A Beginner's Guide to Fellow Moon - Tips and Tricks


Fellow Moon also Known as Crescent Moon Walker is a turn-based anime RPG that takes you on a journey through a mysterious world full of puzzles and secrets. The game has stunning graphics, immersive scene interactions, and engaging dialogues that make it feel like a console game rather than a mobile game. You can choose from a variety of characters, each with their own skills and attributes, and customize your battle strategy to suit your play style. Whether you are a veteran gamer or a newcomer, you will find something to love in Fellow Moon.

Beginner's Guide to Fellow Moon

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However, the game can also be challenging and complex, especially for beginners. There are many mechanics and features that you need to learn and master to progress and enjoy the game fully. That's why we have created this guide to help you get started and give you some tips and tricks to make your adventure easier and more fun. You will learn how to navigate the game world, how to fight effectively, how to upgrade your characters and equipment, and much more. By following this guide, you will be able to unlock the secrets of Fellow Moon and become a true hero. For a more immersive experience, play Fellow Moon on PC with LDPlayer. Let's start.

The Fellow Moon Progression

Fellow Moon is a game that offers a lot of fun and challenge for players of all levels. However, before you can enjoy the full potential of the game, you need to learn the basics and progress through the stages. Here is how you can do that:

The Fellow Moon Progression

Complete the Tutorial

The tutorial of Fellow Moon will teach you the essential mechanics of the game, such as the attribute system, the class system, the attacking system, and the team-building system. The tutorial consists of a few battles that will help you get familiar with the gameplay. Don't worry if you find it complex at first; we will go over them in more detail later in this guide.

Follow the Main Story

The main story is the core of the Fellow Moon, where you will experience the plot and the characters of the Fellow Moon game. The main story is divided into chapters and nodes, each with a different mission and challenge. You can fast-forward the dialogue part of each mission by using the button on the upper right corner of the screen, but we recommend you read it to enjoy the story. Completing the main story nodes will reward you with character upgrade materials and currency, which you can use to improve your team.

Do the Daily, Weekly, and Quest Missions

Besides the main story, there are other types of missions that you can do to earn more resources and rewards. The daily missions are tasks that you can do every day, such as clearing a certain number of battles or using a certain skill. 

The weekly missions are tasks that you can do every week, such as collecting a certain amount of currency or upgrading a certain number of characters. The quest missions are tasks that are related to the main story, such as unlocking a new chapter or reaching a certain level. These missions are important to acquire the resources needed to cultivate your characters and progress in the game.

You can also earn some more rewards through Fellow Moon codes; by redeeming them, you can earn a lot of rare stuff. Collecting the freebies and following the above instructions, you will be able to progress in Fellow Moon and enjoy the game to the fullest. But to do that, you will need to understand the combat mechanics, such as the attribute system, the class system, the attacking system, and the team-building system. So, let's explore these aspects, and by the end, you will have a better understanding of playing the game.

Attribute Mechanics

Attribute mechanics are one of the key factors that affect your team's performance in the battle. There are three main attributes in Fellow Moon: Water, Fire, and Nature. Each character and enemy has one of these attributes, which determines their strengths and weaknesses. There are also two special attributes, positive and odd, which are mutually exclusive.

The main attributes follow a rock-paper-scissors logic: nature is weak to fire, fire is weak to water, and water is weak to nature. The special attributes are weak to each other: positive is weak to odd, and odd is weak to positive.

Attribute Mechanics

The attribute mechanics affect the damage dealt and received by the characters in the combat. When a character attacks an enemy with a weaker attribute, they deal 30% more damage and receive 30% less damage from them. When a character attacks an enemy with a stronger attribute, they deal 30% less damage and receive 30% more damage from them. When a character attacks an enemy with the same attribute, they deal and receive normal damage.

You should pay attention to the attribute mechanics and choose your characters accordingly. By using the right attributes, you can gain an advantage over your enemies and win more battles.

Character Class

Each character in Fellow Moon belongs to one of the five classes, which determine their role and abilities in the battle. The classes are Assault, Attack, Special Attack, Auxiliary, and Protective. Here is a brief overview of each class:

Character Class

  • Assault: These characters are good at disrupting the enemy's formation and applying negative effects, such as stun, poison, or silence. They can also deal decent damage and have high mobility.

