King's Raid Ultimate Tier List for PvP and PvE (FebruaryUpdated)


King’s Raid is a game with an immense variety of content, where heroes will excel in some places while doing bad in others. This naturally means heroes will never work in every possible content, and players’ decisions (especially beginners’) will influence a lot in the difficulty of. Diversifying your roster has a massive impact in our ability to clear content, but this is something that must be done gradually.


It is always recommended for players to start the game with a damage dealer of their choice, then get the best support options for that hero and stick to a single damage type for at least some months. Once the foundation of the account is set, we can start moving towards building new damage dealer, or even switching to the opposite damage type, but doing this too early will hinder our progression drastically.


The popularity of this game stems from the fact that this game doesn't have gacha like in other games. All heroes are recruitable and within reach. You can also play King’s Raid on PC and have fun playing your favorite characters on a big screen.


This tier list has been updated for November 2021 and offers an average score for each hero that considers all the content the game has to offer, from Story Mode for starters to Divine Punishment Raid for veterans. It includes a short commentary about the pros and cons of the hero and why you should or should not use it.


My name is Shal, one of the official content creators for King’s Raid (Youtube channel:, and I will be rating all heroes in the next list. This tier list ranks heroes between B rank and SS rank. Each rank comprehends the following criteria:


B rank: Heroes in this tier are practically unusable in their current state, offering very little utilities in this type of content, dealing very little damage, or suffering from having an extremely obsolete kit as a result of new content being much more demanding. In the best cases some players can make them work under extreme situations and team investment. In the worst cases they cannot clear or participate at all. Heroes in this tier are generally specialized for the opposite type of content. For example, B tier PvE heroes will almost always be high tier in PvP, and vice versa.


A rank: Heroes in this tier are comparatively weaker but usable choices for the related content. Some of these heroes are also outdated but still have powerful utilities to contribute. Other very powerful heroes will be in this tier as a result of having very specialized kits, ensuing extremely good performance in some fights and underperformance in others, resulting in an average general score. In PvP they can serve as counters to specific threats only, with average or below average results against most others.


S rank: Heroes in this tier are favorable in almost every situation, excelling in a couple of relevant contents and still doing relatively well in others. Almost all support heroes in this tier are worth raising at some point or another, regardless of their damage type, as they are very easy to fit in multitude of different teams. A good portion of the damage dealers in the game also belong here, as it is almost impossible for them to do well in absolutely every content.


SS rank: Heroes in this tier are extremely good in almost every existing content or trivialize most of it thanks to a recent balance update or just having insane utilities or damage (or both) in their kits. Heroes in this tier sometimes have a weakness or two that conditions their performance in specific situations, but they are generally always safe and recommended to build and use.




Knight Class:


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated)CLAUSE

General PvE: S

PvP: B

Commentary: Clause is a hybrid tank that works for both teams and excels against enemies that deal primarily physical damage, offering extreme team-wide protection, strong buffs, and crit resistance reduction which is gaining major traction in the current metas.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) JANE

General PvE: S

PvP: A

Commentary: Jane is a tank for magic teams that’s focused more on the offensive than defensive, offering very large AoE M.DMG boost and M.DEF reductions. She can make herself immune to CC and her passive can revive her which can buy your team some time to recover in some situations.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) LOMAN

General PvE: S


Commentary: Loman is a physical NPC tank that excels against enemies that deal magic damage, offering extreme team-wide protection, P.DMG boosts and utilities such as cleanse, shields and heals.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) ASELICA

General PvE: S

PvP: A

Commentary: Aselica is a magic tank that excels against enemies that deal physical damage. She offers unrivaled protection to your main damage dealer, heals, P.DEF buffs, M.DEF reductions, cooldown reduction, and extremely large but single target M.DMG boosts. She can buff and reduce the cooldown of up to 2 targets, synergizing extremely well with shield users like Fallen Frey or stacking buffers like May. Watch her full review video :





Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) GLENWYS

General PvE: S

PvP: B

Commentary: Glenwys is a tank that works for both types of teams, primarily made for multi-wave content or fights that last for less than 20 seconds. She provides the strongest damage buffs among all tanks for that duration, after the which she falls off tremendously. She is ideal for end-game players trying to boost their damage to the next level.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated)MORRAH

