade: Special Attack Striker


  • Grimsley – Liepard: Tech


  • Clemont – Heliolisk: Tech


  • Candice – Abomasnow: Tech


  • Thorton – Bronzong: Tech


  • Calem – Meowstic: Tech


  • Clay – Seismitoad: Tech


  • Lucy – Seviper: Tech


  • Lt. Surge – Electrode: Tech


  • Nanu – Alolan Persian: Tech


F-Tier Sync Pairs and Types:


The worst Sync Pairs and types in Pokémon Masters:


  • Marley – Arcanine: Support


  • Cheryl – Blissey: Support


  • Maylene – Medicham: Support


  • Marlon – Carracosta: Support


  • Wulfric – Avalugg: Physical Striker


  • Kahili – Toucannon: Physical Striker


  • Sygna Suit Brock – Tyranitar: Physical Striker


  • Hapu – Mudsdale: Physical Striker


  • Fantina – Mismagius: Special Attack Striker


  • Siebold – Clawitzer: Special Attack Striker


  • Clair – Kingdra: Special Attack Striker


  • Valerie – Sylveon: Special Attack Striker


  • Brycen – Cryogonal: Tech


  • Mina – Granbull: Tech


  • Brawly – Hariyama: Tech


  • Grant – Aurorus: Tech


  • Lorelei – Lapras: Tech


  • Janine – Ariados: Tech


  • Whitney – Miltank: Tech


Best Physical Striker Sync Pairs:


Let’s start with the Best Physical Striker Sync Pairs:


Tier S – Cynthia & Mega Garchomp, Gloria & Zacian, Hilbert & Mightyena, N & Zekrom, Steven & Mega Metagross.


Tier A – Iris & Haxorus, Olivia & Lycanroc (midnight form), Steven & Alolan Sandslash, Sygna Suit Grimsley & Mega Sharpedo.


Tier B – Elesa & Zebstrika, Guzma & Golisopod, Hilda & Emboar, Korrina & Mega Lucario, Lyra & Jigglypuff, Nate & Braviary.


Tier C – Bruno & Machamp, Bugsy & Mega Beedrill, Kris & Feraligatr, Marshal & Conkeldurr, Molayne & Dugtrio, Morty & Drifblim, Noland & Mega Pinsir, Roxie & Scolipede.


Tier D – Hapu & Mudsdale, Kahili & Toucannon, Norman & Slaking, Roark & Rampardos, Sygna Suit Brock & Tyranitar, Tate & Solrock, Wulfric & Avalugg.


Below you will find Recommended Physical Strikers.


Cynthia and Mega Garchomp:


Pokémon Masters Tier List [April 2021 Update]


Cynthia and Mega Garchomp are pretty much unstoppable when used with Tech Sync Pairs Acerola and Palosand. The reason for that is Mega Garchomp’s devastating damage and Palosand's intense sandstorm and increase in the party's attack.


Max stats:


  • HP – 561


  • Attack – 409


  • Defense – 177


  • Special Attack – 131


  • Special Defense – 145


  • Speed – 334




Move – Earthquake.


  • Power – 100 / 120


  • Effect – Deal damage to all opponents.


Move – X Attack


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Sharply raises attack.


Move – Slash.


  • Power – 50 / 60


  • Effect – Higher chances of a critical hit.

Move – This Match Is Too Fun!


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Raises speed and critical hit rate. Stats are sharply raised when you are in a sandstorm.


Passive skills:


Skill – Fast-Track 2


  • Effect – Has a chance of raising the Pokémon’s Speed after a move is used.


Skill – Surging Sand 5


  • Effect - Powers up moves during a sandstorm.


Skill – Ground Shift


  • Effect – Normal-type moves become Ground-type moves.


Sync Move:


Move – Earthquake of Ancient Lore


  • Power – 160 / 192


  • Effect – Become Mega Garchomp until the end of the battle.


Hilbert and Mightyena:


Pokémon Masters Tier List [April 2021 Update]


Hilbert and Mightyena are one of very few early game Dark-type sync pairs. The pair has extremely high HP but can take some time to set up in order to reach their full potential.


Max stats:


  • HP – 745


  • Attack – 350


  • Defense – 123


  • Special Attack – 230


  • Special Defense – 123


  • Speed – 267




Move – Crunch.


  • Power – 99 / 118


  • Effect – High chances of lowering the target's defense.

Move – X Attack


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Sharply raises attack.


Move – Double-Edge


  • Power – 167 / 200


  • Effect – You’ll take 25% of the damage this move deals to the target.


