Jackal Shooter: Army Tank Beginner's Guide - Best Tips and Tricks to Play


Welcome to the Jackal Shooter: Army Tank beginner's guide! If you're new to this exhilarating arcade shooter game or looking to refine your skills, you've come to the right place. Jackal Shooter: Army Tank combines the classic charm of retro arcade games with the intense action of modern wargaming, delivering an unforgettable shooting experience. As a soldier in the Jackal Force, you'll navigate treacherous terrains, dodge relentless artillery, and take down enemy cisterns and tanks.

Jackal Shooter: Army Tank Beginner's Guide

In this guide, we'll provide you with essential tips and tricks to help you master the game. From selecting and upgrading your tank to navigating the battlefield and completing challenging missions, we'll cover everything you need to know to become a legendary tank commander. So, let's play Jackal Shooter: Army Tank on PC with LDPlayer and take command, enhance your firepower, and dominate the battlefield!

How to Progress in Jackal Shooter: Army Tank

At the beginning of Jackal Shooter: Army Tank, you will be introduced to the first chapter stage. Each chapter is divided into continents, and once you clear all the stages of one continent, you will unlock the next.

As you progress through the campaign, you will unlock not only new missions but also additional features such as shops, upgrades, and other game modes. This progression adds depth and variety to your gameplay experience.

How to Progress in Jackal Shooter: Army Tank

To maximize your success and quickly advance in the game, it is crucial to clear the first map as efficiently as possible. This early momentum will help you unlock valuable resources and new gameplay elements, setting a strong foundation for future challenges. By focusing on completing the initial stages swiftly, you can ensure a smoother and more rewarding journey through the world of Jackal Shooter: Army Tank.

Participate in Events

In today's gaming landscape, events have become a staple, and Jackal Shooter: Army Tank is no exception. Events frequently offer unique rewards that are otherwise hard to come by. These include rare parts and upgrades that can significantly enhance your gameplay. Also, participating in events allows you to obtain premium items without spending money. This can level the playing field, giving you a fighting chance against players who make in-game purchases. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when participating in events.

  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on the event schedule and understand the requirements to maximize your rewards.
  • Prioritize Events: Allocate your gaming time to focus on completing event tasks and challenges.
  • Optimize Participation: Use your best strategies and available resources to excel in events, ensuring you gain the most benefit from the rewards offered.

Engaging actively in these events can provide a significant boost to your progress in Jackal Shooter: Army Tank , making your journey through the game more rewarding and competitive.

Vehicle Selection

In Jackal Shooter: Army Tank, choosing the right vehicles is crucial for overcoming the challenges presented in each stage. You can take three vehicles into battle, and understanding their strengths and weaknesses will help you make the best selections.

Vehicle Selection

Infantry Vehicles

Infantry vehicles are equipped with high-power machine guns that have a rapid rate of fire. These vehicles excel at taking on large groups of ground troops due to their fast firing capability, which allows them to quickly eliminate numerous enemies. 

Additionally, infantry vehicles are very fast, enabling you to maneuver around the map with ease. However, their rapid fire weapons deal low damage against other vehicles, making them less effective in vehicle-to-vehicle combat.

Burst Damage Vehicles

Burst damage vehicles feature powerful attacks with a wide spread radius but have a limited range. These vehicles are built like tanks, meaning they have high health points (HP) and can withstand significant damage. 

Their attacks are especially useful when vehicles and structures are clustered together, as the spread damage can impact multiple targets at once. Despite their high damage potential, their slow attack speed restricts their overall effectiveness, making them more suitable for specific situations where enemies are bunched up.

Energy-Based Weapons

The third group, energy-based weapons, is divided into two types:

  1. Precision Energy Weapons: These vehicles come with high-precision weapons that are ideal for targeting and taking down other vehicles.
  2. Spread Fire Energy Weapons: These vehicles feature weapons with a high rate of fire and bullet spread, which are excellent for dealing with infantry. Precision energy weapons are great for vehicle combat due to their accuracy, while the spread fire variety is better for handling large groups of infantry, thanks to their ability to cover a wider area with rapid shots.

Recommended Vehicle Composition

When selecting your vehicles, it is essential to have a balanced composition. Include a vehicle like the Mirage, known for its extensive attack range. The Mirage is capable of engaging enemies from a distance and is particularly effective against helicopters, making it a versatile choice for various combat scenarios. 

In addition to a long-range vehicle, having a tank that deals area-of-effect (AOE) damage is crucial. Such tanks can handle large groups of enemies with their AOE attacks and provide durability in dangerous zones due to their high HP.

For the third vehicle, consider your play style and the stage’s specific challenges. Energy weapons can be a solid choice, especially when equipped with power-ups that enhance their bullet count and attack radius, increasing their overall effectiveness. By carefully selecting and equipping your vehicles, you can adapt to the diverse challenges each stage presents and improve your performance in Jackal Shooter: Army Tank.

Turn On the Dynamic Controls

Having a powerful set of vehicles in Jackal Shooter: Army Tank is advantageous, but they won’t save you if you can’t control them effectively. The default control settings require you to touch the exact location of the movement controller to maneuver your vehicle. In the heat of battle, this can be difficult and often leads to mistakes, like dragging your finger across the screen with no response.

Turn On the Dynamic Controls

To improve your gameplay experience, it is highly recommended to turn on the dynamic controls. With dynamic controls enabled, you can touch anywhere on the screen to move your vehicle. This flexibility allows you to focus more on strategy and battle maneuvers, without being distracted by the precise placement of your finger on the control pad. Dynamic controls provide a more intuitive and responsive way to navigate your vehicle, making it easier to react quickly and effectively in combat situations.

