Ultimate Beginner Guide to 12SKY REBORN with Tips for Your Martial Arts Play


For all the players who love martial arts, 12SKY REBORN is the best game to try out. This game is an MMORPG where the players start exploring a massive open world, battle against enemies there, including real opponents, duel with them, or trade with them while entering dungeons and conquer them successfully with lots of treasure in the end. In this beginner guide, we will speak of all the best tips useful for the game, and with them, start your martial arts play in 12SKY REBORN

Beginner Guide to 12SKY REBORN

Here, the battles can be controlled through AI, so one thing that matters the most to win all the idle battles here is the power of your hero. If your hero is powerful enough, then he will always win the battle challenges. So, let us learn how to level up in this game and how to power up your character within the game through this beginner guide, along with many other tips. Then play 12SKY REBORN on PC with these tips using LDPlayer. 

Upgrade the Stats in 12SKY REBORN

Upgrade the Stats in 12SKY REBORN

Upgrading the stats is a major strategy you can use within the gameplay, and by doing so, you can strengthen the character to face all kinds of battles against powerful enemies. How do you upgrade the stats in your character here? It is easy; all you need to do is allocate the stat points for each stat available in your character. Every time your character levels up in the game, you receive stat points, and these stat points can be allocated among all your character's stats. By doing so, the power of your hero will be enhanced so that your hero will never fail on the battlefield. 

Battle Against Enemies

Battling against enemies is one of the best things you can do here in this game. When you enter the open world to explore here, you will encounter many enemies to deal with. Every time you encounter the enemies, you have to damage them, defeat them and finally destroy them. 

Battle Against Enemies


There is no end to the enemies you will meet here in this world, as lots of enemies are there for you to deal with. So, what you should do is use the skills in the layout to deal with them manually, or you can turn on the auto-battle option. Every time you defeat enemies and move on, you will receive rewards, and you will level up in this gameplay. Therefore, battle enemies, defeat them and level up faster in 12SKY REBORN gameplay. This is one of the best strategies you can use within the game. 

Enchant the Skills

When you are battling against enemies, you know you have to use the skills to defeat them. At the beginning of the 12SKY REBORN game, you have no skills to use within the gameplay. But then, when you level up, you will unlock skills. Once you unlock skills, you should register them on the slots in the skills layout. Depending on the skills you have added to the skills layout, your character will perform on the battlefield using those skills. 

Enchant the Skills

Another thing you should take care of when it comes to skills is enchanting them. When you enchant them, you can enhance the effects of the skills. Every time you enhance your skills, your character's power is going to increase. Therefore, your character will perform much better on the battlefield. So, as said in this beginner guide, you should enchant the skills added to the skills layout and power up the character on the battlefield. 

Assign Chi and HP Potions to the Quick Slots

During the battles that you control automatically or annually, there is a higher risk that you will also get attacked by enemies, and if it happens, your HP will be reduced. If your HP is reduced to zero, that is the moment you will die on the battlefield. Therefore, in order to prevent that from happening, make sure you assign HP potions and Chi potions to the quick slots that you can see at the bottom of the screen. 

Assign Chi and HP Potions to the Quick Slots


After they are assigned to the quick slots, turn on the auto option so that they will be automatically used up when your character's HP and Chi reduce. This will prevent your hero from dying on the battlefield, and it will always have Mana to perform skills during the battles. So, ensure you assign Chi and HP potions to the quick slots and turn on the auto option so that the hero will not face any struggle or risk of being killed on the battlefield. 

You Can Trade in 12SKY REBORN

Here comes another thing that you can do in this 12SKY REBORN open-world adventure, and it is trading. Yes, you can trade with the other players that you encountered during the explorations here. When you see an opponent and want to trade something with him, you can tap the trade option at the top of the gameplay screen, and if the opponent accepts the trading request, you can start trading. 

When it comes to trading, you have to choose the object that you trade with the other player. For that, you can choose a weapon, equipment, accessory or any other item in your in-game inventory. After that, the opponent will tell you what he is going to trade with you for the item you have chosen to trade. If you are okay with the trade, you can confirm the trade, or if not, you can cancel the date here in this gameplay. 

Equip the Top-Tier Gear to the Character

One of the best tips you can use to power up the character in this game is equipping the character with top-tier gear. When you are battling against enemies and defeating them, you will receive powerful gear dropped by them, and then they will be stored within the in-game inventory. Once they are stored in the inventory, you can then equip the best gear there with your character. 

Equip the Top-Tier Gear to the Character

There are many slots where you can equip the gear with your character and make sure that all the slots are filled with the best gear. By doing so, you can strengthen the hero, as each gear provides special stats for the character. 


With the tips and tricks that we have added to this beginner guide, you will always be successful in 12SKY REBORN gameplay. So, you need to start playing this game on your PC with LDPlayer and use all these tips. Hurry up because this amazing MMORPG adventure is waiting for your arrival. 

Download 12SKY REBORN on PC