The Best Racing Tips for Live Rally Manager - A Beginner's Guide


Have you ever dreamed of becoming a manager in a racing club? Or are you obsessed with racing? If you are, we found you a perfectly suited game, Live Rally Manager. In this game, you will be the manager of a racing club and be in charge of all the aspects related to the racing club. As the manager, you have to hire drivers, co-drivers, engineers, and mechanics who are your club's most important staff. If you are still not ready to be the best manager of the best club with the most talented staff, read this Live Rally Manager beginner guide, including the best tips. 

The Best Racing Tips for Live Rally Manager

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Make sure to hire the best drivers and other staff members for the club and improve all the aspects of your club to make it one of the top clubs in this gaming universe. When your clubs get enhanced little by little, you can negotiate with the top sponsors in the world to sponsor your team to generate a greater income for your club. Other than these tips, other tips are included in this Live Rally Manager beginner guide. So read the guide first, and then prepare to play the Live Rally Manager on PC with LDPlayer 9, following the tricks you will learn from here. 

Hire Drivers

As stated above in this Live Rally Manager beginner guide, you create a club and become the manager of it. As you are the manager, you are responsible for recruiting professional racers or drivers to your club to make it stronger enough to compete against thousands of other clubs managed by various players worldwide. When upgrading your club to the next level, the first thing you should do is hire drivers. 

Hire Drivers

At the beginning of the game, you customize one driver. But when you advance in the gameplay, the races become more competitive, making you realize the need for more other drivers to join your club. So it is important to hire drivers for your club. How do you hire drivers in this game? Just tap the Drivers tab from the main game screen, then tap the Hire Drivers option on the next screen. You will see many drivers appearing on the screen that you can hire for free or by spending gold coins. 

Make sure to hire highly experienced drivers for your club so that you can build a stronger team in your club. Do not ever try to hire the drivers with less experience; instead, hire the best ones with higher experience. If you are not satisfied with the drivers shown there to get hired by you, you can refresh the results and try a new search for a new set of drivers. When hiring the most experienced drivers for your club, you should offer the most attractive offer to them. 

Here, you should select the number of days for the contract, which can be seven, fourteen, or twenty-one days as you wish. Also, you should select the daily salary that you will pay for them for the number of days they sign the contract with you. If your offer is very attractive and beneficial for them, they will accept it; if not, they will reject it, and there are only three total attempts that you can offer a driver to hire him. 

Training is Important

Training is a process in which you can give your hired drivers to improve their performance. Every driver has their attributes and statistics, which depict their skills. You can improve all their attributes through training, making them more skillful. When you start training for a specific driver, you can select a type of training according to the attributes you want to upgrade and enhance them. Let us check the training types available in this Live Rally Manager game and the attributes that will be enhanced during these training sessions. 

Training is Important

  • Track - this will improve pace mainly and then a little bit of aggressiveness and regularity during racing. 

  • Short Section - this kind of training is helpful for you to train the handling, aggressiveness, and a little bit of mechanics of your drivers. 

  • Off-Road - this training is the best to improve the mechanics and handling of your drivers. 

  • Long Section - you can enhance your drivers' mechanics, regularity, and pace in this training session. 

  • Time Trial - this is the perfect training method to enhance the regularity of your drivers long with pace and more handling. 

You can choose any training method to improve your rivers in various ways. The training takes a particular time to complete. If you cannot wait until then, you can spend some gold coins and finish the training very easily. 

Hire Staff

Other than the drivers, which are the core of your racing club, you need more other staff to manage various things related to your club. As you are the manager of your club, you have to hire the staff to build a perfect club. The main available staff positions are co-drivers, engineers, and mechanics. 

Hire Staff

Each staff member has its own set of responsibilities, and they support your club to be strong and grow powerfully in various ways. Therefore you must hire the staff members for your club to make it complete. Go to the Staff tab from the main game screen, and then you will see the positions you can hire. 

If you want to hire a co-driver, tap on the empty co-driver slot. Like this, you can choose any position you like to hire and then tap on it. Then, you will be shown the available members to be hired for the relevant position. When hiring a staff member, you must watch an ad or spend gold coins to complete the process and take him to your club. Make sure to hire more staff for your club so that you can make it a little more efficient as the Live Rally Manager

Races in Live Rally Manager

Before you start a race, you can choose which driver will enter the race representing your club to compete against other drivers. Also, if you are a beginner to the game and nervous to directly enter the race, you can first go through a practice race and then enter the official race. And once you warm up your fingers for the race through the practice, you can start the real race. 

Races in Live Rally Manager

In a race, you have various commands to control the car: the brake, the left and right arrows to turn the car, and an accelerator. All the controls come as touch controls because you play this Live Rally Manager game on your mobile. But if these touch controls seem troubling you throughout the races, you should play the game on your PC with LDPlayer 9 and use the Keyboard Mapping feature to assign shortcut keys to each control given in the gameplay. 

In this way, you can have better gameplay while racing only for the victory. Every time you win races, you will earn more revenue for your club, which is essential to clear up the daily expenses. 

Pay Attention to the Finances

Pay Attention to the Finances

Paying attention to the finances is another important thing you should do as the Live Rally Manager of your club. When you go to the finances tab from the main game screen, you will see the financial records of each day, including the daily revenue, daily expenses, and the total balance available. Before you try to spend more money on various things that need to be done in your club, you must pay attention to your club's finances and check its financial status to understand whether you can do more or reduce unnecessary expenses. 


As you become a club manager in this Live Rally Manager, you have a big responsibility. Maintaining your club perfectly with an amazing and talented staff is important. As the club manager, you must pay their wages daily until their contract is valid with you. To clear all the daily expenses, encourage your drivers to compete against other players in racing and win to earn more revenue for your club. Becoming a Live Rally Manager is not easy, so follow the tips above and make it a little bit easier.

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