Move – Rawr!


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Raises speed. Dramatically raises speed if the user is affected by a status condition. Raises critical hit rate and lowers defense and special defense.


Passive skills:


Skill – Carry On 1


  • Effect – Raises attack each time another Pokémon on the field faints.


Skill – Spur On 4


  • Effect – Charges your move gauge by four each time another Pokémon on the field faints.


Skill – Dark Shift


  • Effect – Normal-type moves become Dark-type moves.


Sync Move:


Move – Bump-in-the-Night Crunch.


  • Power – 250 / 300


  • Effect – Raises critical hit rate.


Gloria and Zacian:


Pokémon Masters Tier List [April 2021 Update]


This late-game sync pair has amazing stats that make the duo extremely versatile. With the right team supporting Zacian, taking down even the toughest foes is easy with the jaw-dropping power of Behemoth Blade.


Max stats:


  • HP – 561


  • Attack – 390


  • Defense – 162


  • Special Attack – 252


  • Special Defense – 162


  • Speed – 395




Move – Behemoth Blade.


  • Power – 144 / 172


  • Effect – The move’s power increases if the target has a sync buff.


Move – Move Gauge Boost.


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Increases move gauge by three.


Move – Play Rough


  • Power – 111 / 133


  • Effect – There is a small chance of lowering the target’s attack.


Move – Laser-Sharp Focus!


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Reduces sync move countdown by one and raises attack. The next attack will be a critical hit.


Passive skills:


Skill – Fierce Entry 2


  • Effect – Raises attack when the Pokémon enters a battle.


Skill – Move Gauge Refresh 4


  • Effect – May charge the user’s move gauge by one when a move is successful.


Skill – Sync Burst 1


  • Effect – Heals one MP when a sync move is used for the first time.


Sync Move:


Move – Glorious Behemoth Blade.


  • Power – 200 / 240


  • Effect – The move’s power increases if the target has a sync buff.


Best Special Striker Sync Pairs:


Much like the physical striker, special strikers excel in dealing large amounts of damage, usually at the cost of personal bulk:


Tier S – Karen & Mega Houndoom, Leon & Charizard, Lusamine and Pheromosa, Sygna Suit Red & Mega Charizard X.


Tier A – Alder & Volcarona, Blue & Mega Pidgeot, Brendan & Sceptile, Lance & Dragonite, Lysandre & Yveltal, Sygna Suit Cynthia & Kommo-o, Wally & Mega Gallade.


Tier B – Burgh & Leavanny, Caitlin & Reuniclus, Cyrus & Palkia, Giovanni & Mewtwo, Lance & Gyarados.


Tier C – Barry & Empoleon, Clair & Kingdra, Ethan & Typhlosion, Fantina & Mismagius, Flint & Infernape, Gardenia & Roserade, Hau & Alolan Raichu, Plumeria & Salazzle, Pryce & Dewgong, Silver & Ho-Oh.


Tier D – Player & Solgaleo, Shauntal & Chandelure, Siebold & Clawitzer, Valerie & Sylveon, Zinnia & Rayquaza.


Below you will find Recommended Special Strikers.


Sygna Suit Red and Mega Charizard X:


Pokémon Masters Tier List [April 2021 Update]


Mega Charizard X is the fastest Pokémon to Mega Evolve, meaning it becomes an asset without much grind. With some of the best stats in-game, amazing attacks, and abilities that boost its power even further, Sygna Suit Red and Mega Charizard X are a must-have duo for any team.


Max stats:


  • HP – 678


  • Attack – 469


  • Defense – 133


  • Special Attack – 469


  • Special Defense – 133


  • Speed – 273




Move – Heat Wave.


  • Power – 109 / 130


  • Effect – Chances of leaving the target burned.


Move – Flare Blitz.


  • Power – 123 / 147


  • Effect – Removes frozen condition. The user takes 25% of the damage dealt. May leave the target burned.


Move – Blast Burn


  • Power – 178 / 213


  • Effect – Damages the opponent.


Move – My Destiny!


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Raises special attack and speed and lowers defense and special defense. If Charizard has Mega Evolved, this move also raises an attack.


Passive skills:


Skill – Propulsion 1


  • Effect – Chances of reducing sync move countdown by one when a move is successful.


Skill – Piercing Gaze


  • Effect – Moves never miss.


Skill – Move Gauge Refresh 4


  • Effect – May charge the move gauge by one when a move is successful.


