Black Moon Mobile Action RPG Beginner Guide and Tips for a Best Action Play


If you are looking for an action role-playing game to play, we couldn’t find anything better than the Black Moon Mobile Action RPG. This is a perfect action RPG with lots of thrilling battles, weapon-based skills, advancing character classes, and an interesting main line to go through. In order to complete the adventure you will come across here, tips and tricks are very important because you are new to the game. So read this Black Moon Mobile Action RPG beginner guide to learn the best tips to maintain a perfect action play. 

Black Moon Mobile Action RPG Beginner Guide and Tips

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The challenges become more challenging when you level up in the game gradually. And the combat is awesome, where you can master the skill combo system to battle against the enemies. After fighting a set of weaklings, there is always a boss or a group of boss enemies to fight against. If you know the best tips to always use, then you won’t get defeated in any battle. So go ahead and read everything in this Black Moon Mobile Action RPG beginner guide before you start playing Black Moon Mobile Action RPG on PC.  

Characters You Meet in the Black Moon Mobile Action RPG

When you first start playing the Black Moon Mobile Action RPG, you have to choose one character to proceed with. And here in this game, there are three characters to choose from. Every character has a specific class and abilities according to their classes. Also, the game has mentioned the difficulty level in operation of each class so that you can choose an easy pick since you are playing the game for the first time. Let us check on the characters you see here in this game now. 

  • 99 Deity Moon - this is a male character in this game belonging to the Kamitsuki class at the beginning. This is a melee-focused character which uses a longsword during battles. The difficulty in the operation of this character is two stars out of five, which makes this character easy to control. So, as you are just a beginner, this character will be useful to you. Even though the character belongs to the Kamitsuki class at the beginning, once the character reaches level thirty and awakens, you will unlock two subclasses, such as the flame knight and dimension boss, to choose one for your character to proceed with. 

Characters You Meet in the Black Moon Mobile Action RPG

  • Ling - this is a female character you meet in this gameplay. Her weapon is called a wrist blade, which is really a shadow weapon. When she launches attacks with a higher speed combined with her wrist blade, the enemies may know how they were killed and who killed them. This character acts as the assassin of the game. The difficulty of the character is three stars out of five, which depicts that she is tough to operate for a beginner. The subclasses you will unlock for this character are the shadow heart and paladin eyes. 

Characters You Meet in the Black Moon Mobile Action RPG

  •  Lilith - this is the final character you can choose for your gameplay. Lilith is also a female character who comes with a one-star difficulty rating, showing you that this is the easiest character to operate throughout the game. When the character reaches level thirty, you can awaken it and unlock two other subclasses for this character, known as the void witch, electro oracle, etc.

Characters You Meet in the Black Moon Mobile Action RPG

All these characters here come with specific abilities according to the classes they belong to. You can now choose any character mentioned above to proceed with the gameplay. After choosing a character, you can set its costumes choosing from the given presets. Give your character a special name, and then you are free to start your gameplay. 

Master Skill Combos to Destroy Enemies

Battles are a prominent feature in this Black Moon Mobile Action RPG. In order to battle the enemies perfectly, unleashing great damage amounts to them, you must use the skills instead of using the normal attack. The normal attack deals damage to the enemies. But what you should do to deal massive damage to the enemies at once is use the skills. 

Master Skill Combos to Destroy Enemies

According to the character you choose, the skills will be different. But, you must use skills to deal damage to the enemies. When using skills to destroy enemies, try to master the skill combos. Skill combos can deal multiplied chain damage to the enemies, which can destroy all the enemies within a few seconds. Therefore, make sure to master the skill combos in this game to be used during the battles. 

Here, you are given a virtual joystick to move your character on the left side and the skills with the normal attack on the right side of the screen. In order to activate skill combos, tap on all the skills available to use one after another. Activating skills need to consume energy, and it will be collected automatically during the gameplay. But if these touch controls are most likely to ruin your gameplay, start playing Black Moon Mobile Action RPG on your PC with LDPlayer 9 and set shortcut keys for all the commands in the control layouts using the Keyboard Mapping feature. 