General PvE: S

PvP: B

Commentary: Morrah is a magic tank that excels against enemies that deal magic damage. She offers very high magic protection to your team, solid M.DMG boosts and the largest healing reduction source in the entire game.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) SHAKMEH

General PvE: SS


Commentary: Shakmeh is a physical tank that is focused on the offensive, providing the largest P.DMG boosts among physical tanks, moderate protection for your main damage dealer, and utilities such as dispel and cleanse.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) NERAXIS

General PvE: A

PvP: A

Commentary: Neraxis is a magic tank that offers large defensive boosts to his team but lacks on the offensive. He is strong for starters but falls off as damage requirements start to become more apparent.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated)PHILLOP

General PvE: S

PvP: A

Commentary: Physical tank with a ton of strong debuffs and the largest P.DEF reduction in the game. Unfortunately, as the game progresses many bosses become immune to this effect, reducing his general performance drastically.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) TAILY

General PvE: A

PvP: S

Commentary: Hybrid tank with only very niche excelling points such as Trial of the Earth and Siegfried Raid. Does well in PvP too.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated)RICARDO

General PvE: B

PvP: A

Commentary: Outdated hero with a kit too old and basic to perform in 2021


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) SONIA

General PvE: A

PvP: A

Commentary: Outdated hero with a focus on CC and lacking too many modern utilities to perform appropriately


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) DEMIA

General PvE: B

PvP: S

Commentary: Almost exclusively used in PvP.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) DOSARTA

General PvE: A


Commentary: Recently buffed to act as an answer to some of the strongest most overused heroes in PvP, Dosarta still lacks drastically in PvE and does not offer any real offensive power or great defenses but can still work to some extent.



Warrior Class:


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) KASEL

General PvE: SS


Commentary: Kasel is a physical melee damage dealer that recently received one of the most absurd balanced updates in the history of the game, resulting in a FREE starting hero that excels practically in 100% of the content. He will breeze through the early game from the very first minute and destroy end-game content if provided with the right support. He can also easily farm his own trial and soul weapon. He excels in PvP as well, but he requires more investments in this area. New or returning players wanting to play a physical team cannot go wrong selecting Kasel as their main hero.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated)REBEL CLAUSE

General PvE: S


Commentary: Rebel clause is a physical melee damage dealer that excels against bosses with very high defense thanks to the DEF ignore capabilities across his entire kit. He is also probably the best auto farmer in the game thanks to his insane passive skill that hits all enemies with his auto attack. As a tradeoff, he is extremely fragile, and consumes his own HP to cast skills so he needs protection. He is great for farming his own soul weapon.

Rebel Clause cannot be acquired normally until after chapter 10-1 of the main story so players wanting to play him will have to start with a different hero until then.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) CHASE

General PvE: S

PvP: S

Commentary: Chase is a physical melee damage dealer with above average resilience and sustained damage. His main mechanic gives him a massive stat boost and makes him permanently immune to CC while draining his HP periodically. He can overcome this issue with the healing provided by his Unique Weapon. He is extremely easy to play and auto-friendly and only does bad in very few situations. Watch his full video review here:





Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) SERIA

General PvE: S

PvP: S

Commentary: Seria is a magic melee damage dealer with a very unique playstyle among warriors. She is currently the only magic option within the class that has DEF ignore capabilities. She has strong AoE and single target damage and has guaranteed Critical Hits which frees her to build other stats. She cannot block enemy attacks as a tradeoff, and her mana generation is much slower than others. She is the strongest magic option to farm Trial of the Earth. Watch her full review video :





Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) KIRZE

General PvE: S

PvP: B

Commentary: Kirze is a free magic melee damage dealer with one of the strongest damage potentials in the game but locked behind RNG. She has high base stats and powerful CC tools, but most of her damage comes from lucky procs triggered by her Unique Weapon effect.  Regardless of this, she is an extremely solid character to start the game with, easily farming her own trial and transitioning well into the end-game.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) THEO

General PvE: S

PvP: B

Commentary: Theo is another magic melee damage dealer with very high base stats, damage, and CC. He also has some RNG elements in his kit. His damage ceiling is lower compared to Kirze, but he is more consistent and easier to play. Some of his Unique Items and mechanics are clunky and outdated. He can farm his own Soul Weapon as well.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) DARK LORD KASEL

General PvE: A


Commentary: Dark Lord Kasel is a physical melee damage dealer and one of the greatest and most used threats in PvP and can also do well in certain contents of PvE. He lacks the base stats that many other warriors have and he is fragile so will have a harder time facing content especially in the end game. He can farm Trial of the Earth, but it’s harder than most other options in the same tier.