Sync Move:


Move – Living Legend Blast Burn.


  • Power – 160 / 192


  • Effect – Become Mega Charizard X until the end of the battle and raises critical hit rate.


Lusamine and Pheromosa:


Pokémon Masters Tier List [April 2021 Update]


Although Pheromosa doesn’t have stats that match up to Mega Charizard X in the long run, it’s still an outstanding early game striker. Pheromosa’s great base stats and typing make this pair a great choice until you get Sygna Suit Red and Mega Charizard X.


Max stats:


  • HP – 513


  • Attack – 474


  • Defense – 66


  • Special Attack – 474


  • Special Defense – 66


  • Speed – 458




Move – Bug Buzz.


  • Power – 99 / 118


  • Effect – Chances of lowering the target's special defense.


Move – Lunge.


  • Power – 80 / 96


  • Effect – Lowers the target’s attack.


Move – Blizzard.


  • Power – 126 / 151


  • Effect – Never misses during a hailstorm. May leave the target frozen.


Move – There, There…


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Raises evasiveness and critical hit rate. Restores some of the user’s HP and charges the move gauge by two in a pinch.


Passive skills:


Skill – Endurance


  • Effect – If Pheromosa enters the battle with full HP, it will endure the next hit it takes, which would reduce it to 0 HP.


Skill – Move Gauge Refresh 4


  • Effect – May charge the move gauge by one when a move is successful.


Skill – Positive Reinforcement 3


  • Effect – Raises attack and special attack when it knocks out an opponent.


Sync Move:


Move – Motherly Love Savage Spin-Out.


  • Power – 250 / 300


  • Effect – Damages an opponent.


Karen and Mega Houndoom:


Pokémon Masters Tier List [April 2021 Update]


Another sync pair that works well when used in conjunction with Acerola and Palosand, Houndoom, gains some amazing stat boosts when enemies are debuffed.


Max stats:


  • HP – 530


  • Attack – 313


  • Defense – 176


  • Special Attack – 391


  • Special Defense – 161


  • Speed – 405




Move – Snarl.


  • Power – 39 / 46


  • Effect – Lowers the target’s special attack.


Move – Direct Hit +


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Raises critical hit rate.


Move – Dark Pulse


  • Power – 95 / 114


  • Effect – May make the target flinch.


Move – Entertain Me!


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – The lower your HP is, the more this move raises the special attack.


Passive skills:


Skill – Flameproof


  • Effect – Prevents the Pokémon from getting burned.


Skill – Wide Awake


  • Effect – Prevents the Pokémon from falling asleep.


Sync Move:


Move – Beguiling Dark Pulse.


  • Power – 160 / 192


  • Effect – Become Mega Houndoom until the end of the battle.


Best Tech Sync Pairs:


Tech units specialize in punishing their targets with a barrage of status ailments. It isn’t unusual for them to then carve out extra damage with their sync moves against inflicted foes, but paired with a matching striker, tech units can pin strong targets in place while another knocks them out of the field.


Tier S – Acerola and Palossand, Serena and Delphox, Sygna Suit Leaf and Mega Venusaur


Tier A – Bianca & Musharna, Koga & Crobat, May & Swampert, Professor Oak & Mew, Volkner & Luxray.


Tier B – Agatha & Mega Gengar, Calem & Meowstic, Clemont & Heliolisk, Kukui & Lycanroc, Lisia & Mega Altaria, Mallow & Tsareena, Skyla & Togekiss, Viola & Masquerain, Wallace & Milotic, Will & Xatu.


Tier C – Acerola & Mimikyu, Brawly & Hariyama, Brock & Onix, Crasher Wake & Floatzel, Erika & Vileplume, Flannery & Torkoal, Gladion & Silvaly, Marnie & Morpeko, Nanu & Alolan Persian, Player & Pikachu, Ramos & Victreebel, Siebold & Octillery.


Tier D – Brycen & Cryogonal, Candice & Abomasnow, Clay & Seismitoad, Grant & Aurorus, Grimsley & Liepard, Janine & Ariados, Lorelei & Lapras, Lucy & Seviper, Lt. Surge & Electrode, Mina & Granbull, Thorton & Bronzong, Whitney & Miltank.


Below you will find Recommended Tech Sync Pairs.


Sygna Suit Leaf and Mega Venusaur:


Pokémon Masters Tier List [April 2021 Update]


Sygna Suit Leaf and Mega Venusaur are as much of an asset to your crew as Sygna Suit Red and Mega Charizard X. Mega Venusaur is the ultimate tank with outstanding healing abilities and damage output.