  • Attack: These characters are good at dealing high physical damage to a single target and breaking through their defenses. They are similar to the assassin class in other games. They have low health and defense, so they need to be protected by other characters.

  • Special Attack: These characters are good at dealing with area-of-effect (AOE) damage and causing special types of damage, such as fire, ice, or lightning. They can also buff their own damage or debuff the enemy's resistance. They have low health and defense, so they need to be protected by other characters.

  • Auxiliary: These characters are good at healing and supporting the team with various buffs, such as attack power increase, crit rate upgrade, or shield. They can also remove negative effects from the allies or apply positive effects to the enemies. They have low health and defense, so they need to be protected by other characters.

  • Protective: These characters are good at taking and reducing damage from the enemies and protecting the allies. They can also debuff the enemy's attack or defense or taunt them to focus their attention. They have high health and defense but low damage output.

You should choose your characters according to their class and the enemy's class and balance your formation with different roles and abilities. By understanding the Fellow Moon character class, you will be able to create a powerful and versatile team.

How the Combat Works

One of the most important aspects of Fellow Moon is the attacking system, which determines how you can deal damage to your enemies and vice versa. Before you enter combat, you need to select four characters as your main group and three characters as your support group. 

How the Combat Works

The support characters can provide aid to the main characters during the battle, but they cannot attack directly. However, their support can't be gained all the time. You accumulate one support point per round, and with three points, you can deploy a unit from the backfield to unleash support skills. 

This strategic element is vital in multi-round battles, where you can switch frontline characters with residual health to support roles, allowing fresh backfield characters to take over and effectively counter enemy attacks.

The combat is turn-based, which means that each character can perform one action per turn, such as attacking, using a skill, or switching with a support character. The order of the turns is based on the speed attribute of each character, which can be seen on the top of the screen.

The attacking system is based on the position of your characters and the enemies on the battlefield. Each character can only attack the enemies that are within their attack range, which is determined by their position of the formation. The same applies to the enemies, who can only attack your characters that are within their range. 

The attack range can be visualized as a T-shaped area in front of each character. For example, if your characters are A, B, C, and D, and the enemies are 1, 2, 3, and 4, the attack range of each character is as follows:

  • A can attack 1 and 2

  • B can attack 1, 2, and 3

  • C can attack 2, 3, and 4

  • D can attack 3 and 4

You can see the attack range of each of your Fellow Moon characters by tapping on them, which will highlight the enemies that they can target. You can also see the attack range of the enemies by tapping on them, which will highlight the characters that they can target. 

Because our B, C is within the attack range of three enemies, it is theoretically in a dangerous position, while A, D is only attacked by two enemies, so in theory, it is a relatively safe position. As for why it is said to be theoretical, we will talk about it later.

However, It's important to note that the Fellow Moon game doesn't strictly categorize characters by physical or tactical abilities; each class can fulfill diverse roles. For instance, assassins remain valuable for targeted strikes, while mages must consider their positioning for maximum effect. A mage in the B, C position can leverage their full potential against three enemies, but in the A, and D positions, their impact is reduced.

Enemy targeting logic is also key. Most enemies follow a T-shaped attack range, prioritizing the unit directly in front of them or, in the absence of such a target, the leftmost character. Elite enemies may prioritize characters they restrain. Hence, the concept of 'safe' and 'dangerous' positions is fluid and depends on the enemy's formation.

In Fellow Moon, for tanks, the optimal position is often 'B' when facing elite monsters, as they are likely to encounter an enemy in the second position. However, this requires careful consideration of the restrained attributes to avoid being targeted by elite monsters.

Using Character Roles

Choosing the right characters for your team is one of the most important decisions you have to make in Fellow Moon. Each character has a specific role and ability that can help you in different situations. However, not all roles are equally useful or effective at all times. You need to understand how each role works and how it relates to the game progression and the enemy's strength. Let's explore these aspects and help you create a better team.

