Adventure with Elemental Quest Beginner Tips with Best Tricks


Welcome to the world of Elemental Quest! As you step into this enchanting game, you’ll find yourself immersed in a realm teeming with dynamic environments, mesmerizing elemental spirits, and a plethora of adventures waiting to unfold. Elemental Quest offers a captivating blend of strategic gameplay, stunning 2D art, and a deep evolution system that brings your spirits to life in ways you've never imagined.

Elemental Quest Beginner Tips with Best Tricks

In this guide, we aim to equip you with the essential tips and tricks to embark on your journey with confidence. Whether you are a novice explorer or a seasoned gamer looking to master the intricacies of the game, these insights will help you navigate the myriad challenges and opportunities that Elemental Quest presents. Let's play Elemental Quest on PC with LDPlayer and navigate the wondrous world of Elemental Quest, where every element brings a story, and every adventure offers a chance to showcase your skills!

How to Obtain Pokémon

In Elemental Quest, acquiring Pokémon is essential for advancing and strengthening your team. The primary method for obtaining Pokémon is through the gacha system, which offers various banners with different probabilities for Pokémon of varying grades. The gacha system features several banners, each with unique characteristics and chances for obtaining Pokémon:

How to Obtain Pokémon

  • Chosen Draw: This banner is a reliable way to obtain B-grade Pokémon. It offers a good chance to summon these mid-tier Pokémon, making it a solid option for building a versatile collection.
  • Diamond Card Draw: Similar to the Chosen Draw, the Diamond Card Draw is effective for acquiring B-grade Pokémon. It provides a favorable rate, ensuring that you can bolster your team with these reliable Pokémon.
  • Coin Card Draw: This banner differs by providing only shards of B-grade Pokémon rather than complete ones. You need to collect 20 shards to assemble a full Pokémon. For a quicker collection, you can purchase B-grade Pokémon shards from the in-game shop, which resets daily and offers fresh opportunities to buy shards as it refreshes.

Repeating Elemental Quest Stages 

Another method to obtain Pokémon in Elemental Quest is through repeating certain stages in the main campaign. Upon clearing a stage, some nodes may display a Pokémon icon, indicating the chance to catch the showcased Pokémon by replaying the stage. This method requires persistence, as you might need multiple attempts to successfully capture the Pokémon.

The Value of B-Grade Pokémon

You might wonder if it’s worth keeping B-grade Pokémon when higher rarities like A, S, S+, and SS are available. The answer is yes! B-grade Pokémon contribute significantly through two types of bonuses:

  • Collect Bonus: Collecting a Pokémon grants bonus stats, and these bonuses are retained even if you later decompose all copies of that species. Therefore, collecting various B-grade Pokémon enhances your overall stats permanently.
  • Training Bonus: By increasing a Pokémon’s stars through feeding it duplicates, you gain additional stats. However, these training bonuses are lost if you decompose all copies of that species. It’s advisable to increase a Pokémon to 12 stars, keep one copy, and then decompose extras for space or resources. Additionally, holding onto extra copies is beneficial for future updates, such as upgrading Z Moves.

Though individual B-grade Pokémon might offer modest stat increases, their collective impact is substantial, making them valuable for your team’s performance.

Obtaining Higher-Rarity Pokémon 

For higher-grade Pokémon such as A, S, S+, and SS, similar methods apply, with additional opportunities through shard collection and specific draws:

  • Shard Collection: Higher-grade Pokémon require more shards to assemble—30 shards for A-grade and 50 shards for S-grade Pokémon. Shards can often be obtained from harder story stages or special events.
  • Guaranteed Draws: Drawing 10 times consecutively in the Chosen Draw or Diamond Card Draw guarantees an S-grade Pokémon, though single summons do not offer this guarantee. This mechanism ensures a way to consistently obtain high-rarity Pokémon without relying purely on luck.

Understanding these mechanisms and the strategic value of different Pokémon grades enables you to enhance your team efficiently and progress through Elemental Quest effectively. Implement these strategies to build a robust and diverse Pokémon collection!

Team Building 

With your newfound knowledge of obtaining Pokémon, the next crucial step is assembling a well-rounded team. A balanced Elemental Quest team ideally includes a mix of DPS (damage dealers), tanks (defenders), and control/healing Pokémon to tackle various challenges effectively. Here’s how to structure your initial team and some additional recommendations for versatile Pokémon. For a balanced team, consider the following setup:

Team Building 

  • Front Line:
    • Tyranitar: A formidable tank with strong defenses and disruptive abilities.
    • Mew: Versatile and able to adapt to various roles, making it a valuable addition to the front line.
    • Aggron: Provides solid defense and can absorb a lot of damage, protecting your back line effectively.
  • Back Line:
    • Gardevoir: A powerful DPS Pokémon with strong offensive capabilities and control effects.
    • Scizor: Combines high attack power with some defensive capabilities, making it a reliable choice for the back line.
    • Ash Pikachu: Offers a balance of damage and unique abilities that can turn the tide of battle.