Dark Lord Kasel cannot be acquired normally until after chapter 9 of the main story so players wanting to play him will have to start with a different hero until then.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) NICKY

General PvE: A

PvP: S

Commentary: Nicky is a physical melee NPC warrior that leans more towards the support side of the class. She can act as a damage dealer in some content and under high team investments, but her kit shines mostly as an assistant, offering very high CC, physical damage boosts, P.DEF shred, fixed P.Block debuff and healing reductions. She will struggle harder than most to do her own trial and will performs better as a support there too. Nicky excels in Siegfried, Challenge Raid content and PvP.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated)PRISCILLA

General PvE: S

PvP: B

Commentary: Priscilla is another support type physical warrior that offers strong damage boosts to one ally, and the ability to reduce their cooldowns. She excels as a secondary tank, or even main tank in places like World Bosses and Trial of the Earth. Her CC and damage are low in exchange.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) GAU

General PvE: A

PvP: S

Commentary: Gau is a physical warrior that also works best as a support but has the capabilities to act as a damage dealer in some content as well. His damage is below average within the warrior class but offers large amounts of CC and unique utilities. He works very well in Trial of the Earth thanks to his damage immunity.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) VISKA

General PvE: A

PvP: A

Commentary: Viska was originally designed as a damage dealer but has evolved into a support type magic warrior. She has the potential to deal high damage against multiple enemies at a time but won’t do well in most other situations. She offers high Magic damage boosts, M.DEF shred, ATK reductions and CC and can act very well as a tank against magic type enemies. She doesn’t do too well in Trial of the Earth.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) RIHEET

General PvE: A

PvP: B

Commentary: Riheet is another support type magic warrior that excels at supporting his sister Ripine. When both are together a unique synergy in the game is triggered enabling new abilities and effects, but by himself Riheet is one of the weakest warriors in the game. He is similar to Viska but offers more CC and mana control tools in exchange for not having ATK reductions.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) NAILA

General PvE: A

PvP: S

Commentary: Naila is a PvP focused, physical melee damage dealer with high mobility and burst damage. Her PvE kit is decent, but there are better, easier, and stronger options for everything she has to offer in this content.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) SCARLET

General PvE: B


Commentary: Scarlet is a PvP focused physical damage dealer that offers insane damage and utilities in the arena. She is one of the most dominant heroes in this mode but falls off drastically in PvE.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) HILDA

General PvE: A

PvP: A

Commentary: Hilda is a magic melee damage dealer with a kit similar to Chase, making her immune to CC and not consuming her HP but without anything of the other benefits to stats and damage. Her damage is quite low, only excelling in Siegfried Raid and performing averagely in everything else.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) BERNHEIM

General PvE: B


Commentary: Bernheim is a PvP focused magic damage dealer with tons of CC and other utilities relevant to the arena but his usability in PvE is extremely limited.



Assassin Class:


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) GREMORY

General PvE: SS

PvP: A

Commentary: Gremory is a magic ranged assassin and by far the strongest magic damage dealer in the game, with extremely high single target and AoE damage that ignores DEF. She is unique in the sense that she can deal high damage even to enemies with low DEF, on top of having insane utilities like M.Block fix, ATK reduction, healing reduction and M.DMG boosts. She is very slow at the beginning of the game as she relies strongly on her items, but as she gets stronger, she will excel in practically every content of the game. Gremory does really well in Trial of the Sky. Watch her full video review here:





Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated)ERZE

General PvE: SS

PvP: B

Commentary: Erze is a physical ranged assassin that recently received a very strong balance update that catapulted her to the top of the tiers. She is now perhaps the strongest AoE damage dealer, with very high single target damage as well. She doesn’t have utilities to offer or DEF ignore damage but has tons of free stats in her kit. Erze does well in Trial of the Sky.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) GLADI

