Beat Your Enemies with Best Outpost Beginner Tips and Tricks - Ultimate Guide for Newbies


If you want a simple yet powerful action strategy gameplay, our first recommendation would be the Outpost. This is an action game where you will train soldiers, build your base and fight against enemies, not just a few, but against several waves. There will be boss monsters for you to battle against at the end of each challenge, and only if you win against the boss can you escape from the current challenge and get a new challenge to complete. Every challenge has a different goal, so you should do your best to accomplish it. For more helpful guidelines on how to get better at this Outpost game, you can follow the tips and tricks in this beginner guide. 

Best Outpost Beginner Tips and Tricks

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This beginner guide is made for all beginners who play the game; therefore, as a newbie who starts playing Outpost on PC with LDPlayer 9 for the first time, this guide will be a big help for you. So, read this before you play the game and then learn new tricks and tips to use during the Outpost game. This game is quite challenging, so being strategic is the only way out. good luck with learning strategies with this guide. 

Step into the Healing Aura

When fighting against enemies in this Outpost game, you will sometimes lose your HP by being attacked by the enemies. In a fight, not only do you attack enemies, but also the enemies launch attacks targeting you, and when those attacks hit you, your HP is reduced. But if you continue attacking against enemies with your low HP, you are putting your life on the line, taking a huge risk. You will die on the field if you get one or two more hits because your HP is low. 

Step into the Healing Aura

Therefore, you must somehow boost your HP before getting into another fight. So, the easiest way to recover your HP in this game is to step into the healing aura. What is this healing aura? When you go into battles, you sometimes see some places covered with a green aura with a medic mark, and those are the healing auras you can use to recover your HP. By doing so, you won’t have to risk your life; therefore, make sure to step into the healing aura whenever you see it to restore your HP. 

Find Treasure Boxes

During your explorations through various paths in this game, you will see treasure boxes lying on different corners. When you see them, reach them and claim what is inside them. Each of these treasure boxes offers you a very important resource in this game: the gold. Gold is the main currency in this game, so you can do lots of things with it. 

Find Treasure Boxes

Therefore, as we said, the best way to earn gold is to find treasure boxes. So, when you see treasure boxers, go to them and earn what they offer you. Claiming treasure boxes will take only a few seconds; therefore, be aware of what is happening around you because there are many enemies closer to these treasure chests. 

Kill Enemies to Survive in Outpost

Killing enemies all the time is a major thing in this game which you have to do. You can use your weapons and special skills to kill enemies in this game. The special skills deal mass damage at once and have cooldown time intervals. Weapon skills deal damage, but not as much as special skills. 

Kill Enemies to Survive in Outpost

Using any of them, you can kill enemies. But when killing enemies, keep your character in movement because most enemies are very fast and approach you quickly wherever you are. So, while attacking the enemies approaching you, you must also deal damage to them because if your character is stationed in one place, the enemies will definitely kill you. Although we have already told you about a specific trick to recover your HP in battles, you must do your best to protect yourself from enemy attacks for great survival. 

With the touch controls available in the game, you can beat enemies while moving your character here and there. But if these touch controls make things harder for you, you can play the Outpost game on your PC with LDPlayer 9. After that, you can use LDPlayer 9’s Keyboard Mapping feature and assign key shortcuts for each control in the layout. Doing so will give you a really easy battle control during the game while killing the enemies faster. 

Depending on the challenge you are going through, you will face lots of enemy waves. So now that you know an easy trick to shoot at enemies while activating skills and keeping your character on the move, we know you can conquer all these enemy waves here. 

Construct Buildings on Special Points

You have a base here; constructing it is another thing you can do here. So, we can say that this game is not just about battles but also base-building. In your base, there is the command center, which is the heart of your base, and besides that, you can build other buildings on specially marked points on the ground. If a specific slot is available to build a facility, it is marked with a hammer icon.

Construct Buildings on Special Points

Go to the hammer icon, and you will be shown what kind of buildings you can build there. These buildings include supply depots, barracks, and sentry guns. You can choose any building to build on the relevant spot and then build, but it needs gold. Since you have already learned how to earn gold, earn it by following the above trick and building buildings in your base. 

Oh, we forgot to tell you that the command center also produces a lot of gold. So, using all the gold, you can build your base. But remember, the base-building in the Outpost game is unlike other strategy games, which means the buildings you add to your base are only valid for the current mission. When you start the next challenge, you will have an empty base only with the command center. 

After constructing buildings on your base during a specific challenge, repair them using gold if they are damaged by enemy attacks. When you repair the buildings, enemies won’t be able to destroy them quickly. 

Train Soldiers to Support You in Outpost

Once you build barracks, you can train soldiers to assist you. Regardless of whether you are a pro or a newbie, you need some assistance in this game because every time you are in a battle, you will face hundreds of enemies at once. When you face hundreds of enemies at once, you alone sometimes cannot handle all the enemies, which might result in your death on the battlefield. So we suggest you train soldiers after you add a barrack to your base. 

Train Soldiers to Support You in Outpost

For all these things, you need gold, so collect gold first and start training soldiers to assist you. Through barracks, you can train marksmen, snipers, fighters and gunners. Depending on your needs during the battles, you can start training soldiers of specific categories. After you train enough soldiers, add them to your team and lead them to the fight with you. With a great squad, you will always win battles here. 


In the Outpost game, you will face lots of battle challenges involving hundreds of enemy waves at once. Surviving these challenges is difficult, but you can use the tips and tricks above to survive perfectly in this game. So follow them in your Outpost game with LDPlayer 9 and have a great time winning many challenges.

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