Gloria Victis Beginner Guide and Gameplay Walkthrough


Gloria Victis, an MMORPG with a Medieval genre mixed, is our core point today because of the high demand for this game. So, due to this popularity, we do not think there are hardcore players who haven’t even heard of them. Even though the game was released years ago, the demand will still increase day by day, and from today’s guide, we will unveil all the things about the game to know why players still demand this game. So players, are you ready to have a walkthrough from this Gloria Victis beginner guide and unveil its actual taste?





Gloria Victis Beginner Guide


The game is full of things to do, and once you enter it, it will never let you feel lazy or bored and will never let you stop playing it for hours. Do you know why? Everything in this game has its unique shape, and through this Gloria Victis beginner guide, you will learn all about it. The battles, the crafting techniques, the equipment system, etc., we will hope to look into the deepest point of all these systems to give you a complete revelation of the game. Once you read this guide, we can assure you can play Gloria Victis on PC as a pro player. 


Gloria Victis Beginner Guide for Nations

The first thing every Gloria Victis beginner should do to proceed with the game is creating a character, and when creating a character, the first thing to choose is the gender of your character, female or male. And then, you can choose the nation for your character, origin as well as the appearance of the character that you can customize totally. 


Here, the most important thing we will discuss in this Gloria Victis beginner guide is the nations. The game has introduced three nations, Ismirs, Midlanders, and The Sangmar Empire, and each nation provides different kinds of buffs for your character, helping you to have a faster progression. So, guys, are you ready to learn about the nations in this game? 


Gloria Victis Beginner Guide for Nations


  • Ismirs - this is the leading nation of North and West regions on the world map, and the symbol of this nation is a Serpent. The military of the Ismirs nation was mainly based on the Infantry. 


  • Midlanders - this is the nation that rules the East and North areas, and the symbol of Midlanders is Sword with Tower. Their military units mainly consist of knights and warriors wearing full plate armor sets holding shields and swords. 


  • The Sangmar Empire - this is the nation that occupies the southern area of the map, and the Sangmar Empire seemed to be the most powerful nation in the past. The Sangmarian army has become more modernized in every aspect, and they have the perfect tactics to be used in any battle occasion. 


Gloria Victis Beginner Guide for Equipment

Here you have come to the equipment guide section, and now you will have a rough sketch of all the equipment types you will see in this whole gameplay. Mainly equipment can be divided into two types, Armor and Weapon, and these two equipment categories can be divided into different types based on the purpose and how you use them.


So, if you are sure you are ready to go deeper about the equipment categories, go ahead in this guide until you finish reading all the types of equipment. 



Armor is an essential part of all types of soldiers participating in battles with other nations and enemies. So, it is essential to know the types of armors that you can equip your character with. 


The type of armor equipped for the character will depend on the rank, which means the armor assigned for a low-level soldier and the armor set for a higher-rank knight will differ in strength, additional attributes, and every other aspect. However, each has its values, which makes them suitable for specified ranks. 




  • Light Armor - this type of armor is made using a specific fabric and leather, and due to the abundance of the leather and the fabrics, these are not expensive. Ordinary soldiers are the ones who used to wear light armor abundantly. 


  • Medium Armor - these armors combine metal with leather which is somewhat stronger than the light armor. Also, the medium armor will provide much more security than the light armor. Because of this, the medium armor has a higher price than the light armor. The Infantry type troops use this medium armor more because the medium armors are better than the light armor. 


  • Heavy Armor - this is the armor that has the toughest process of crafting, and because of that, the heavy armor is costly that no ordinary one can afford. The cavalry troops are the best buyers of heavy armor. Since this is a metal-plated full armor, this has much more protection and is feared by ordinary soldiers. But wearing this heavy armor is not something you can do easily. 



Since you read about the types of armor, you will now learn about the weapons you can use in the game. Besides the armor, weapons are also one of the essentials to use in battles because there is no use in having armor if you do not have the weapon, which means both are needed equally to have a perfect battle scene in this game. 




  • Close Combat Weapons - these are the weapons that can be used for close combat, and one of the most commonly used weapons out of all the close combat weapons is the sword. Other examples of close combat weapons are stilettos, daggers, maces, Warhammer, etc. Some of these weapons can directly damage enemies, even those who wear heavy armor, and the swords, like close combat weapons, are okay to use against unarmed or light-armored soldiers. 


  • Polearms - these weapons have a larger range than close combat weapons, and you can use these types of weapons to damage the enemies away from your standing point. But the Polearms are not going to be advantageous in close combat. Some examples of Polearms are Pikes, Glaives, Halberds, Poleaxe, etc. 


  • Ranged Weapons - these are the weapons that can be considered the weapons with the longest range, and if you use these weapons correctly, you are going to take down lots of enemies even before they notice you. The weapon examples of ranged weapons are bows, such as longbows, crossbows, etc. 


Gloria Victis Beginner Guide for Crafting

One of the base points every Gloria Victis beginner should understand well, along with other essentials, is crafting. Here you can prepare the armor and the weapon we have discussed above by gathering the needed resources to do so. 


Gloria Victis Beginner Guide for Crafting


Mainly there are ten different crafts you can perform in this game, and as a Gloria Victis beginner, it is essential to have better guidance on all these craft types. 


  • Forestry and Hunting - hunt animals and gather raw materials to form leather. 
  • Herbalism and Alchemy - use herbs and craft medicine to cure casualties. 
  • Tailoring and Leatherworking - create clothes using leather. 
  • Engineering - create machines for battles as well as for defense. 
  • Mining and Metallurgy - mine ores and craft metal alloys. 
  • Armorsmithing - craft heavy armor. 
  • Weapon Forging - craft weapons. 
  • Artificing - craft accessories.
  • Husbandry and Culinary Arts - cultivate and harvest crops for the army. 
  • Woodworking - craft furniture as well as military weapons such as bows. 


But crafting is not easy because resources are needed for each craft, and it cannot be found only in one region because each region offers different types of resources. 


Gloria Victis Beginner Guide for Combat System

Now you are here in this Gloria Victis beginner guide to learn about the combat system, and the main thing about the combat system is it comes as a non-target-based combat system. So what is meant by non-targeted combat? Let us explain through this Gloria Victis beginner guide. 


Gloria Victis Beginner Guide for Combat System


Non-targeted combat system means instead of pressing the attack button to attack the enemies with a locked target system; you will aim correctly while adjusting the distance between your character and the enemy to earn massive benefits. It means you cannot use the target locking feature here. Instead, you will be the one who does all things to kill the enemy. 


When you battle, you can attack in four directions, but to block the enemy attacks, there are only three directions. So, if you fight with enemies, you must perform these techniques well at the correct times to take down the enemy permanently without failing. 



Gloria Victis beginner guide will be over from here, and you can count on our guide to learn some special things that will help you win each battle and achieve faster progression. But you can increase the game’s progression more if you play this Gloria Victis game through the best android emulator LDPlayer 9.

Download LDPlayer Emulator on PC