Best Equipment for Black Beacon 2025 - An Ultimate Weapon Guide


Black Beacon offers a powerful weapon system that enhances your characters' abilities. Your strength and battle power often decide the outcome of combat. Beyond leveling up and upgrading skills, equipping the best gear provides stat boosts and weapon skills to gain the upper hand in tough fights. So, what are the best equipment items to dominate battles? Find out in this ultimate weapon guide and play Black Beacon on PC with LDPlayer.

Best Equipment for Black Beacon

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The Best Equipment in Black Beacon

There are many equipment items or weapons that will be compatible with each of your characters in this gameplay. But what might be the best weapons for powerful buffs and strikes on the battlefield, helping the team win against any enemy? Here they are. 

Equipment Name



Provides a 200% damage amplification effect for the character that wields it

Versatile Caliber

Reduces the damage resistance of the targeted enemy by a certain percentage

Center Rear

Increases the echo damage of the enemies by 80% and helps your team deal a lot of damage to the enemies

Bieyun Water

One of the best Black Beacon weapons that increases the wave damage during a battle by 70%.

Convergence Box

Reduces the defense of the targeted enemy by 15% when an attack hits. 

Stacks up to three times, and each layer will last for three seconds maximum.  

Dawn Feather

Provides damage-dealing boosts for the character who wields it. After each attack, this weapon lets the wielder unleash additional 48% attack damage to the enemies. 


Increases the movement speed of the wielder and provides a 30% damage boost when dealing with enemies during battles. 

Woo Moon

Grants a 160% damage boost, along with a 10% extra damage boost for the last stage. 

Arc of Broken Moon

Provides darkness damage boosts and increases the damage that the wielder has dealt to marked enemies on the battlefield.


How to Obtain the Best Equipment

The best equipment in Black Beacon can only be earned from the gacha summoning system. In the gacha, each banner provides a certain probability rate for weapons of various tiers, starting from five to three stars. The five-star weapons are the best, while the three-star weapons are quite ordinary. The higher rates are given to the lower star tier equipment, while the best equipment of higher star tiers got the lower rates in the gacha summoning system. 

How to Obtain the Best Equipment

Also, these weapon draws have a soft guarantee of 25 times and hard guarantee of 50 times, ensuring you will eventually get your desired target weapons. But still, it is not really guaranteed to give you a five-star weapon as its drop rates are too low, so you should keep drawing weapons continually. For the resources you use to draw cards, you can obtain them by completing daily and weekly tasks. 

Therefore, try summoning weapons through the gacha banners continually and if you hit the jackpot, you will get the best weapons mentioned in this guide to your gameplay. 


Upgrade the Equipment

Upgrading the best equipment items that we earlier stated is one of the best Black Beacon tips you should follow. When you upgrade the weapons, you can make them even more powerful, increasing their effectiveness during challenging times. 

Upgrade the Equipment

You can upgrade the level of the equipment item using necessary consumables, and when you level up the equipment, its stats will be enhanced. There are two main stats for each weapon: attack and defense. Every time you level up the equipment, the stats will be increased. Once the weapons reach their maximum level, you can perform breakthroughs to unlock weapon skills along with expanding the maximum level cap. This will enhance the weapons even more. 


Practical Suggestions and Role Matching

Based on the weapon effect, players can optimize equipment selection according to character positioning and here are some examples to follow. 

Practical Suggestions and Role Matching

  • High burst output: Urania is suitable for single high-damage characters, such as Azhi with Versatile Caliber.

  • Group control: Bieyun Water and Center Rear are suitable for clearing monsters or group battles, and characters with fast attack speeds are preferred.

  • Exclusive optimization: Bright is designed for Chang Ming to enhance mobility; Arc of Broken Moon is specially designed for Ereshan to optimize the output of marked enemies.

  • Late-stage optimization: Woo Moon performs well in high-difficulty content, and the additional 10% damage bonus in the late stage is suitable for Boss battles.



Here, we have explained everything about the best equipment based on the beta, along with how they are going to be useful for your characters. Now that you know what the best options are when it comes to weapons, get them, use them, and let them do marvelous work during the battles, combining them with the best characters in the Black Beacon tier list.

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