Arknights 4th Anniversary 6* Recruitment Update - Who Should You Recruit


With the Arknights 4th anniversary going strong and various special events and campaigns offering players a large amount of free limited time rewards and a special limited time banner, players will also be able to partake in a special update that changes the recruitment system for arknights with this update. With the Recruitment Update during the 4th anniversary, special new 6* and 5* Operators will be added to the recruitment system for players to try and recruit them by spending special currencies.


In this guide, we will go over the special updated operator recruitment system and show players the operators they can get from the recruitment system. In addition, we will show players the best 6* Operators to recruit from the Top OP tag using the recruitment system in Arknights.


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What Is Arknights Recruitment

Recruitment System and Operators Pool

Players can access the Recruitment system in the game simply by accessing the Recruit Tab in the Main Menu of the game. Once accessed, players will be greeted with a slot UI to select and begin recruiting operators through spending the currencies.

At the start of the game, only up to 2 recruitment slots will be available for players to select and players can only recruit up to 2 operators at the time. Advancing further in the game and upgrading the base’ HR Office Room will increase the amount of slots you can use and the amount of Operators you can recruit at the same time.


The operator pool consists of all of the 3 and 4*s of the game, in addition to many 5*s and 6*s and is updated regularly after each major update patch. Players can access the details tab within the recruitment tab in order to see what operators are available within the recruitment system. 

Special 1 and 2*s operators are also available exclusively in the system, so if you want to obtain them, the recruitment system is your only option.

Tags System

Once entering a Recruitment Slot, players will be treated with the Tag System interface, with 5 tags being available for each recruitment, some combination of which will yield special operators to be guaranteed to appear if the tag's requirements are fulfilled.

There’s also a timer slider at the top of the tab, the higher the timer and the time spent for recruitment, the higher the possibility of a 4* or 5* characters that the players might be able to get. Players should always set this timer to 9 hours no matter what to guarantee the best result of the recruitment.

Within these tags, there exist 2 special tags that will occasionally show up with a golden border around them, these tags are the Senior Operator Tag and the Top Operator Tag. The Senior Operator Tag will guaranteed a 5* Operator for the players once it is resolved and the Top Operator Tag will guaranteed a 6* Operator once it is resolved.

Once players have unlocked the HR Office Room in the Base, players will be able to refresh the tags up to 3 times before selecting the tags and initiating the Recruitment.

Arknights 4th Anniversary Recruitment Update - Who To Recruit

With the 4th anniversary update, players will have a brand new wave of operators added to the recruitment pool for them to attempt to recruit. Therefore, there are certain operators that players should focus on getting once they have managed to obtain the special 6* Operator guaranteed Top Operator tag. The following are the top 5 operators players should recruit with this Operator pool.

5. Exusiai

Tags: Top Operator, Ranged, Sniper, DPS

Guaranteed Tags Combo: 33% Chance with Top Operator, Sniper

Exusiai is a 6* Sniper Operator that specializes in dealing massive amounts of damage to 1 enemy with her barrage of bullets, dealing massive amounts of damage in a short burst amount of time to destroy aerial enemies.

Her skills allows her to increases her attack massively and changes her attacks to up to 4 instances of damage per attack, making any attack buffs and damage buff on her being massively boosted in terms of damage, making her 1 of the best single boss killing operators in the game even if its been 4 years since her release.

4. Silverash

Tags: Top Operator, Guard, Support, DPS, Melee

Guaranteed Tags Combo: Top Operator, Support, Guard

Silverash is a 6* Guard Operator that specializes in dealing massive amounts of damage to up to 7 enemies in his expanded large range in order to dispatch large groups of enemies and lessen the pressures on other allies when there’s a large hoard of enemies in front of him.

Silverash’s main skill is his 3rd skill which massively expand the attack range before him, increases his attack stat massively in exchange for reducing his defense stat and allow him to deal damage to up to 7 enemies in front of him in waves, dealing massive amounts of physical damage to all of them, helping to clear large waves of enemies with each swing increasing the damage he deal.

3. Bagpipe

Tags: Top Operator, Vanguard, DPS, Melee, DP-Recovery

Guaranteed Tags Combo: 50% Chance with Top Operator, Vanguard

Bagpipe is a 6* Vanguard Operator is a very unique case of operator that all players should have in their squad simply because of her special talent, allowing all players to start battle stages with ease by combining her with various other operators.

The most important thing with Bagpipe is her 2nd talent, which allows her to reduce the skill point cost of Vanguard Operators needed to activate their 1st skill, allowing players to generate DP quickly at the start of the fight, massively reducing the stages’ difficulty. The most infamous combo that goes well with her talent is Bagpipe + Flagbearer Vanguards, allowing players to “print” large amounts of DP right at the start of a battle.

2. Suzurano 

Tags: Top Operator, Ranged, Support, Supporter, DPS, Slow

Guaranteed Tags Combo: 50% Chance with Top Operator, Supporter, Slow

Suzuran is a 6* Supporter Operator that specializes in granting special effects to allies within her range and slows down all enemies with that special attack range.

Her skills allows her to massively expand her attack range, stop attacking and cause every enemy within her range to become extremely slow, massively reduces their attack speed, their movement speed, their defense and resistance, making them extremely vulnerable for all allies’ attacks. In addition, while her skill is active, she constantly heals all allies within her attack range and this heal is considered a passive heal, meaning she is one of the few operators in the game that can heal operators that can’t be healed by normal means.

1. Thorns

Tags: Top Operator, Melee, Guard, Defense, DPS

Guaranteed Tags Combo: Top Operator, Guard, Defense

Thorns is a 6* Guard Operator with the ability to completely hold an enemy lane by himself without any help of other operators. Thorns is infamous in the Arknights community to be the perfect operator for new players as he can, by himself, clear many different stages.

When there are enemies within his range, with his skill activation, he will be able to deal massive amounts of damage to 3 lanes of enemies in front of him dealing both physical and arts damage and is able to hit both ground and airborne enemies, for an unlimited duration.

These facts make him an extremely valuable asset to have and one of the best choices for the Guard class.


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