Demon God: Turn-Based Strategy Beginner Guide, Tips and Tricks – All Way to Your Fantasy Gameplay


Welcome you all to another turn-based fantasy game in which you are literally going to be deployed into an RPG fantasy-style gameplay. This is the Demon God: Turn-Based Strategy. There are magical lands to explore, battle against demons, beasts, undead, trolls, and many more, along with some epic quests, and so many new gaming elements are there to test how skilled you are in this game. So, in order to bring your best to this game, there should be complete guidance, and look nowhere else for it. We are here.

Demon God: Turn-Based Strategy Beginner Guide

Demon God: Turn-Based Strategy Download Demon God: Turn-Based Strategy on PC

This is the complete beginner guide made for all the new players in Demon God: Turn-Based Strategy, and we are also going to recommend some of the best gameplay tips that can help your way through the gameplay. Starting can be hard, but with some guidance, you are going to save Aqora from the chaos created by the gods. So, let’s play Demon God: Turn-Based Strategy on PC with one and only LDPlayer 9, and with that, shall we start our guide now?

Starting Your Gameplay

The Demon God: Turn-Based Strategy gameplay is going to be started by letting you customize your character. The best thing is that you are free to choose your gender. You can make your character a female or a male as per your choice, and after doing numerous customizations to their main color, hair color, and skin color, you will be able to start the game.

Starting Your Gameplay

There is one thing to note here about the customizations in this game: based on the colors you choose, the appearance of your hero or the heroine can also be changed. So it is more like you have so many more options with your characters, and that makes a huge variation for your gameplay to continue with.

Make Wise Moves

Don’t just unintentionally drag your players into the board because you have to be more wise with your moves. Once you make a move, the opponent party in the Demon God: Turn-Based Strategy game is also making a move against you, so if you do it wrong, you are going to be exposed to more damage.

Make Wise Moves

So, don’t run over the battlefield just because you can, and see if your movement allows you to damage the other party. Some of your random moves can actually cost your life, so don’t let that happen if your intention is clearly to win. Just follow through the patterns and make it a wise move so that you will be able to attack the other party in the best possible way.

Check Your Player’s Moving Capacities

As a beginner of the Demon God: Turn-Based Strategy game, we know that you won’t be able to move your players successfully if you don’t know how they act on the field. So, if you really want to make it for a better attack, then understand the extent to which they can move and how well they can perform through the battles.

Check Your Player’s Moving Capacities

There are different characters that are placed on your board to move, and if you click one of them, you will be shown his skill. Normally, it shows the directions they are capable of moving, and knowing these will help you plan your next moves. Some of them are capable of rolling forward only, while some of them are capable of moving themselves just for a specific pattern or direction. So, knowing how exactly this can be done is your way to success, and you will surely be able to win your battles effectively with this technique.

Don’t get Hit for Twice

As a first-time player, it is impossible for you to protect yourself from incoming attacks because mistakes can happen. Your movements can be done incorrectly, and there are risks in every way that you can expose yourself to many attacks from enemies. So, it is okay to get yourself hit, but still, don’t make that happen twice.

Don’t get Hit for Twice

If you continuously get hit by the enemies, it can drain your HP and eventually make you disappear from the board when it reaches 0. Losing even one player from your ground can affect your victory, so if you get hit, don’t be brave until you have a plan. Just take a step back and cover yourself from the attacks, and right after you have increased your health level with a suitable resource, you can continue moving and conquering.

Your Aim Should be to Checkmate

As we already said, Demon God: Turn-Based Strategy operates like a chessboard, so you need to make sure that you are checkmating the opponent by moving into his empire. So, every move you make with your characters should end up with a simple goal, and it is to checkmate the other party.

Your Aim Should be to Checkmate

So, make your movements more and more towards the enemy’s empire and always try your best to get a dominant place from their party row to make sure that you are achieving a secured victory. This can be tough at first, but don’t give up your efforts. If you feel like you are not doing that much good in your turns, you can give up the turn and start it over again, and the next time you do it, make it wise and plan your checkmate movements to the best.


And this is all for the Demon God: Turn-Based Strategy beginner guide and tips. Sometimes, this game can be somewhat harder for a newbie to play because it operates more like a chess game, so before you play this, it is recommended to learn and understand the basic concepts of chess as it will help your way through this gameplay. And then, use this guide to make sure that you are winning through its battles because we have discussed the best here.

Download Demon God: Turn-Based Strategy on PC