General PvE: S

PvP: S

Commentary: Gladi is a physical NPC melee assassin with very high DEF ignoring single target damage, very strong P.DMG boosts and above average survivability. He excels against enemies with high DEF like Galgoria and Siegfried and can fulfill the assassin support role for physical teams better than most. Struggles hard against Trial of the Sky. Not recommended for starters as a main dps due to his reliance on hard-to-get NPC Unique Weapons.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) EPIS

General PvE: S

PvP: A

Commentary: Epis is a magic melee assassin with extremely high DEF ignoring single target damage and mobility. Her kit is designed to increase her stats infinitely after each enemy killed, resetting the cooldown of her main ability, and granting her infinite mana as well. This interaction makes her one of the strongest choices for Eclipse and other content with multiple high DEF enemies like Ascalon but she underperforms in single target bosses with low defense like Shakmeh, ARCDIM or Apocalypsion. Struggles hard against Trial of the Sky. Not recommended for starters.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) LAUDIA

General PvE: A

PvP: B

Commentary: Laudia is a magic melee assassin with extremely high burst damage and above average survivability. Her kit is designed against single target bosses like World Boss 1, Guild Conquest Tyrfas and some Challenge Raids. She is very reliant on cooldown reduction allies like Oddy, Priscilla and Aselica to enable her act as intended, otherwise she is just average. Struggles hard against Trial of the Sky. Not recommended for starters.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated)RIPINE

General PvE: A

PvP: B

Commentary: Ripine is a magic melee assassin with one of the strongest single target DEF ignoring damage outputs in the game, but her AoE damage is almost non-existent. She has many free stats and damage multipliers but will only perform at her best while supported by her brother Riheet, which will grant her access to her Full Moon Execution ability. Unfortunately, this synergy is also her curse as she is often dragged down by Riheet using a party slot sometimes better suited for other supports. Struggles hard against Trial of the Sky. Not recommended for starters. Watch her full video review here:





Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) ROI

General PvE: S

PvP: B

Commentary: Roi is a physical melee assassin with insanely high burst damage, very high hit count and above average survivability against physical enemies. He has tons of free stats but his AoE damage is also lacking. His kit is designed against single target bosses like World Boss 2 and Challenge Raids.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated)REINA

General PvE: A

PvP: B

Commentary: Reina is a physical melee assassin with very high sustained damage and very high survivability. She has tons of free stats as well and is one of the only heroes in the game that can become invulnerable to damage consistently, which adds up for a lot of skill expression and skill ceiling. She is capable of doing a large amount of content, only struggling against high DEF enemies like Eclipse, or heavy AoE situations.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) TANYA

General PvE: A

PvP: S

Commentary: Tanya is a physical melee assassin that is originally designed for PvP but with an often misunderstood and underappreciated PvE kit. She has really strong burst damage on her Skill 3 plus her passive, that synergizes extremely well with cooldown reduction heroes or effects but will not perform in as many places as more specialized PvE assassins.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) NIA

General PvE: A

PvP: S

Commentary: Nia is a physical melee assassin with a kit primarily made for PvP but with decent PvE potential divided by damage and support utilities. Unfortunately, she does not excel in any of those departments so it’s easier and better to use specialized heroes for each case instead.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) EZEKIEL

General PvE: A

PvP: S

Commentary: Ezekiel is a magic melee assassin with a very strong kit that works for both PvE and PvP, with high mobility but with average PvE damage compared to more specialized heroes and null AoE presence.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) MIRIANNE

General PvE: S

PvP: A

Commentary: Mirianne is a magic ranged assassin with extremely high single target DEF ignoring damage potential, good mobility and strong utilities such as shields, M.Crit Resist reduction and M.Block Reduction. She has a good number of free stats in her kit and she can even participate in some AoE content thanks to her reset mechanic that allows her to chain skills and refund her mana after each kill.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) KIBERA

General PvE: A

PvP: A

Commentary: Kibera is a magic melee assassin with a very strong and versatile kit that works for both PvE and PvP, allowing the player to pick from 3 possible playstyles at the start of the battle. Depending on the choice, Kibera will significantly increase his single target damage, AoE damage, survivability or DEF ignoring damage. Often wronged as a PvP only hero, but certainly not the most casual friendly PvE hero either.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) FLUSS

General PvE: B

PvP: S

Commentary: Primarily used for PvP only, he doesn’t have much to offer in PvE.



