Beating the Darkness with Heroes of Awakened Magic Beginner Tips, Tricks and Best Strategies


Ready to break down the Chaos? That is what exactly is going to be your duty in the Heroes of Awakened Magic, where the continent of Outland is now being plunged into many Chaos by a shadow. So, it is now up to your task to challenge the lords and give you all to bring back the king’s city. So, this will be your ultimate beginner guide for this entire gameplay to get started as a pro with the best tips to help you progress.

Heroes of Awakened Magic Beginner Tips

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There will be battles, adventures, and placement gameplay to be involved here, so in order to become fluent through your entire gameplay as a newbie, having a guide will be really useful. And so we are here for it. What you have to do is to play Heroes of Awakened Magic on PC through LDPlayer 9, and then let’s have a look into all the gameplay guidance and tips from now on.

Unlock More Skills

There are different chapters that you have to deal with while going through your Heroes of Awakened Magic gameplay, so each stage brings powerful enemies. You won’t see the same level of strength in enemies from stage to stage because they are going to increase their power with each. So, to beat each enemy you see from each stage, you better have some more powerful skills in your hands. But how?

Unlock More Skills

You can have more powerful skills when you clear more customs from your gameplay, and there are milestones to offer skills here. As an example, you can clear the customs to 03.03, and the game will offer you more skills there. Likewise, with each set of milestones cleared from each custom, you are going to be rewarded with high-powered skills that will help you beat enemies effectively.

Make Sure to Have Useful Heroes by Your Side

Your battles in Heroes of Awakened Magic can be successfully completed when you have the right heroes by your side. In this game, there are so many heroes that are directly involved in both quests and battles, and you better be aware of their skills and then deploy them accordingly to get the best outcome from them.

Make Sure to Have Useful Heroes by Your Side

Another thing to be aware of, despite the fact of the hero's uniqueness, is that these heroes belong to different factions, too. They will be featured under Chaos, Savage, Undead, and Order factions, and when it comes to the bosses, they will be featured under two other factions named God as well as the Demon. It is highly recommended that you be aware of these factions as well because, depending on that, you are going to have a gameplay advantage against the enemies.

When you use a hero from the Savage, he will be better against the Chaos, and if the hero comes from the Chaos, he will be way better against the Undead. Likewise, these heroes are being featured with a factional advantage as well, so making use of them for your gameplay is all in your hands. Picking up a hero from the right faction will always bring a better outcome for the battles as well as for your entire gameplay progress.

Use the Heroes of Awakened Magic Codes

This game has a method of offering free rewards for the players, and that is called the Heroes of Awakened Magic codes. Codes are more like phrases made out of different words and characters, and they can be redeemed through your game for free. Once they are redeemed, these codes allow us to earn some free items, resources, and many other in-game rewards, helping us improve our gameplay to a better level.

Use the Heroes of Awakened Magic Codes

Before redeeming these codes, please note that they aren’t valid for a long time. Most of the time, these codes are going to expire soon, and you don’t even have permission to use them twice through your gameplay. Most importantly, you cannot change any of its characters either because if you do so, you will not be able to claim the rewards by redeeming the code.

Make Sure to Upgrade the Heroes

The next thing that we want to let you know to complete your Heroes of Awakened Magic gameplay to a better level is about upgrading your heroes. When you manage to level up these heroes, they become more powerful, and they are going to have some increased stats for their speed as well as their attack. These all raised stats can help a hero become more challenging against the enemies at a battle, so you better make it a priority to upgrade your heroes.

Make Sure to Upgrade the Heroes

More level-ups done to the heroes will allow them to earn some additional skills, too. This means that they are going to be very powerful in the battles, and this single-handedly helps your heroes to ensure victories in their battles. So yeah. Upgrades should always be a priority for any new player in this game.

Join a Guild for More Benefits

A guild system is also featured with the Heroes of Awakened Magic, and this is where several players who are playing the game right now are gathered. If you take part in one of these guilds, it allows you to participate in the guild activities, which will let you have more in-game benefits as well as rewards.

Join a Guild for More Benefits

Among different types of guild activities, there will be guild boss challenges as well as guild wars to take part in, and all those can be only done if you have become a part of a guild. Doing so will help you to strengthen your heroes, and with that, you are going to advance from your gameplay more than usual.


So that is it. The Heroes of Awakened Magic beginner guide, along with the tips, will end here, and if you are just a new player, referring to this guide will give you a great approach to your gameplay for sure. Understand each and every tip and guidance mentioned under this guide and you are now free to take use of them to advance your gameplay. So, it is time to start everything confidently and take this guide as the greatest assistance.

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