Max stats:


  • HP – 677


  • Attack – 247


  • Defense – 226


  • Special Attack – 296


  • Special Defense – 271


  • Speed – 154




Move – Razor Leaf.


  • Power – 43 / 51


  • Effect – Drastically increases Critical Hit chances.


Move – Potion.


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Restores HP.


Move – Mega Healing!


  • Power – 95 / 114


  • Effect – Reduces sync move countdown by one. If used by Mega Venusaur, the sync move countdown is reduced by two. Gradually heals allies.


Move – Frenzy Plant!


  • Power – 90


  • Effect – Damages an Opponent.


Passive skills:


Skill – Potent Toxin 2


  • Effect – Increases damage dealt from being poisoned.


Skill – Sundering 9


  • Effect – Lowers the target’s defense, special defense, or both when a move targeting an enemy is successful.


Skill – Adrenaline 2


  • Effect – Reduces sync move countdown by two when a sync move is first used.


Sync Move:


Move – Tenacious Frenzy Plant.


  • Power – 160 / 192


  • Effect – Become Mega Venusaur until the end of the battle. This move's power is increased if the target is poisoned.


Acerola and Palossand:


Pokémon Masters Tier List [April 2021 Update]


When used in a team with Cynthia and Mega Garchomp or Karen and Mega Houndoom, Acerola and Palossand are an extremely valuable duo. Palossand can raise the team’s attack and critical hit rate and is hard to take down due to its sync move.


Max stats:


  • HP – 502


  • Attack – 163


  • Defense – 174


  • Special Attack – 126


  • Special Defense – 164


  • Speed – 210




Move – Astonish.


  • Power – 12 / 14


  • Effect – High chances of making a target Flinch.


Move – X Defense.


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Raises Defense.


Move – Sandstorm.


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – There is a small chance of lowering the target’s attack.


Move – Over Here!


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Opponents will target Palossand for a short time. Gradually heals over time.


Passive skills:


Skill – Sand Fortress


  • Effect – Stats can’t be lowered during a sandstorm.


Sync Move:


Move – Never-Ending Royal Nightmare.


  • Power – 200 / 240


  • Effect – The more your defense has been buffed, the more powerful this move becomes.


Serena and Delphox:


Pokémon Masters Tier List [April 2021 Update]


Delphox can dish out numerous status ailments and deal devastating damage to enemies. Serena and Delphox can support the team by removing status ailments with Can’t Stop Us!, all while putting enemies to sleep and dealing with some of the best damage in the game.


Max stats:


  • HP – 640


  • Attack – 129


  • Defense – 137


  • Special Attack – 276


  • Special Defense – 158


  • Speed – 349




Move – Fire Spin.


  • Power – 38 / 45


  • Effect – Traps the target in the fire.


Move – Hypnosis.


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Puts the enemy to sleep.


Move – Can’t Stop Us!


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Removes all status ailments and raises special attack and accuracy.


Move – Overheat!


  • Power – 136 / 163


  • Effect – Lowers the user’s special attack.


Passive skills:


Skill – Stat Leech 4


  • Effect – Chances of lowering the target's attack, defense, special attack, special defense, speed, accuracy, or evasiveness when an attack hit. The same amount also raises the user's stat.


Skill – Good Nightmare 5


  • Effect – Moves are powered up when the enemy is asleep.


Skill – Go Viral 9


  • Effect – When a status condition is inflicted on an opponent, the same status condition affects all opposing sync pairs.


Sync Move:


Move – Mystical Fire of Positivity.


  • Power – 200 / 240


  • Effect – This move is more powerful if the enemy is asleep.


Best Support Sync Pairs:


Support units specialize in keeping the rest of the team fighting fit, not through healing but tanking hits with their high bulk and buffing allies to hold their own.


Tier S – Sabrina and Mega Alakazam, Skyla and Swanna, Sygna Suit Blue and Mega Blastoise, Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom


Tier A – Dawn & Torterra, Erika & Comfey, Jasmine & Mega Steelix, Lillie & Clefairy, Lillie & Ribombee, Lyra & Meganium, Misty & Starmie, Piers & Obstagoon, Professor Sycamore & Xerneas, Rosa & Delibird


Tier B – Drake & Salamence, Glacia & Mega Glalie, Leaf & Eevee, Phoebe & Dusknoir, Player & Torchic, Rosa & Serperior


Tier C – Cheren & Stoutland, Hilbert & Samurott, Roxanne & Probopass


Tier D – Cheryl & Blissey, Liza & Lunatone, Marley & Arcanine, Marlon & Carracosta, Maylene & Medicham


The following are the Recommended Support Sync Pairs.