Using Character Roles

Tanks and Their Skills

Tanks are characters that can protect your allies from enemy attacks. They have high health and defense but low damage output. They have two types of support skills:

  • Minor skill: This skill targets a single ally and shields them from damage for a short time.

  • Major skill: This skill targets two adjacent allies and shields them from damage for a longer time.

These skills have cooldown periods, which means that you cannot use them continuously. During these periods, the tank cannot protect all allies, leaving some exposed to enemy attacks. You have to use these skills strategically, considering which allies are most vulnerable and which enemy attacks are most dangerous. The timing of skill activation is crucial to maximize the effectiveness of a tank's protective abilities.

Auxiliary (Healers) and Their Role

In Fellow Moon, Auxiliary are characters that can heal and support your allies with various buffs. They have low health and defense but high healing output. They can complement tanks by healing allies who cannot be protected due to cooldown constraints.

However, the viability of healers is challenged by the intense damage inflicted by enemies. Even a powerful healing skill may restore only a fraction of an ally's health, which might not be enough to survive against the serious damage output of enemies. The effectiveness of healers can also vary significantly, depending on their skills and attributes. Lesser healers may offer even more limited restoration, further challenging their role in sustained combat.

Therefore, the role of healers becomes more about strategic support than outright damage mitigation, especially against powerful enemies. You have to shift your focus from relying on healing to maximizing your offensive capabilities. While healers are essential, they are not enough to win the game by themselves.

Fellow Moon Mid-Game Strategy Shifts

As you progress in Fellow Moon, you will encounter more enemies and more challenges. You will have to adapt your strategy and your team accordingly. Some of the factors that will affect your strategy are:

  • Mages: Mages are characters that can deal area-of-effect (AOE) damage and cause special types of damage, such as fire, ice, or lightning. They have low health and defense but high damage output. They become vital for their ability to inflict group damage, which is crucial for dealing with multiple enemies simultaneously. You should include at least one image in your team to clear the enemy waves faster and easier.

  • Assassins: Assassins are characters that can deal high physical damage to a single target and break through their defenses. They have low health and defense but high damage output. They are similar to the attack class in other games. They become vital for their ability to eliminate single targets vital for taking down high-priority threats. You should include at least one assassin in your team to focus on the enemy leader or the enemy with the most dangerous skill.

  • Unique abilities: Some characters have unique abilities that can counter specific enemy tactics that might otherwise overwhelm your team. For example, a healer's ability to purify poison can remove the negative effect from your allies, or an assault's ability to stun an enemy can prevent them from using their skill. You should pay attention to these abilities and use them wisely to gain an advantage in the battle.

  • Enemy strength: The enemies will become stronger and more diverse as you advance in the game. You will face elite enemies with high damage output, high health, high defense, or special skills. You will have to adjust your team and your strategy to match the enemy's strength. The need for tanks becomes more pronounced against elite enemies, necessitating a strategic shift to more defensive playstyles. You will also have to consider the enemy's attributes and class and use the right characters to exploit their weaknesses.

Debuff Characters and Their Relevance

Debuff Characters and Their Relevance

Debuff characters in Fellow Moon are characters that can weaken enemies, thereby indirectly supporting the team. They can reduce the enemy's attack, defense, speed, and resistance or apply negative effects, such as poison, silence, or curse. They have low health and defense but high debuff output.

However, the effectiveness of debuffs is often questioned. In many scenarios, the debuff effects might not be substantial enough to justify a slot in the team over a character who can deal direct damage. The impact of debuffs can also vary depending on the enemy's attributes and skills. Some enemies might be immune or resistant to certain debuffs, making them useless.

Therefore, the use of debuff characters becomes a matter of strategic choice, balancing the need for direct damage against the potential benefits of weakening enemies, especially in prolonged or challenging battles. You have to weigh the pros and cons of using debuff characters and decide whether they are worth it or not.


Fellow Moon requires a grasp of its multifaceted mechanics. From attribute intricacies to character classes and combat strategies, mastering these elements ensures a fulfilling gaming experience. Navigate the lunar landscape, assemble your dream team, and conquer the challenges that await you in Fellow Moon.

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