“IDOLY PRIDE: Idol Manager” is a new Anime game that revolves around the theme of idols management. It follows the story of the original anime Idoly Pride. With Idols becoming more relevant in the world, a new system was created to find the best idols, and this system is called “Venus Program”. The most famous girl in this program, Mana Nagase, who aspires to become an idol herself, left this world due to her fatal accident at the final of the 14th NEXT VENUS Grand Prix. After some years of Mana’s Death, a new VENUS Grand Prix was established. The Agency "Hoshimi Productions", alongside other aspiring idol agencies, was able to reach the Final Competition with both their team, “Sunny Palace” and “Tsuki No Tempest”. After a very hard final stage, the two groups ended the competition in a tie and both became winners. A new NEXT VENUS Grand Prix is being announced, so both groups must compete against others to win and become the next most famous Idol Group!
IDOLY PRIDE: Idol Manager is a new Global Released Idol Management Gacha Game. In this game you can obtain new Idols and costumes for them. Your role as manager is to assist any girls in their daily job and also prepare the best Idol team for the final competition. The game will let you experience the Story of all idols, there’s also Event for more story, Live stages where you can choose the idol to send on stages, Daily Training, Fan Event, Promotion, Refresh and also Venus Battle, Venus Tower and some special Game Mechanic like the Live Message. If you set your notification on, the Idols will send you text during the day and you can answer them like you are in a real relationship! If you like Idols Management games, Music, Colors and collecting Outfits, IDOLY PRIDE: Idol Manager is the game you should play!
The “Live” game content is the main content in IDOLY PRIDE. You have a lot of option in Live, let’s explore all of them:
Venus Battle
This is the PvP of the game. You will rank up against other player and achieve rewards if you keep increase your Venus Rank
Venus Tower
Clear this content once for each level to receive rewards
Venus Union
The Venus Union is the Guild PvP Battle
High Score Live
Clear this content and try to reach the max score for getting rewards every month
Daily Live
Clear this content daily to receive rewards such as Lesson Pieces, Coins and Photo Films. You obtain 2 free passes daily.
The “Work” Tab in the game lets you expand the amount of fans your Idols have. Fans are really important since with a low number of fans during the Live, your Idols will fail to achieve a High Score and also their Special Skill might not work. To get more fans, your Idol can be sent to promoting job:
This Job let you collect new Fans and also obtain New Accessory
This job let you collect new Fans, Photo film and casting pieces
This Job let you collect new Fans, Photo Film and casting pieces
The “Pre-Live Show” lets you set up your Idols team according to the stage you're gonna perform on. Let see what to look out before starting a stage:
Stage Affinity
Each Idol has a different Main stat or color (Pink for Vocal, Blue for Dance and Yellow for Visual). Before starting a stage, check each line and position your Idol according to the line (Ex: First Idol color is Yellow, same as the required Visual Skill)
SP Skill
The center line is always the spot for Special Skill Idols (SP). If you put an Idol with a Special Skill in the center line, you will achieve a great bonus on stage score
Target Score
Each stage will require you to reach a Score to complete it. If your Idols team fail to reach this score, try to level up them, equip with better Photos/Accessory and match the line requirements
The “Idols” in IDOLY PRIDE must be leveled up to increase their statistics such as Vocal, Dance, Visual and Stamina. Also every time you reach a new level, some high grade Idols will unlock new skills (level 20, 30 and 80), more story and SmS.
Idols Outfit
Level Assist
The “Bright Moon & Bouquet” Casting is the First Rate-Up Banner for IDOLY PRIDE. In this banner you can obtain a Limited Time Idol. You can summon in this banner with both Free and Paid Currency, with a cost of 300 Crystal for a 1x pull and 2700 for a 10x Pull (discounted from 3000). You can also Pull in this banner once a day with Premium currency only for 90 Crystals (discounted from 300). Here’s the rates:
The “Evil & Angel’s Blessing” Casting is the Second Rate-Up Banner for IDOLY PRIDE. In this banner you can obtain Two Limited Time Idols. You can summon in this banner with both Free and Paid Currency, with a cost of 300 Crystal for a 1x pull and 2700 for a 10x Pull (discounted from 3000). You can also Pull in this banner once a day with Premium currency only for 90 Crystals (discounted from 300). Here’s the rates:
The “Global Launch All-Star” Casting is a Special Rate-Up Banner for IDOLY PRIDE. In this banner you can select up to Two Idols and increase the chance to obtain them. You can summon in this banner with both Free and Paid Currency, with a cost of 300 Crystal for a 1x pull and 2700 for a 10x Pull (discounted from 3000). You can also Pull in this banner once a day with Premium currency only for 90 Crystals (discounted from 300). Here’s the rates:
Both “Start Dash Dream Gift” and “Once 5* Idol” Casting are Special Premium Only Banner for IDOLY PRIDE. In this banner you can obtain a Guaranteed 5 Stars. You can summon in this banner only with 2700 Premium Currency (Blue). Here’s the rates:
Start Dash Dream Gift
Special Reward
Once 5* Idol
Special Rule
The “Mana Nagase” Premium Casting is the Premium Ticket Only Banner in IDOLY PRIDE. In this banner you can obtain the exclusive Idol and some goodies. In this banner you can only pull with “Premium Ticket” that you can obtain exchanging both Free and Premium Currency. Here’s the rate:
Premium Casting Important Items
The “Diamond (DIA) Casting” is the Normal Banner in IDOLY PRIDE. In this banner you can pull with both Pink Crystals (Free Currency) and Blue Crystals (Premium Currency). A 1x pull cost 300 while 10x pull only cost 2700 (discounted from 3000). Here’s the rates:
The “5* Idol Casting” is a Special Banner only available if you own the Ticket for it. In this banner you are Guaranteed to obtain 5 Stars Idols.
With LDPLayer 9 you can play IDOLY PRIDE: Idol Manager on your computer! Since the game lets you change the screen orientation during live performance, you can enjoy the game on your big computer screen, with best performance at max FPS setting and without caring of consuming the battery of your phone. Download LDPlayer 9 Today and enjoy IDOLY PRIDE on your computer!
IDOLY PRIDE : Idol Manager