Sygna Suit Blue and Mega Blastoise:


Pokémon Masters Tier List [April 2021 Update]


Much like the other Sygna Suit sync pairs, Sygna Suit Blue and Mega Blastoise are an asset to any team. Mega Blastoise is amazing at offering support and being a tank. It has some of the best stat buffing skills in-game and can take down any foe when in a team with a powerful striker.


Max stats:


  • HP – 636


  • Attack – 154


  • Defense – 332


  • Special Attack – 175


  • Special Defense – 332


  • Speed – 154




Move – Winter Pulse.


  • Power – 47 / 56


  • Effect – Chances of leaving the target confused.


Move – X Defense All.


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Greatly raises the defense of all allies.


Move – To The Top!


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Move gauges accelerate for allies and raises the critical hit rate of all allies.


Move – Hydro Cannon!


  • Power – 178 / 213


  • Effect – Damage an Opponent.


Passive skills:


Skill – Force Field 4


  • Effect – Chances of raising the special defense of all allies when Blastoise uses a move.


Skill – Team Shout 9


  • Effect – Raises the attack, special attack, or both of all allies when an attack hits Blastoise.


Skill – Safety Net


  • Effect – All allies are able to endure the next hit they take that would reduce them to 0 HP when a sync move is first used.


Sync Move:


Move – Triumphant Hydro Cannon.


  • Power – 160 / 192


  • Effect – Become Mega Blastoise until the end of the battle. The more Blastoise’s defense has been raised, the more powerful this move becomes.


Sabrina and Mega Alakazam:


Sabrina and Mega Alakazam help your striker by providing great buffs to special attacks, critical hit rate, accuracy, and defense. Mega Alakazam can also do some decent damage to enemies, making it a good all-rounder.


Pokémon Masters Tier List [April 2021 Update]


Max stats:


  • HP – 504


  • Attack – 65


  • Defense – 165


  • Special Attack – 275


  • Special Defense – 253


  • Speed – 403




Move – Psychic.


  • Power – 99 /118


  • Effect – Chances of lowering the target's special defense.


Move – Dire Hit All.


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Raises the critical hit rate of all allies.


Move – Sixth Sense!


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Slightly restores one ally's HP and raises an ally's special attack and accuracy.


Move – Reflect!


  • Power – 136 / 163


  • Effect – Reduces damage done to allies.


Passive skills:


Skill – Unflappable


  • Effect – Stops Mega Alakazam from flinching.


Skill – Speedy Entry 1


  • Effect – Raises speed when Mega Alakazam enters the battle.


Skill – Dauntless


  • Effect – Special attacks can't be lowered.


Sync Move:


Move – ESP Prodigy Psywave.



  • Power – 160 / 192


  • Effect – Become Mega Alakazam until the end of the battle.


Skyla and Swanna:


Pokémon Masters Tier List [April 2021 Update]


Swanna is a versatile tank with some handy heals, buffing abilities, and outstanding defense. Skyla and Swanna will make sure the team stays alive while also helping out with damage.


Max stats:


  • HP – 722


  • Attack – 248


  • Defense – 215


  • Special Attack – 266


  • Special Defense – 215


  • Speed – 269




Move – Gust.


  • Power – 20 / 24


  • Effect – Damages an Opponent.


Move – Potion.


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Restores HP.


Move – Take Flight!


  • Power – 0


  • Effect – Raises the defense and speed of all allies.


Move – Aerial Ace!


  • Power – 45 / 54


  • Effect – Move never misses.


Passive skills:


Skill – Haste.


  • Effect – Speed ​​cannot be lowered.


Sync Move:


Move – High-Flying Sky Attack.


  • Power – 200/240


  • Effect – The more Swanna's speed has been raised, the more powerful this move becomes.




Above is the complete Tier List and details about why a certain Sync Pair is in Tier List S, A, and B. You can also take a look at recommendation Sync Pairs to select a Pair you want to play with. We suggest you go for a Sync pair which can really make it easy for you to progress in the game.


Rerolling process might seem like a drag, but it is worth the time and trouble if you are going to play Pokémon Masters for a longer time and really want to progress further in the games as early as possible. Reroll also gives you a chance to get your desired Sync pair through rolling and without spending real money on the game. So, keep repeating the process till you get what you are looking for.


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