Active and Passive Skills of Weapons

You will come across weapons that can be wielded during this Black Moon Mobile Action RPG. When you get a hold of a weapon, your character receives the weapon skills, too, to be used during the gameplay. The weapons have two kinds of skills: active and passive. The active skills have a cooldown time, and you cannot use them continually, one activation after another, due to this cooldown time. 

After activating it one time, wait patiently until the cooldown time is over so that you can use it again. The passive skills of the weapons are valid all the time. It means once you activate a passive skill of a weapon, its effect will never be gone until you finish a specific game session. When it comes to dealing with greater damage, the active skills of the weapons do a great job here in the Black Moon Mobile Action RPG

Follow the Tasks

On the left side of the game screen, tasks will be popped up one by one. You should follow those tasks to understand the game. If you try to ignore the tasks and do things on your own, you may be stuck in the same game phase for a longer time. 

Follow the Tasks

But as we say, follow the tasks shown on the left side of the screen to achieve a good progression within a short time. These tasks always let you see what you should do to go to the next step of the game. If you ignore them, you will never go to the next phase. Therefore, follow them when you play Black Moon Mobile Action RPG and achieve a good progression in a short time. 

Mainline Gameplay to Clear First

The mainline, or the main story game mode, is the first to clear in this game. In the main line gameplay, you will see different acts or chapters with many substages to go through. Completing all of them gives you amazing rewards for your gameplay, and it will also help your character to be strong by being leveled up. Every sub-act in the main line gameplay has specific challenge conditions to be achieved. Make sure to achieve all of the conditions mentioned in the substage to earn more bundles of rewards. 

In addition to the conditions to be acquired, there is a recommended combat power for each substage in this Black Moon Mobile Action RPG. When you enter any mainline stage, remember to keep your character’s combat power exceeding the given recommended power. Winning these mainline stages while achieving the given conditions gives you more amazing rewards. Therefore, try to hold the victory in your hands in all the mainline stages. 

Level up and Unlock New Skills

Completing the main line acts is what is more helpful to level up faster in the game. When you level up in this Black Moon Mobile Action RPG, there are many benefits you can enjoy. One of them is the skills. You can unlock more skills for your character every time you level up. In the skills menu, you will see various skills which you may unlock by reaching different levels in this game. 

Level up and Unlock New Skills

As each skill has different effects, and you always get the best skills with unique effects when you get deeper in this game, make sure to level up faster to unlock the best and the most advanced skills for your character. With advanced skills, your character becomes more powerful as it has the best skills to save it from the toughest battle situations. Once you unlock the best skills for your character, make sure to add them to the skills layout to use during the battles.  

Arms Supply for the Top Weapons

After reaching a specific player level, you will unlock the Arms Supply feature. This is the gacha system that is given for you to draw weapons. Weapons with various varieties are available in this gacha system, coming along with various drop rates. There are limited-time banners and permanent banners which you can enter and draw weapons from. Each banner requires various gacha currencies to pull out weapons. You can pull out one or ten weapons at once through this gacha summoning system. 

Arms Supply for the Top Weapons

These banners have pity systems which guarantee you give an SSR weapon after a specific number of draws. As the weapons and other gear pieces are helpful to make your character stronger, make sure to visit the arms supply and draw out the best pieces. Like in every other game, drop rates for the higher rarities of weapons are not even worth considering as they are very low. So, it is not a secret that getting higher rarity weapons is rare in this Black Moon Mobile Action RPG

But if you start rerolling through multiple accounts, the outcome might be changed by giving you the higher rarity weapons very quickly. To create multiple accounts to reroll, play the Black Moon Mobile Action RPG on your PC with LDPlayer 9 and use the Multi-Instance Sync feature. After creating the multi-accounts, start rerolling using all of them to get the highest rarity weapons to your hands in a short time. Once you get the best ones, make sure to equip them for your character and don’t forget to upgrade those weapons using gold to increase their base damage. 


Everything we know about the Black Moon Mobile Action RPG and its tips and tricks are provided above. As you have read all of them, you are not just a beginner player with weak gaming experience, but now you are a player who has the best tips and tricks in your sleeves that can be applied to the Black Moon Mobile Action RPG when playing. So, use what you have learned from here in your gameplay and have an awesome action play.

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