Iron Force: Beginners Guide for effective gameplay 


Made by developers CHILLINGO, Iron Force is an action game with intense tank battles. The game trailer shows some intense battle scenes that will make any player who watches it crave to play the game. The game is all about tank battles, and you will have to stay with the race to win it. Many customization options will help you mould the game according to your liking. Also, the game is online multiplayer hence you can expect superb online battles and compete with players worldwide.


The game is quite simple to understand, but a beginner's guide will help a lot in terms of knowing the game better. Many in-game elements are quite crucial when it comes to achieving effective gameplay. In this guide, we will mostly talk about the basics of the game and how the game works for new players who are experiencing the genre for the first time. Do not forget to go through this entire article to avoid any confusion related to gameplay.


Introduction or flowable storyline

The developers have built the game to be very straightforward. There are no stories or purposes explaining introductions to the game. You are directly thrown into the battlefield after getting to know the basics of the game in the form of dialogues. This basic introduction to the game will help you learn what menu to access, the in-game elements, etc.


You will also receive a small tutorial of some crucial methods to be followed, like upgrading your Tank, customizable items, multiplayer access, etc. A storyline does not matter because the gameplay has no core purpose or agenda. It is just having fun battling tanks against real-time opponents and showing everyone who the boss is.


Iron Force Storyline


In-game tank battles and extras 

Once you enter the game, you are already heading towards the battlefield. You will have your Tank with you as a weapon in the battles. You need to find your opponent, and once you find them, you have to destroy them using your machinery. If you destroy an opponent, you receive points that will help you progress in the game. Tanks can be customized, and you can view the stats of your Tank before battles which will help you get a better view of how you will perform in fights.


Weaponry is everything in this game, and how you upgrade your Tank is crucial because winning a fight depends on that. Every damage dealt depends on what Tank you have and how many upgrades have been done. If you face powerful opponents in battles, you need to evade the battle because it won't be possible for a lower-level tank to destroy a much-upgraded tank.


Overall, remember to enter battles fully prepared as you have some time to analyze your current situation before every battle. Planning is a must. More about upgrades will be explained later in the article.


Iron Force Mobile Game


Upgrading your Tank for better chances of winning

It is an action game with tanks and weapons; hence, upgrading becomes necessary to stay in the game. You can upgrade your tank stats with the help of your in-game currency. Tank is a cannon on wheels; hence attack power is very necessary. Once you raise the attack of your Tank you can easily cause more damage and destroy your opponent faster. Now, when something has attack stats, it is always followed by defense stats. You need to upgrade your defense because if your Tank is low on defense, you will get instantly destroyed by enemy tanks with upgraded weapons. Also, you can increase the base health of your Tank.


All of these stat upgrades help you stay longer on the battlefield while defending yourself from other tanks and attacking them simultaneously. There is also another option to buy a different tank, but you need to save a lot of in-game currency to do that. 


Iron Force Tank Upgrades


How to control your Tank effectively?

Controls are very important in a game where you battle other players on a map with many obstacles. The virtual analog stick will help you control your Tank and maneuver it on the map. If you are confident about your stats, you can find enemies yourself and destroy them. And if you think you have taken too much damage, be prepared to evade it quickly or be destroyed. 


Besides the analog, you will have a 'FIRE' button that will enable you to fire ammunition from your Tank's 'Gun.' Smart maneuvering will help you win battles quickly and progress. You can customize the controls according to your liking because it's very important to have self-optimized accessibility.


So remember to understand your Tank's handling and play accordingly to avoid any unnecessary errors.


Iron Force Tank Controls



The game is excellent in all aspects, but being a prequel to Iron Force 2 has some bugs. Server issues might get quite annoying. Other than that, remember to keep track of upgrades because you have a tank, and if it's not able to perform in battles, you will be at a huge loss because destroying other tanks will become difficult. Also, save your in-game currencies to buy better tanks and upgrades. Remember to hold on to your maneuvering because handling your Tank is of utmost importance. There are no complex gameplay mechanics, so you cannot get overwhelmed. 


Iron Force 2, a sequel to the game, has also been released with many improvements. There are more customizable, which can be explored with better gameplay optimization. So go ahead and check out both the games, as they are some of the best games in the Tank battle genre.

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