Archer Class:


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) ESTELLE

General PvE: SS

PvP: A

Commentary: Estelle took the game’s meta by surprise in an era where heroes still had noticeable strengths and weaknesses and stablished a completely new paradigm. Estelle does it all in PvE, she is a top tier hero in practically 100% of the PvE content the game has to offer, with extreme offensive and defensive utilities, healing, permanent effects and more. in my opinion, Estelle is the strongest hero in the game, doesn’t matter what dps or what type of damage you play.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) TALISHA

General PvE: A

PvP: B

Commentary: Talisha is probably what developers had in mind for Estelle at first, a very balanced hybrid support response to Technomagic Raids, Trial of Sky, and other content. She is a victim of Estelle’s incredible power, being practically impossible for her to catch up or justify using her in terms of raw support and healing. After her balance patch she has been remade and relegated as the second strongest Eclipse dps in the game, and that’s where her niche ends. She performs decently well in other content, regardless. She does very well in Trial of the Sky


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) SELENE

General PvE: S

PvP: A

Commentary: Selene is perhaps the only physical survivor of Estelle’s sudden introduction, offering a completely opposite kit and focusing on pure damage instead. Selene is a monster of a damage dealer, focused on high DEF single target bosses and currently is the best dps in the game for Eclipse, but does not do too well in Trial of Sky by herself. Watch her full video review here:





Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) LUNA

General PvE: A

PvP: S

Commentary: Luna is a magic damage dealer with almost zero support capabilities as well, which makes her different to Estelle, and still justifiable to use with or without her. Her kit is extremely basic and simple, but somehow manages to do really well against PvE content if well geared and supported. She is greatly underestimated and misunderstood in terms of power by a majority of the player base. She does not do well in Trial of the Sky.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) REQUINA

General PvE: A

PvP: S

Commentary: Requina used to be one of the top support archer choices that could also be built as dps and perform well. After Estelle’s release she has been restricted to simply pure dps, with a minor niche in Shakmeh content due to her strong Mana control utilities and high ATK Reduction. Unfortunately, everything else in her kit pales in comparison and can’t justify using her due to low uptime of effects. In PvP she is a force to be reckoned with.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) YANNE

General PvE: A

PvP: B

Commentary: Yanne is the first hero that has a specific content designed around her, that being Dragon Raids. She is the strongest hero in this content but performs below average in everything else. After her recent balance patch and the introduction of a new and harder Dragon related content (Apocalypsion Raid) she had the opportunity of being reworked to perform better in more places but still falls short. Yanne lovers can find joy in having a really easier time in the new hardest PvE content we have, but that’s all she has in her favor for the foreseeable future.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) YURIA

General PvE: A


Commentary: Yuria is almost exclusively used in PvP content, with some PvP contents where she can do well, like Trial of the Sky.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) ARCH

General PvE: S

PvP: B

Commentary: Similar to Luna, Arch is a vastly underappreciated magic damage dealer with strong abilities and superb utilities against magic bosses. He offers very high damage DEF ignoring damage and complete immunity to magic damage for his team, on a relatively short cooldown. He does really well in Trial of the Sky.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) DIMAEL

General PvE: A

PvP: A

Commentary: Dimael suffers from a very old and outdated kit. He deals moderate DEF ignoring damage and can certainly clear content but will not perform well in modern content. In PvP he is also an extremely niche pick against some specific units only.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) ZAFIR

General PvE: A

PvP: A

Commentary: Zafir has strong selfbuffs and tons of free stats, but he is only really strong in heavy AoE situations. Unfortunately for him, better and easier units have been released or buffed to fill this niche, which made him irrelevant in almost all content. In PvP he is also an extremely niche pick against some specific units only.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) SHAMILLA

General PvE: B


Commentary: No presence in PvE whatsoever. Anything she could accomplish requires excessive setups. She is designed completely for PvP where she reigns supreme.



