Build Your Weapons with Slime Weapon Master - Ultimate Beginner Guide


Are you ready to build your weapons factory with Slime Weapon Master? In this game, you will start your weapons factory as small, but with time, you will upgrade your weapons factory, adding more production lines with many forging tables to create more weapons. The game looks so simple, but when you continually play, you will unlock amazing features. So guide yourself to build the biggest weapons factory with the Slime Weapon Master beginner guide. 

Build Your Weapons with Slime Weapon Master

Slime Weapon Master Download Slime Weapon Master on PC

All the weapons you build will be shipped and sold, and then you get more gold. You can unlock more forging tables to expand your weapons factory from the gold you earn. Also, you can unlock new territories related to your weapons factory, which adds more profits to the factory. To learn more tips like these, don’t forget to read this guide to its full length and have a perfect Slime Weapon Master on PC gameplay with LDPlayer 9. The LDPlayer 9 has the best features and tools, which make the gameplay fascinating, so use LDPlayer 9 to play it and have more fun. 

Upgrade the Forging Tables

When you start your weapons factory, you only have one forging table. With this forging table, your slimes will forge weapons, but it takes longer to forge one weapon at a time. When the time it takes to forge weapons is higher, the profit you get is lower. Therefore, you must remember to upgrade your forging table in this game. 

Upgrade the Forging Tables

At times, you have only one forging table; even when you have more than one forging table, you should upgrade your forging table with gold. When you upgrade your forging tables to higher levels, you can increase the profit you can earn from them and decrease the time it takes to forge one weapon at a time. Therefore, make sure to upgrade your forging tables when you have enough amounts of gold for that. 

New production Lines 

When you level up, new production lines can be unlocked in this game. With more production lines, you can unlock more forging tables to grow your weapons factory. But unlocking a production line is not as easy as you think. You have to invest millions of gold to unlock one new production line. If you upgrade the forging tables you have unlocked, you can earn more gold from them. 

New production Lines 

Then, you can unlock new production lines for your weapons factory by investing the gold you have earned by selling weapons. Once you unlock a new production line, you can add more forging tables to your weapons factory. It makes it easier for you to expand your weapons factory. Therefore, wait until you save millions of money and unlock new production lines for more forging tables. 

Click on the Chest for More Gold 

Here, you will see a treasure chest filled with gold, where all the gold you earn will be accumulated. As we said earlier, with more forging tables upgraded to max levels, you can forge more weapons and earn more gold. All the gold you get by selling weapons is in the treasure chest. 

Click on the Chest for More Gold 

Tap on it and obtain the gold in your inventory. Until you don’t claim gold from the treasure chest, you will not have enough gold for the works to upgrade your weapons factory. Make sure to wait until it accumulates more gold for you, and then you should click on the chest, which gives you the chance to obtain more gold at once. 

Upgrade Attributes

When you advance your weapons factory, you can upgrade the attributes here. When you upgrade these attributes, you can increase the efficiency and output of your weapons factory more to have the highest income within a short time. All you need to upgrade these attributes is gold. When you have more gold, you must remember to upgrade these attributes to experience profitable gameplay. 

Upgrade Attributes

These attributes will help to increase the weapon prices in different production lines. And it makes the efficiency and profit of your weapons factory increase. So make sure to upgrade the attributes, spending gold for increased profit and efficiency. 

Offline Rewards 

And one amazing feature you can see in this Slime Weapon Master game is the offline rewards. Here, you can obtain more rewards even offline in this game. This is one of the best features in this game that gives you more profit. According to the time you are offline, you can obtain more gold for your factory. 

Offline Rewards 

As gold is essential for the growth of your factory in different aspects, you can use the offline gold reward for it. And you know what? You can multiply the offline rewards at different times by watching advertisements. Therefore, watch advertisements and multiply the gold reward you earn by being offline.

Earn Diamonds in Slime Weapon Master

Diamonds are an important thing in this Slime Weapon Master game. When you have more diamonds, you can forge rare weapons, which will increase the revenue of your weapons factory. And also, sometimes, you need diamonds to upgrade the attributes of your factory to make it more efficient. 

Earn Diamonds in Slime Weapon Master

So, the best way to earn diamonds is by watching advertisements. When you watch advertisements, you can earn diamonds; with the diamonds you earn, you can forge rare weapons and earn buffs to boost the gold income. Another way to earn diamonds in this Slime Weapon Master game is by upgrading the forging tables. When you upgrade the forging tables, you can earn more diamonds for every level you upgrade. And with more diamonds, you can have a great forging of weapons. 


Here comes the ending of this Slime Weapon Master beginner guide. Although this is the ending of this beginner guide, you are now ready to build your own weapons factory here in this guide. Claim more profit from your factory by following the best tips and tricks mentioned above while building it up massively.

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