How to become the Ultimate Shadowgun War Games Player


How to become the Ultimate Shadowgun War Games Player


Shadowgun War Games is an intense tactical First-Person Shooter that puts you in a 5v5 against a team of live multiplayer battles. The game takes inspiration from Overwatch and other class-based shooters like Team Fortress 2.


The game features a season pass, which allows you to unlock new cosmetics, perks, and characters. It features fun, fast-paced quirky gameplay with a lot of strategy and reaction speed involved.


Shadowgun War Games has quickly established its mark in the mobile gaming space, and with its newly introduced competitive game modes, many players now want to grind the game to get to the top of the leaderboards. Here is you can do it yourself.


Play like a team:


Unlike combat-based shooters, Shadowgun War Games is very different. Each character in your entire draft serves a specific purpose. While some may have higher durability numbers, they might not have good DPS figures. Some may be extremely mobile and agile but can be quite fragile. In these cases, sticking together is a sure-fire way to win against most enemy drafts.


Understanding how your character fits in the team is extremely important. Some characters tend to work better alone in flanking the enemy. Suppose that is the case with your character. Play away from your team and create as much space as possible, disrupting the enemy backlines. However, most players who want to push their rank up, playing as a Tank or more Durable class, usually work out.


How to become the Ultimate Shadowgun War Games Player


What classes to play?


While it is still plausible to rank up with more agile classes, you generally need a lot of skill and practice while having finesse in your movement. You can quickly get destroyed in an engagement if you cannot withstand a few hits or didge them; therefore, if you stick with your team and maintain composure and communication. You can get an idea of how to start the game and move with your teammates to propel you to victory.


If you have recently switched characters, you still might need a few matches to understand the different control schemes present and look at how the ability works and the most efficient way to use them. In these cases, treat your first few matches with the character as practice mode, play with your team and take all the criticism you can get.


What character to pick?


Generally, for most players, Jet is the best character/class in the game. He resembles the Scout Class in Team Fortress 2. He is the fastest class in the game. He relies on his speed and response and is always on the move. Jet has a primary weapon called the Gryphon Machine Pistol. It is an accurate pistol suitable for mid-range combat.


The pistol itself packs quite a punch and can decimate opponents at ranges. The second weapon in his arsenal is the Jabberwock Shotgun. It is extremely powerful and can help you get out of trouble if you get in close range with your enemies. Use it in combination with your abilities, get behind enemy lines, and hit them from the back to deal with some serious damage.


As Jet is extremely quick on his speed, his different abilities provide you with numerous ways to outsmart or outrun your opponents. His first ability is a Blink, where Jet immediately teleports a short distance in the direction he is looking.


How to become the Ultimate Shadowgun War Games Player


You can use Blink to chase your opponents as well as to move faster than your opponents. It works great with your second ability, Time Rift, where he cannot be hit by enemies but cannot be seen by them as well. This works great in combination with your first ability, where you can sneak behind the enemy. Do remember that other players can see a slightly visible trail of you as you use Time Rift. So do not think of yourself as completely invisible!


Jett’s Playstyle:


As said earlier, Jet is not the strongest hero in fights. However, if you want to become the Ultimate Shadowgun War Games Player, you need to play each character to their strength. Jet is perhaps the strongest character in the game, simply due to his extreme mobility.


He can destroy long-range tanks and disrupt the backlines extremely heavily. Due to his aggressive, nimble playstyle, he is a core component of how you can get better at the game.


Why fight when you can outsmart your enemies? Use your abilities to sneak around the enemy, get the flag, and safely deliver it to your base. With some skill and a tiny bit of luck, you will never even get noticed. Jet can be harder to play and getting used to, but once you master his playstyle, his ability to flank enemies and quickly capture the flag makes him invaluable to your team.


Grind with a Stack:


How to become the Ultimate Shadowgun War Games Player


A Stack is perhaps the best way you can push yourself up to the big leagues. If you play with your friends or with people who generally communicate with you, you can easily define yourself and your team's roles and stick to them. In Shadowgun War Games, the easiest way to rank up is to always play with an effective team and alternate your positions instantaneously if you feel like the current draft is not working.




Shadowgun War Games is a game that relies on pure skill, teamwork, and synergy. Therefore, it only makes sense for you to pick the best character in the game alongside your friends and establish clear roles and positions so you can have the best chance of winning.


Always focus on flanking the enemy rather than taking head-on fights since the game is based on abilities and getting the objective rather than your KDA, being selfish and killing like other Combat Based Shooters. You won't do you well in terms of ranking up as whoever holds the objective at the end of the day will be the one who gets the most matchmaking points. So, focus on getting objective, and if you like getting some frags, play some Unranked.

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