Battle Song of Silver Wings Beginner Guide, Tips with Tricks to the Adventure


Have you ever expected that you will be able to start a new journey in a new world this new year? Then, get ready to engage in an MMORPG play full of exploration with the Battle Song of Silver Wings. This game takes you to the future in the year 3050, and the story is about starting to explore a new planet to check whether it is suitable to live on as the earth’s resources are starting to cease. In the exploration, you are about to face evil organizations, so you have to prepare yourself for this new adventure. And for that, you can use the tips and tricks in this Battle Song of Silver Wings beginner guide by reading it completely. 

Battle Song of Silver Wings Beginner Guide

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Although the challenges try to stop your adventure on this new planet, you are determined to challenge fate and flip it as you want. Even though it is hard on a new planet that is completely strange to you, you have this Battle Song of Silver Wings beginner guide to support you in continuing your exploration while conquering the plots of the evil organization. So, let us begin the adventure on a new planet with the tips and tricks provided in this beginner guide. But when you begin, remember to play Battle Song of Silver Wings on PC with LDPlayer 9 for a perfect adventure. 

Start Your New Journey on Another Planet with Quests

Once you land the new planet with another companion in this Battle Song of Silver Wings game, you are going to explore it right after. As you are new, you might not know where to start your journey on this new planet. But as long as you check on the quests shown on the left side of the screen, you will never get into trouble or waste your time looking for what you have to do here. 

Start Your New Journey on Another Planet with Quests

Every time, there is a quest waiting for you, and you can continue playing this game by completing the quests you have. Whenever you finish the quest, you get a new quest for you. As a matter of fact, we know quests are the first helper you get in your gameplay to help you advance in it very quickly. Plus, you are a newbie with no idea about the game; at that time, you can continue completing quests, which is one of the best ways to get better at your new adventure. 

Epic Battles with Superpowers

At the beginning of the game, you’ve got to choose one profession or a class, in other words, to create your role to play. According to the role you play, your character gets superpowers, and with the use of these superpowers, you are going to engage in battles. These battles are so flashy and quick due to the powers you have in this game. 

Epic Battles with Superpowers

Whenever you encounter an enemy on your path, you have to defeat him in order to continue your journey here. If not, you are not going to be able to get into the next phase of your exploration. So use all the ultimate powers and skills you have and defeat the enemies. In the controls layout, you can see all the skills available for your character, and you can use them by tapping each one. 

Instead of tapping each skill to activate, you can play the Battle Song of Silver Wings game on your PC with LDPlayer 9 and assign keys for each skill using the Keyboard Mapping feature so that you can activate skills efficiently just by pressing a key instead of tapping on each skill on the touch screen. 

Plus, if you want, you can turn on the automatic battle option so that you don’t have to activate skills manually, but everything will be done automatically. Even though this seems awesome and an easy method to battle against enemies, it might not be the most efficient way for you. So, instead of going into auto mode, just play manually, battling against the enemies using the key shortcuts assigned for each skill with the help of LDPlayer 9. 

Tame a Mount for You

While you are going through the adventure of your gameplay, you get to tame a mount for you to help. You will see many mounts are there at a specific place, and by playing a minigame-like thing, you get to tame a mount. 

Once you tame a mount successfully, your powers will be improved more, along with your efficiency during the battles. Mount will be another extra power for you as it provides you with additional attributes for you to make you stronger. So when you have the chance, tame a mount and power it up so that you can gain more benefits in your journey here. 

Explore Different Realms in Battle Song of Silver Wings

Besides the main planet you explore, you can enter various realms which look like dungeons or towers in other games. These realms are full of fights where you are going to defeat monsters and win back dozens of rewards. There are different levels that you can surpass in these realms, and the more you level up here, the more rewards you can earn for your performance. 

Explore Different Realms in Battle Song of Silver Wings

In these realms, as we said, you will meet up with very powerful enemies that you have to fight against. Even though it is hard, you can try defeating them and level up there for the sake of rewards you can get there. Once you defeat the enemies, meet the boss, and defeat him, too, you will pass a level and get rewards for the relevant level you pass in the specific fighting realm. 

Level Up in Battle Song of Silver Wings and Unlock New Skills

At the beginning of the game, you have no skills to battle against the enemies except for the normal attacks. But when you level up in the game, you get to unlock new and powerful skills for you. As we said above, you get superpowers and skills according to the role you have chosen, but it will happen gradually when you level up in this game. 

Level Up in Battle Song of Silver Wings and Unlock New Skills

Therefore, right from the start of the game, you should follow quests, meet up with NPCs, follow their guidance, and do everything you should to level up in this game. The quicker you level up, the quicker you unlock new skills for your character in this Battle Song of Silver Wings game. 


And now, we have given you the best tips and tricks for you to start your journey perfectly in this Battle Song of Silver Wings game. More importantly, you will get to start the gameplay not just as a beginner; although you have no experience in this game, you will start with much better knowledge about the game. So get ready to enter a new planet where everything is unknown to you with the use of the strategies in this beginner guide.

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