Goddess of Victory: Nikke Team Building – The Best Recommendation for Making a Powerful Team


Goddess of Victory: Nikke is a combination of RPG Sci-Fi and shooter themes, and this is just a beautiful game in that you will be interacting with some beautiful anime girls. But beauty isn’t the only thing that defines our girls or the maidens because we have to recruit them for a team and give them various commands for the battles. And without having a perfect Goddess of Victory: Nikke team building, you won’t be able to unleash their best potential for the battles ever.





Goddess of Victory: Nikke Team Building


When you are going through the Goddess of Victory: Nikke team building aspect, there are so many things that you need to be aware of. First, you need to be well aware of the Goddess of Victory: Nikke tier list of maidens because you need to put their best powers to be formed in one team. The second thing is about their elements and bursts. And for the last, you need to see what type of formation will work best for the battles.


So, if you are just a Goddess of Victory: Nikke beginner, the Goddess of Victory: Nikke team building would not be the most familiar thing for you. To prevent you from falling into difficulties at battles, let us recommend the best team-building guide here, including the facts that you should be concerned about choosing a team. Take Goddess of Victory: Nikke on PC to advance gaming to a whole different level, and let’s start our Goddess of Victory: Nikke team-building guide from here.


Goddess of Victory: Nikke Team Building Facts

Goddess of Victory: Nikke Team Building Facts


As we said before, there are certain factors that you need to concern about before going for the Goddess of Victory: Nikke team building, and we have three of them that need your best attention here:

  • Hero Elements
  • Hero Burst
  • Hero Formations


And let’s get to know these factors one by one as follows.


Hero Elements

The first thing for creating the Goddess of Victory: Nikke team building is about the character elements. All of your heroes in this game come with their own element type, and we have five of them that will benefit a player through a 10% raised damage. When creating a team, each of the elements will work superior for one another by giving you bonus damage. The pattern that offers you the bonus damage can be shown as follows.

  • Water > Fire > Wind > Iron > Electric


This goes as a cycle of bonus damage offerings.


Hero Bursts

The next thing that we need your attention on before doing the Goddess of Victory: Nikke team building is about the bursts types of your heroes. A Burst meter comes with each character in this game, and it will fill up with the success you made from the battleground by killing enemies. You are all free to unleash the best ability with your hero once this Burst meter comes to the full amount, and that is where you will be reaching into the Burst skill.


But there is a thing that you need to be concerned about in this Burst meter because it has three phases. When you are at each phase of this Burst meter, you are allowed to use the skills only if there is a matching burst type with the characters.


You also cannot progress to the next phase of the burst if you don’t use a matching type of skill. So, in general, the game asks you to build a team by including all three types of bursts. And that would be the only way you to reach the Full Burst, which is identified as the 4th stage. Note that there are only 10 seconds allowed to use a specified skill here, and not using them will make you build up your Burst meter from the start over.


If a character comes with a Burst 1 type, then you should know that it will be a healer or a damage dealer. And the other two phases belong to the damage dealers. Before you do the Goddess of Victory: Nikke team building, always make sure to check the cooldown time as well because some of them have the longest while some characters come up with the shortest cooldown time, like 20 seconds. If you want to make it to the Full Bust mode, you should focus more on the 20-second cooldown holding characters from Burst I and II.


Hero Formations

The next core factor you need to give your attention to before Goddess of Victory: Nikke team building is how you will form your team. The players who are manually handling their battles can go with five characters. But if you decide to go with the auto-battle option, the AI will only use the first three hero skills. So it is always better to focus on a character coming from every Burst type for your first hero roles.


When forming a team, it is always wise to use the 40 CD characters you have to the left of a 20 CD character. Because in Goddess of Victory: Nikke, the AI will read your formation from left to right, and keeping 20 CD bursts to the left first will allow it to use those characters first.


For the team formations, we can recommend some types as follows.

  • 2-1-2 – this comes with 2 Burst I., 2 Burst II, and a Burst II. This formation can be called one of the most balanced teams, and this is good when you are just a beginner with some average heroes. And you can use this as a team that aims to specialize a one weapon type.


  • 1-1-3 – this is coming from 3 Burst II and one from Burst I and II. The team formation you see here is very flexible over firepower, and you need to be well-equipped with Burst I and II heroes here to become really strong. If not, your team is going to face a lot of hard phases at the challenging stages with not enough support as well as with the healing.


Goddess of Victory: Nikke Team Building – The Sniper Team

Goddess of Victory: Nikke Team Building – The Sniper Team


Here are your heroes if you want to be packed with the best sniper team.

  • Ludmilla
  • Yan
  • Yuni
  • Maxwell
  • Alice


This team will be a great help with Maxwell’s skill as she is doing the best for her team with the charge attacks. And Maxwell can be raised into better outputs with her attacks if you use the best android emulator: LDPlayer 9 with its Keyboard Mapping feature. There you can just set shortcuts for the attacks and movements of your heroes, and you will be able to conquer the battles much better than ever. And the core DPS role is carried here by Alice, and around her, the other team members are built.


With Yan, you will be able to take enemies for one point, and the mid-range to close range will be perfectly covered by the tank role Ludmilla. For the buffs and healing, you have Yuni, and if you want more survivability in the game, you can replace Admi instead of Ludmilla.


Goddess of Victory: Nikke Team Building – Snow White Team

Goddess of Victory: Nikke Team Building – Snow White Team


The five units featured on this team are as follows.

  • Ludmilla
  • Volume
  • Signal
  • Snow White
  • Maxwell


Since this team revolves around Snow White, we name it this: she will be your core DPS to the team. She is changing the Assault Rifle for a rail gun during the Burst Mode, and Snow White is a very powerful hero who can deal massive damage to single targets. One shot is enough for her to beat the HP of her bosses.


Since Snow White heavily depends on the full charge of the Burst Weapon to deal with the damage, we put Maxwell here as she is increasing the attack as well as the charging speed. To decrease the defense of your enemies, you can use the Signal with her burst mode, and it can make both Maxwell and Snow White deal with heavy damage from the burst,


Volume here provides you with so many buffs, while Ludmilla carries the tank role to the game. If you want some more charge buffs, you can use Signal instead of Yuni for this team.


Goddess of Victory: Nikke Team Building – Shot Gun Team

Goddess of Victory: Nikke Team Building – Shot Gun Team


The shotgun team seems to have more ammunition for their use prior to a reload, and here are five units that you can put for a team.


  • Mary
  • Volume
  • Poli
  • Drake
  • Sugar


The core DPS role carries by the Drake here, and this team is identified as close to a mid-range team. More shotgun units can be added to this team by using the skill 2 of Sugar, and for more defense buffs, we have Poli here. She is also going to grant you some attack buffs too.


There is a set of buffs coming along with Volume to the team as it raises the damage of your team, and Mary will increase the entire sustainability of the team.



And that is how the Goddess of Victory: Nikke team building should go for making the most out of the game and go through all these recommendations as they can provide you the most out of your gaming. For more progress achieved, refer to the Goddess of Victory: Nikke tips too.


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