Additional S Pokémon Options 

If you don’t have access to the recommended initial team members, there are other great S-grade Pokémon to consider, each offering unique strengths and flexibility:

Additional S Pokémon Options 

  • Mr. Mime: Excellent for the front line with strong defensive and control abilities.
  • Alakazam: A potent back-line DPS with high attack power and control effects.
  • Suicune: Versatile and can be placed in either the front or back line, providing strong support and defensive capabilities.
  • Magnezone: Adaptable to both front and back lines, offering balanced offensive and defensive utilities.
  • Mew: Works in both the front and back lines, obtained for free through gameplay, making it a flexible addition to any team.
  • Metagross: A strong front-line defender with high durability.
  • Gyarados: Functions well in both front and back lines, offering powerful attacks and some defensive benefits.
  • Steelix: A front-line powerhouse that counters physical attackers by significantly boosting its physical defense (P. DEF) up to 180% during battles.
  • Zoroark: Flexible for both front and back lines, with a mix of offensive and deceptive abilities.
  • Cryogonal: Ideal for the front line with solid defensive attributes.

In the early stages of Elemental Quest, feel free to experiment with various Pokémon to find what suits your playstyle. While S-grade Pokémon offer significant power, there are limits to their effectiveness. Typically, new S+ Pokémon, even at 4 stars, are much stronger than S-grade Pokémon. 

Therefore, while S Pokémon can form a robust early and mid-game team, consider transitioning to S+ Pokémon as you progress to maintain competitiveness and strength. By following these guidelines, you can create a balanced and effective team that will help you navigate the challenges of Elemental Quest and adapt to different situations as you progress.

How to Increase Your Combat Power 

In Elemental Quest, Enhancing your Pokémon’s combat power (CP) is crucial for excelling in battles and advancing in the game. This involves several strategies, including leveling up, breakthroughs, evolution, and more. Lets see what you can do in Elemental Quest to boost your Pokémon's CP effectively.

Leveling Up and Breakthroughs 

Leveling up your Pokémon not only boosts its stats but also unlocks opportunities for breakthroughs, evolution, and other enhancements like effort values (EVs). Breakthroughs significantly increase your Pokémon's stats and are prerequisites for evolution at certain levels. As you progress, you’ll collect breakthrough material packs. 

The optimal time to open these packs is when you need golden breakthrough materials. Initially, materials are easily obtained through gameplay, but their requirements increase dramatically over time, from just a few to thousands. Therefore, saving your breakthrough packs for higher levels can maximize their value.

Increasing Star Levels 

Increasing Star Levels 

In your Elemental Quest you can raise the star level of your Pokémon by using duplicates or Ditto enhances stats and unlocks additional skills at specific thresholds. For S+ Pokémon, it’s advisable to increase star levels only if you can immediately reach 8 or 11 stars, as significant skill improvements occur at these levels. Other star levels offer minimal benefits. Accumulating enough materials to star up S+ Pokémon can be time-consuming, so use your resources wisely to avoid regretting investments in the wrong Pokémon.

Skill Leveling 

Skill Leveling 

Upgrading your Pokémon’s skills improves their effectiveness in battle and increases CP. Skill points replenish over time, so avoid spending diamonds to purchase additional points. Instead, wait for the natural regeneration of skill points to continue leveling up skills.

Upgrading Held Items 

Enhancing held items boosts their stats, with significant gains at levels 11, 21, 31, 41, and 51. To further upgrade items, you can perform breakthroughs using duplicates or Epic/Legendary Universal Stones for epic and legendary items.

Increasing Friendship Levels 

Friendship levels improve the basic stats of all Pokémon in the same species. Achieving higher friendship levels, particularly 80, 150, 300, and 450, grants bonuses to all Pokémon sharing the primary typing. This makes increasing friendship a valuable investment for overall team performance.

Improving Individual Values (IVs) 

In Elemental Quest, IVs affect your Pokémon's stats, such as speed and attack. As a beginner, refining IVs for a balanced spread or achieving a perfect IV of 31 in one stat is recommended. Lock this perfect IV and save resources for further refinements in the future.

Enhancing Effort Values (EVs) 

EVs provide additional stats and can be upgraded using Normal or Advanced effort coins. Normal coins may decrease EVs, while Advanced coins only increase them. Effort tokens for EV upgrades can be obtained from Adventure Road, where daily sweeping maximizes your gain.

