Honor of Heirs Classes - Top Class to Pick


The Honor of Heirs is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that lets players do many things, like crafting, earning cryptocurrency, having relationships, and even getting married. All of these things let you experience the game more creatively; it only has a few classes, and if you don't like the Honor of Heirs classes you choose, you can change it to a subclass with a different play style. 


 Honor of Heirs Classes


This lets each player choose the Honor of Heirs classes they like best, but it's important to know what each class has to offer before you pick one since going back because you don't like how it works a waste of time. Some players will say that they didn't choose the best Classes and that the game isn't fun because of it. 


However, sometimes the problem is not with the Honor of Heirs Classes but with how they played the game. In this case, the player would benefit greatly from some Honor of Heirs tips. Playing Honor of Heirs on PC with LDPlayer 9 will give you the best graphics and allow you to play the game with easy controls. Let's look at what you need to know about the classes before you choose one.


What should you know About the Honor of Heirs Classes?


If you are an Honor of Heirs beginner and don't have a clear idea of which one to choose before we go into the specifics of each class, you should look at the subclasses that each primary class has because that will help you decide which one to pick. You can accomplish that by using the drop-down menu that is located above the class description. 


Then, if you decide that the subclass is the top class to pick, you have the option of selecting the class that makes use of it, or you can continue to experiment with the class that is set as the default. You shouldn't spend any resources on upgrading the main class's skills if you plan on switching to a subclass because you won't get those resources back when you move. Instead, you should save those resources for your new subclass.


If you want to convert into a certain subclass, you need also be familiar with the weapons that are most commonly used by that subclass. As an example, the Berserker subclass makes use of a hefty long sword, whilst the Paladin subclass makes use of a shield and a short blade. 


You need to know this because class change quests give you the opportunity to make a free weapon, and if you don't know what kind of weapon the subclass uses, you'll miss out on a good chance to get a good weapon for free. 

The Honor of Heirs Classes - Warrior


The Honor of Heirs Classes - Warrior


In the window that allows you to choose your Honor of Heirs classes, you will initially be presented with this class. This class utilizes a hefty sword as its primary weapon, places emphasis on defense, and has a low chance of scoring a critical hit. Because the scale under the description focuses on defense and health, selecting this class is the best option for you if you want to play a tank role in the game. Now that we have that out of the way let's look at each of the sub-classes.




The Paladin is the tank class among Honor of Heirs classes and makes use of shields and one-handed weapons in their arsenal. If you want to play this class, you should ensure that you have a large number of friends with whom you can do group content, as you will not be able to deal enough damage in a short amount of time to complete dungeons on your own using this class.






The Berserker class can be thought of as the more advanced version of the Warrior class. If you choose to play as a Berserker, you will receive a respectable level of attack while maintaining a good defense, but this class will continue to struggle due to its low number of critical hits. This is the only class you should take if you want to play a worrier because playing a paladin will not let you do justice to anyone, even if you have the best UR weapons. 


The Honor of Heirs Classes - Ranger


The Honor of Heirs Classes - Ranger


If you want to be a good damage dealer with melee, this class is the first one that you can pick. If you play this class, you will have low health, but they have a significant quantity of critical hits, attacks, and avoidance. Because of this, you will need to pay attention to the damage that is being dealt to you and maneuver around your opponents.




The hunter of Honor of Heirs classes is an extended-range variant of the ranger class that makes use of a bow and arrows. You can expect serious damage even though they have low damage mitigation, but in groups, they will take down bosses before they even have a chance to think about it. 


However, because they have low evade and low HP, you are going to suffer a lot, and this class is also not the best choice if you don't have a constant group to fight with. When you look at their stats, you will see that they have the highest crit rate and attack than the assassin class.






Even though Assassins don't provide the crit or attack that hunters do, they have the highest evasion, so you will not suffer in solo content very much, and if you are more interested in the PVP side of the game, Assassins class can help you to be the best player. 


Because hit rating is very important in any game, high evasion means high damage reduction; since most players don't know how important the hit rating is, they will not work to improve it. So if you go with this class and build up your evasion more, all the players will want to hit you, but no one will be able to.


The Honor of Heirs Classes - Elementalist


The Honor of Heirs Classes - Elementalist


This is going to be similar to how your Mage functions, and it will also be a supporting character. To begin, the bass Elementalist has the highest amount of health points, which is seven, a respectable defense, but the lowest amount of critical attack and evade, which means that you won't be able to avoid a lot of attacks while playing this class.



You will have access to a wide range of effective Healing abilities when you play as a Sage, making this class a great option for a player who wants to focus solely on healing. We do not recommend picking the sage as a starting class because you won't be able to deal much damage, and navigating dungeons on your own will be a nightmare. The sage has the highest health pool, but, like the archer and the Paladin, this class is better suited to group content.





If you are looking for the best character to do damage to several targets at once, then you should choose the magician. It was discovered very early on in the game that the magician possesses an incredible electric AOE damage known as chain lightning. 


Chain lightning simply zaps from one enemy to enemy to another enemy and does a ton of damage with it. You can clear mobs out in the blink of an eye, which is why the magician is absolutely amazing for AOE-needed content. You will undoubtedly have a great time with this class due to the fact that they have a sufficient amount of health points to withstand significant damage on the PVP battlefield.



The information included in this Honor of Heirs classes - top class to pick guide should help any newcomer to the game make a well-informed decision when selecting a starting class. With any luck, this guide will make it a breeze to make your final decision. If you've made it this far, you should have a good sense of what to look for when picking an Honor of Heirs classes, even if they introduce additional ones in the future. We appreciate you taking the time to read this entire guide, and we hope you enjoy the rest of your day.

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