Dead by Daylight: Everything about being a killer


Dead by Daylight is one of the most horror games on Android and iOS platforms. Behaviour Interactive developed Dead by Daylight Mobile. It's a 1v4 action role-playing game with four out of five ratings and over one million+ installs on Google Play Store.


Dead by Daylight: Everything about being a killer


Granny's House does feel similar to Dead by Daylight, but when you play it, you will see the difference by yourself. However, the game is scarier than Granny's House. The game is about one crazy killer and four survivors. As a Dead by Daylight killer, your purpose is to kill every survivor or hook them up, and as a survivor, your goal is to escape no matter what happens.


Today, you will learn about Dead by Daylight killer. So, let's get started.


How to become the best Dead by Daylight Killer?


The killer role in Death by Daylight is exhilarating once you figure it out. So, here are the basics:


  • Survivors take two basic hits before they go down. Survivors transition from three states: Healthy, Injured and Dying.


  • Once the survivors are dying, you can pick them up from the ground and carry them to a hook.


  • Survivors can be hooked three times maximum before they are instantly sacrificed and removed from the game.


  • Once the survivors are injured, listen to the whimpering sounds nearby. It will also leave a blood trail behind them.


  • Survivors also leave scratch marks behind them by running. Those scratch marks will fade over time. However, the scratch marks last a total of ten seconds but start to fade immediately. Follow the path by watching which direction the scratch marks are fading in by which scratch marks are fresher than others.


  • As Dead by Daylight killer, your primary goal is to get survivors onto hooks, so don't give up chases too often, especially if you get a survivor in a wounded state.


  • Keep moving and keep your pressure on the entire map, not just one area.


  • Make sure to keep survivors off of generators and keep good control of the map.


Dead by Daylight: Everything about being a killer




Do not break pallets right away. Most often, you want to go around the pallet unless the survivor forces you to break it because it's a long animation, and you will get stuck in it while the survivor will get a great deal of distance once they see that you are breaking the pallet.




Vaulting windows is favorable if you are a survivor. But if you are a killer, you might want to go around the wall. Vaulting windows is slow for the killer, and doing so can create a great distance between you and the survivor.




Both survivors and killers bring a loadout of four perks with them when they start the match. Here are some of the common killer perks you can use to get an advantage against survivors.


Barbecue & Chili:


This perk reveals the remaining survivors' locations for four seconds after hooking one of the survivors. The perk will not reveal survivors' location if they are close to you and inside a locker. So, take advantage of this perk as soon as possible. Keep in mind the survivors are aware of Barbecue & Chili perk, so think like them and pick a place/area where you think they will move next and be there before them.


Hex: Ruin:


The generator good skill checks roll back progress by 4% on generators; the good skill checks regress when this hex totem is active.


Dead by Daylight: Everything about being a killer


Hex: No One Escape Death:


Once all generators are powered, survivors suffer from the Exposed status effect, which means that you can knock them with one shot.


Look out for these Survivor Perks:


The following are some of the common survivor perks that you will run into when you are playing as Dead by Daylight Killer.


Dead Hard:


Dead Hard is a teachable perk by "David King." The perk allows a survivor to make a quick dash when they are in an injured state. This dash has iframes, so if you swing at them while they are dashing, you will deal no damage.


You can count this pretty quickly as you get close to them if you think they have "Dead Hard" and doing a tap on the m1 rather than a lunge because it will just hit them before they can usually trigger the "Dead Hard."


Balanced Landing:


It is a teachable perk by "Nea Karlsson." This perk allows survivors to get a burst of speed when they come off the ledge. So, if you see a survivor leading you up to a staircase or a ledge, they may have this perk, so act accordingly.


Decisive Strike:


Decisive Strike is also a teachable perk but by Laurie Strode. The perk allows survivors who have recently been unhooked to get a skill check while you are holding them on your shoulder. They can even stun you to get off your shoulder if you are carrying them to a hook.


Dead by Daylight: Everything about being a killer


So, be aware that if survivors haven't hooked recently, they may have a decisive strike and the counter for this perk is to drop them as soon as you pick them up, which will make them fail skill check.




The above-given guide includes almost everything about Dead by Daylight killer and how you can turn the situation of 1v4 in your favor. The above-given perks are the most used/common perks used by Killers, and trust me; those perks are effective. However, if you want to select the one you think is better, than don't be shy, make your own loadout, and see how it goes.


The survivor perks are also some of the most influential and standard perks. You can use them as a survivor or counterattack those as a killer in Dead by Daylight.


Make sure to keep the pressure on enemies and keep them away from the generators. Do not let them repair five generators at any cost. If only one survivor is left, watch out for the hatch because it will be the only way for the survivor to escape.

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