Boosting Potential 

In Elemental Quest, Potential increases both flat stats and percentage-based stat boosts according to the Pokémon's class (tank, support, DPS). You can enhance potential using Potential Stones, primarily sourced from the Shard Dungeon and Nightmare stages. Regularly farm these sources to accumulate stones.

Completing Pokémon Bonds 

Completing Pokémon bonds provides stat bonuses unique to each Pokémon. Bonds are completed by registering the required Pokémon in the Pokédex; you don’t need to use them in your team. Simply having them registered suffices to gain the bonuses.

Acquiring Skins/Transmogrifications 

Skins offer small stat boosts. S+ Pokémon skins can only be purchased with real money, whereas S Pokémon skins are obtainable through in-game events. The stat bonuses from skins are applied regardless of whether the Pokémon wears the skin.


Fishing levels enhance your Pokémon’s stats and are upgraded by meeting specific fishing level requirements. For example, advancing from level 15 to 16 requires catching a set number of low, intermediate, and advanced fish. The maximum fishing level of 25 provides substantial bonuses to all your Pokémon.

Upgrading Devices

Devices offer extra stats and can be upgraded with materials from Aether Paradise, which can be farmed daily. Focus on reaching significant boosts at +3, +6, and +9 for maximum CP and stat increases. Participate in monthly events offering bonus rewards for drawing devices, and decompose surplus devices to obtain currency for the Device Shop, where legendary pieces can be purchased.

Utilizing Runestones

Runestones provide various effects, such as additional damage or reduced damage taken. Equipping 3 or 6 pieces of a runestone type activates these effects. As you level up runestones, you enhance their stat bonuses and quality points, which further boost your Pokémon’s stats.

Developing Talents 

Talent branches enhance your Pokémon's stats. The first (basic) branch requires 252 talent points to max out, and the second (normal) branch requires 450 points. Prioritize maxing out these branches for substantial stat boosts. The final (element) branch offers exclusive bonuses for specific elements and should align with the primary typing of your frequently used Pokémon.

Upgrading Your Passport 

Upgrading Your Passport 

In Elemental Quest Upgrading your passport provides perks like increased maximum energy and enhances your total stats. Reaching the Heroic Adventure Pass stage unlocks Privilege Upgrade attributes, further boosting your Pokémon's stats.

Earning Gym Badges

Gym badges increase stats and come with Guard Pokémon slots for additional bonuses. Initially, unlock all badges and fill the slots with Guard Pokémon. Aim to reach level 15 for all badges, then focus on upgrading those for the primary typings you use frequently to level 45 and awaken +9 for maximum benefits. Materials for badge upgrades are obtained from the Gym Challenge.

Joining a Union

In Elemental Quest, community content becomes accessible when you unlock the Union game modes. A Union functions similarly to guilds in other games, where players collaborate to build a community, contribute resources, and level up the Union to unlock new game modes. Here’s how to navigate joining and benefiting from a Union effectively:

When deciding which Union to join, it’s strategic to start with a smaller Union that has fewer than 10 members. This is because these smaller Unions often have red packs (limited reward packs) available, operating on a first-come, first-served basis. Joining a smaller Union allows you to collect these red packs, which might be difficult to obtain in larger Unions where competition for rewards is higher.

After capitalizing on the rewards in a smaller Union, transition to a larger Union with more members for better growth opportunities. Before committing to any Union, assess its activity level. Check the red packs to gauge member engagement—if many packs remain unclaimed, it indicates inactivity. Also, review donation levels to determine if members are actively contributing. A positive sign is the regular distribution and quick collection of new red packs.

In Elemental Quest, being an active and supportive Union member is important for early game progression. Active members participating in donations and guild tasks can significantly enhance your growth. Therefore, ensure the Union you join is vibrant and cooperative before making it your home.

Union Training Center 

The Union Training Center is essential for boosting various stats for all your Pokémon. Upgrading this facility using Union Coins can provide significant stat enhancements. To unlock percentage-based stat increases, you must first raise the flat stat increases to level 10. Initially, focusing on increasing flat stats offers a better cost-benefit ratio. As you advance in the game, percentage stat increases will offer greater returns. 

Ultimately, aim to maximize both flat and percentage stats for optimal performance. Investing in the Union Training Center is a strategic move for long-term benefits, enhancing your Pokémon's capabilities and improving your overall gameplay experience.


As you embark on your journey in Elemental Quest, the tips and strategies outlined in this guide will serve as your roadmap to success. With the knowledge gained from this guide, you are now equipped to explore the vivid realms, engage in thrilling battles, and enjoy the intricate gameplay that Elemental Quest offers.

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