Mechanic Class:


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) VALANCE

General PvE: SS


Commentary: Valance is the most recently released hero and quickly gained her name as “Mechanic Estelle” for a reason, performing extremely well in practically 100% of the content. She is a massive stat buffer for her team and includes every possible offensive and defensive utility you can imagine. She is an NPC support type hero which makes her very expensive to build and upgrade, but the investments will pay off. Even in PvP she is currently a very contested pick and ban.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated)HANUS

General PvE: S

PvP: S

Commentary: Hanus is another NPC physical mechanic but this time fully focused on dealing damage. She was also recently buffed to perform better in Guild Conquest content but was rapidly overthrown by easier to play heroes like Erze. She is massive in terms of raw damage, perhaps one of the strongest in the game, but her kit is very clunky with a lot of restrictions like Ammo being dispelled and not being affected by ATK Spd. She performs relatively well everywhere including Trial of the Sky, provided with the right support, but does not do too well in Auto Play.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) ODDY

General PvE: S

PvP: A

Commentary: Oddy is an extremely strong support hero that enables a whole lot of strategies across different contents, for many different setups, but as the game progresses and new gear and heroes are released, his old unique assets have been slowly replaced. He is still very functional and strong but has been kicked from many places where he used to be the best, by more modern and stronger additions. Yes, he can be used as a dps as well and does very decent.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) KARA

General PvE: A

PvP: B

Commentary: Kara is perhaps one of the strongest single target magic damage dealers in the game but struggles greatly against AoE content. She is especially frail during her dps mode and offers very little to the team aside of damage, but she has managed to claim the World Boss 1 throne for herself thanks to this. She performs well in other fights like Otherworldly Shakmeh and some Challenge Raids too. In PvP she is more of a pocket pick against certain setups and nothing else. Watch her full video review here:





Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) PANSIRONE

General PvE: S

PvP: S

Commentary: Pansirone suffered a similar fate as most archers did with Estelle, but with Valance release. With Valance stealing most if not all her mechanic class spots and Erze powercreeping her in the damage department. She is no pushover, on the contrary she is really strong in most content and a solid dps to pick, but better options exist in this day and age which lowers her previously almost perfect rating. One of the best choices for physical dps in Trial of the Sky.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) RODINA

General PvE: S

PvP: S

Commentary: Rodina is a ranged physical damage dealer with DEF ignore properties but with a heavy focus on burst windows of damage instead of sustained damage. She has one of the highest damage outputs in short and planned bursts of damage but it’s susceptible to interruptions and also doesn’t perform terribly well in AoE fights. It’s possible to clear Trial of Sky with her but requires higher investments than other options.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) CECILIA

General PvE: S

PvP: A

Commentary: Cecilia is the first and only melee dps in the mechanic class, a hero that cannot miss her attacks and is designed to scale her damage higher and higher as the fight goes on. She has many interesting and fun gimmicks to play around but her reliance on external cooldown reduction sources limits her usability or makes her more dependent than other options. She is extremely strong in the majority of the content but does not do well in Trial of the Sky so she is not the most beginner-friendly hero. Watch her full review here:





Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) MITRA

General PvE: S

PvP: B

Commentary: Mitra is very similar to Cecilia in their designs, except he is ranged and his damage scaling is based on debuff stack on enemy targets instead of a permanent buff on self. This makes him weaker in fights with multiple phases because he needs to reapply all the stacks from scratch, but he is generally stronger, safer, and easier to play in long, single target fights. He does not have a place in PvP.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) ANNETTE

General PvE: SS

PvP: S

Commentary: Originally the backbone of every magic team in the game, Annette was given new life after the most recent balance patch, making her relevant in basically every content again, including PvP. She provides every utility you can think of, large M.DMG boosts and massive healing. It’s hard to think on a content she performs poorly, and the best part is that most of her kit works well with basically any gear investment. One of the strongest starting choices for beginners.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) MIRURU

General PvE: A

PvP: S

Commentary: Miruru is an AoE physical damage dealer with a very basic and outdated kit. She has support qualities in the form of P.DMG boosts, and decent presence in PvP, but that’s about how much she can do.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) LAKRAK

General PvE: S


Commentary: Another really underappreciated hero who is surprisingly strong both in single target and AoE situations. He has significant utilities, explosive damage, and mana control tools to play around. Not the strongest in any situation but certainly a strong enough hero to clear content with if you like him. In PvP he is feared by his instant and annoying mana burn and stun locks.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) CROW

General PvE: A

PvP: B

Commentary: Crow is only focused on dealing damage, with zero team utilities. He has by far the strongest single hit attack in the game, but this attack needs a lot of preparation. Sadly, most of the modern fights are designed in a way that does not allow him to abuse with originally powerful kit, and his attack speed and stack restrictions in order to unleash that attack hinder his performance dramatically. One of the most urgent candidates for a quality of life buff or rework.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) CHRISHA

General PvE: A

PvP: A

Commentary: Chrisha is another hybrid between damage dealer and support, which in the current age has been proven to not work too well. As a result, Chrisha lacks in both sides, not really excelling in any content, but being able to clear most of them regardless, but with difficulties. Another urgent candidate for buffs.