Avoid Bullets and Fire

In Jackal Shooter: Army Tank, staying safe from hazards is essential for survival. There are many flammable objects scattered throughout the battlefield. When these are hit by gunfire, they catch fire and explode, causing unnecessary damage if you're too close. Driving over flames will also inflict damage. Always maintain a safe distance from such hazards to avoid these detrimental effects.

Evading Attacks

Most enemy projectiles can be dodged by simply moving your vehicle out of their path. For instance, when engaging tanks, pay close attention to their guns. If a bullet is fired, it means the tank has aimed at your current location. Quickly drive to the side to avoid the incoming projectile.

Defense towers, equipped with laser beams, pose another significant threat. Before firing, these towers will aim using a yellow laser. As soon as this laser stops moving, immediately reposition your vehicle because the next shot will be a damaging beam with much greater destructive power than other enemy attacks.

Evading Attacks

Helicopters are particularly challenging as they combine bullets and lasers in a complex attack pattern. Helicopter bullets are fired from a front-mounted gun, while lasers come from the sides. The side lasers have a short range but wide spread, making it dangerous to stay directly beneath them. 

Upon spotting a helicopter, move your vehicle to a safe distance and switch to a vehicle with a long attack radius. This allows you to inflict damage from afar and reposition yourself before the helicopter gets too close. Continue this tactic, dealing damage whenever the helicopter enters your range, and keep moving to stay out of its reach.

Developing Defensive Skills

Practicing these evasive maneuvers in regular map areas will help you develop the necessary skills to avoid damage in more challenging encounters, such as boss battles. Consistently avoiding bullets, projectiles, and environmental hazards in normal stages will prepare you for the intense demands of high-stakes confrontations, ensuring you are well-equipped to handle difficult battles of Jackal Shooter: Army Tank effectively.

How to Win Boss Battles

Boss battles in Jackal Shooter: Army Tank present unique challenges, especially when facing helicopter bosses. Most helicopter bosses have two distinct phases: one where they shoot from their front weapon and another where they hover over the battlefield, dealing area-of-effect (AOE) damage.

Helicopter Bosses

In the first phase, where the boss uses its front gun, position your vehicle directly under the helicopter and move along with it. As the boss attempts to aim, activate your artillery power-up. This allows your vehicle’s gun to continuously deal damage while remaining safe from the helicopter’s attacks. 

Helicopter Bosses

When the boss transitions to the AOE damage phase, red dots will appear on the ground, marking the areas to avoid. These indicate where the boss’s attacks will land. Choose a spot close to, but outside, these marked areas, and switch to a long-range weapon. This strategy enables you to inflict damage during both phases without getting hit.

Ground Vehicle Bosses

For ground vehicle bosses, the key strategy is to stay behind them as much as possible to avoid their primary attacks. Consistently use your artillery power-up as soon as it’s off cooldown to maintain pressure on the boss. High-speed vehicles with high damage output are particularly effective in these encounters. A vehicle like the Mirage, enhanced with buffs to increase firing rate and bullet count, can be especially useful in dealing sustained damage while maneuvering quickly.

Use the Power-Ups

In Jackal Shooter: Army Tank, you have access to two essential power-ups: healing and artillery attack. The healing power-up provides a small amount of health restoration. While its base effectiveness is limited, choosing the right armor can reduce its cooldown time, making it a reliable, cost-free option to maintain your health. 

Use the Power-Ups

Even without upgrades, using this ability immediately after losing health helps keep your health bar up. Think of your health as a buffer: if it’s full, you can afford to take a few hits and retreat to safety. However, if your health is already low, a few hits could quickly lead to defeat, forcing you to watch ads or spend gems for revival. To mitigate this, use high-HP vehicles in areas where you can not plan and see threats from afar, making exploration and combat easier.

Artillery Attack

The artillery attack is your best defense against vehicles. Once activated, it starts firing as soon as enemies enter your vehicle's effective range. To maximize its impact, use a long-range vehicle to stay at a safe distance while attacking. 

It’s important to avoid using the artillery attack against ground infantry, as it’s more effective against vehicles. Always ensure the artillery attack is ready before entering a boss battle, as it provides crucial offensive power. By mastering these tactics and effectively using your power-ups, you can significantly improve your chances of success in Jackal Shooter: Army Tank’s challenging boss battles.

Three-Star All the Stages

In Jackal Shooter: Army Tank, each stage can be completed with up to three stars. Stars are awarded based on the difficulty level at which you complete the stage. Playing on higher difficulties not only increases the number of enemies you need to defeat but also provides rarer resources for upgrades. These valuable resources are essential for enhancing your vehicles and improving your overall gameplay experience. To consistently earn three stars on each stage:

Three-Star All the Stages

  1. Start with Easy Mode: Familiarize yourself with the layout and enemy patterns by starting on easy mode. This helps you understand the challenges and develop a strategy without overwhelming pressure.
  2. Progress to Medium Mode: Once comfortable, move on to medium mode to refine your tactics and increase your efficiency. This mode offers a moderate increase in difficulty, preparing you for the hardest challenges.
  3. Master Hard Mode: Finally, attempt the stage on hard mode. This will present the most significant challenge but also the greatest rewards. Use the knowledge and skills gained from the previous modes to navigate the increased enemy count and tougher obstacles.

Completing all stages on an island with three stars unlocks special power-ups. These power-ups can provide a significant advantage in subsequent stages, making them invaluable for tackling more difficult parts of Jackal Shooter: Army Tank.


Mastering Jackal Shooter: Army Tank requires a blend of strategic planning, quick reflexes, and a keen understanding of your tank’s capabilities. With the tips and tricks provided in this guide, you’re now equipped to navigate treacherous terrains, upgrade your tanks effectively, and tackle challenging missions with confidence. Now, take command, deploy your best tactics, and dominate the world of Jackal Shooter: Army Tank!

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