Arknights Contingency Contracts #9 Full Clear Guide


With the resurgence of the Under Tides event and the annoying enemies that comes with the event, Arknights is holding one of its most difficult event in order to test the players’ roster strength and combat prowess in the form of Contingency Contract #9 - Deepness, filled with annoying gimmicks and dangerous enemies, challenging the players’ gaming ability and understanding of the game’s mechanics.


In this guide, we will go over the details and mechanics of the main stage of Contingency Contract #9, the details regarding the enemies players will need to face and the best operators to deal with each type of enemies. In addition we will over whether players should roll on the complimenting Rate up Banner that comes with the Contingency Contracts, featuring 4 6* Operators.


Let’s play Arknights on PC and find out.

Contingency Contract #9 Main Stage and Enemies

Contingency Contract #9 Main Stage features enemies from the Under Tides event, aka Seaborn enemies that can inflict Nervous Impairment , dealing 1000 arts damage to allies and stunning them for 10s, therefore players need to know the details of the enemies and form a squad to combat the specific enemies.


The main map for Contingency Contract #9 is a revamp map of the Under Tides Event map, with 3 entrances and 2 exits with up to 3 paths towards the exits that the enemies will take.


- Nourishment Slider ( or Seaborn Flowers): 

The normal mob of the stage, these critters have low HP and low Resistance against Physical and Elemental Damage, in lower risks, they are the easiest enemies to kill. However, the more risks you take, the harder it is to kill them. In addition, they deal 15% of their damage as Nervous Impairment status, so a large amount of these critters will make the ally unable to withstand the pressure and will be stunned immediately.

- Pocket Sea Crawler ( or Seaborn Eggs):

The bane of all players' existence during the Under Tides event, the seaborn eggs come back with a vengeance with not one, but four different enemies to make players mald. When attacked, these enemies will deal massive amounts of arts damage to surrounding titles and inflict massive amounts of Nervous Impairment, so players should be cautious when attacking them. These enemies will stand still for a set period and gradually make their way to the exit.


- Nourished Reapers:

The Nourished Reapers run quickly. That’s about it. In all seriousness, these enemies will run very fast once they are provoked, dealing massive amounts of Nervous Impairment against anyone blocking their path. To deal with these enemies, it is important to have operators that can stall and stun these enemies, gradually chipping away at their health before they manage to run to the exit.


- The First to Talk:

The Boss Enemy of the stage, there will be 2 First to Talks in the event, going through the 2 entrances and going their separate ways to separate exits. Their special ability deals massive amounts of damage to 1 ally, dealing massive amounts of Nervous Impairment and stunning them for a long time. This attack has universal range and targets the allies with the lowest Nervous Impairment at the moment.

Some Operators Recommendations

To clear the main stage consecutively and consistently for high risks, players will need certain types of operators that can deal with the enemies effectively:


- Ranged Attackers with blocking potential:

Players will need to have allies that can block enemies but also deal damage to the enemies over a long distance, minimizing the threat of Nervous Impairment against the allies and minimizing the threat of them being stunned.


Some good operators for this role include Thorns, Surtr, Silverash, etc.

- High Damaging with Burst Potential Allies:

These allies are important to help deal with the Seaborn Eggs, helping to deal with them as fast as possible and minimize the threat of their massive amount of Arts damage and Nervous Impairment to surrounding allies.


Some good operators for this role include Surtr, Nearl the Radiant Knight, Skadi, etc.


- Fast Re-Deploy Operators with the ability to stun, sleep, bind and stalling abilities:

Fast Re-deploy Operators with stalling abilities like stun, sleep and bind are extremely essential when dealing with Nourished Reapers to stall their fast advance to the exit. These Operators’ main usage is to stall and deal chip damage to the Reapers, making them die faster and prevent them from reaching the exit.


Some good operators for this role include Phantom, Project Red,  Kafka, etc,


- General Stalling and Tanking Operators for Healing and blocking enemies:

Other than the specific operators for the special roles, these operators are for general use for blocking and healing other allies, helping to prevent enemies from going through to the exit and help clear the stage.


Some good recommendations for these are Specter the Unchained, Saria, Lee, etc.


Special Rate Up Banner - Joint Operation 6

Together with the release of Contingency Contracts #9  comes the Joint Operation 6 Banner, featuring 4 different 6 stars Operators: Exusiai, Kalsit, Mountain and Skadi.


Exusiai is a 6* Anti-air Sniper that deals massive amounts of aerial support damage and is one of the game’s best source of physical DPS. 

Exusiai’s main strong point is her 3rd skill that reduces her attack interval greatly and increases her attack stat massively. In addition, while this skill is active, every bullet will deal 3 instances of damage making her damage increase 3-fold and dealing massive amounts of damage to the enemies.


Exusiai’s weak point however, is that she lacks AOE damage and only focuses on 1 single enemy at a time within her range, making her lose DPS when dealing with enemies with high Defensive stats.


Doctor Kal’sit is a 6* Medic that can serve as both a medic healer and a DPS with her own summon - Monst3r. Monst3r is Kal’sit summoning and can block 3 enemies, dealing massive amounts of both physical and true damage to enemies it blocks, depending on the skill equipped by Kal’sit.

Kal’sit’s damage is one of the game's few True damage sources thanks to her Monst3r’s DPS. In addition, Kal’sit is an extremely powerful character with the ability to heal allies and block enemies, a 2 in one ally.


Kal’sit’s weak point, however, is her high cost and her exclusive healing when Monst3r is on the field, making her tunnel vision and only heal herself or Monst3r.


Mountain is a 6* Brawler Type Guard that is infamous for being a lane-holder, able to deal with all enemies coming his way and heal off his own damage taken.

Mountain is an operator extremely useful for players who are lazy and relies on AFK strategy as you only need to drop Mountain off in front of the exit, activate his 2nd skill and watch as he clears the entire stage by himself.


Skadi is a 6* Juggernaut Type Guard that specializes in heli-drop, deal damage and stall an enemy or the boss and then retreat. Her massive attack and Hp stat coupled with her skill allows her to deal massive amounts of damage and retreat before the enemy have a chance to kill her properly, slowly but surely killing the enemy in the process.

Skadi's only weakness is that she is heavily outperformed by Nearl the Radiant Knight and she is underused due to this fact.

Should You Roll

Yes, You Should. This is the only banner that only have these 4 Operators as featured in the same banner, without any other 6*s in the pool, guaranteeing that players will get 1 of the 4 the moment they get a 6* Operator. Therefore, if players want to get these 4 operators, this is your best chance to do so.

LDPlayer 9.0 - The Perfect Engine to Experience Arknights

Recently introduced, LDPlayer 9.0 not only allows players to easily download and play Arknights on PC, it is also designed and specialized so that players can have the best experience playing Arknights on the highest FPS and highest graphics

Furthermore, with LDPlayer’s keyboard-mapping function, players can clear Arknights stages more effectively using only keyboard buttons, allowing players to be able to do the most famous Arknights trick - the Pause deployment trick, making the stages faster and easier to play and clear than when playing on mobile.

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