Wizard Class:


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated)VERONICA

General PvE: SS

PvP: B

Commentary: Ever since her release Veronica has occupied a top position in almost every PvE content in the game. Her buffs and CC are perhaps one of the strongest in the roster, and she can work for both types of teams. She even has strong personal dps if built that way. Expensive but a powerhouse support wizard that outshines everybody else in her class.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) ISOLET

General PvE: A

PvP: A

Commentary: Isolet was designed as an answer for the lack of physical wizard spots in physical teams in Galgoria and Trial of the Flow. She does extremely high DEF ignoring damage if built correctly, but her kit is perhaps one of the clunkiest and has many ATK Spd and cooldown restrictions. She does not do too well in any other place aside of those 2 niches she was designed for. Watch her full video review here:




Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) LUCIKIEL

General PvE: S


Commentary: Similar to Cecilia, Lucikiel is the first and only melee dps of the Wizard class, and one that shines over many in many contents. His strong DEF ignoring damage and extreme natural tankiness obliterates Trial of the Flow with no effort. He does extremely well in fights like TM Raids, Eclipse and PvP as well, with his only weakness really being low DEF bosses and ranked content like World Bosses. One of the best starting choices for beginners.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) LORRAINE

General PvE: S


Commentary: Lorraine is a hero with a mixed kit between damage and support, including mana control tools, ATK reductions and large CC. Unfortunately, she needs to sacrifice one of these aspects to really do well in the other. She has massive single target damage in the form of damage over time effects or Poison, which makes her less bursty than other wizards but with greater sustained dps. She is less than ideal for long fights and is really strong in PvP too. Solid hero to do Trial of the Flow with both as dps or support. Watch her full video review here:





Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) XERAH

General PvE: S

PvP: A

Commentary: Xerah is extremely solid damage dealer with potent utilities and CC. She was designed around Shakmeh content, being by far the strongest wizard in the roster for it. She has the unique ability to destroy enemy shields, even those which cannot be dispelled, and provide large defensive bonuses and constant cleanse to her teams. She is capable of dealing large single target and AoE damage in most content, including PvP, but she is harder to play compared to other choices. She does well in Trial of the Flow, but it’s much harder to execute her gameplay. Watch her full video review here:





Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) AISHA

General PvE: A

PvP: A

Commentary: Aisha is a pure damage dealer with very high damage potential that suffers from having a very old and clunky kit around long casts and high mana costs, and lack of synergies with other commonly strong heroes. Her old solo time and high hit count niches are now more of a curse than a blessing, getting punished for them in many places and without ways to prevent them. She is still very capable of clearing content thanks to her raw damage, but she is harder to play around due to a big need for specific support, and she is also fragile and very susceptible to interruptions. Does well in Trial of the Flow. Watch her full hero review here:





Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) LEWISIA

General PvE: A

PvP: B

Commentary: Lewisia is a ranged magic damage dealer focused hero that is supposed to excel in long fights as she increases her damage permanently based on the number oof stacks in her enemies. She performs relatively well in many places but her kit is not nearly as strong as it should to put her in a relevant position in this type of long, sustained content. She does really well in Trial of the Flow and low DEF bosses like Otherworldly Shakmeh. Watch her full video review here:





Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) ARTEMIA

General PvE: S

PvP: B

Commentary: Artemia is a magic damage dealer that excels in AoE situations, but with above average performance in single target fights as well. She counts with several defensive utilities in her and is one of the bulkiest heroes in the class in PvE. This excess of roles and utilities may play against her in terms of raw damage, as other more modern and specialized heroes tend to do better than her now and she starts to lose her niches. She does well in Trial of the Flow. Watch her full hero review here:




Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) CLEO

General PvE: S

PvP: B

Commentary: Recently buffed Cleo now reclaims her throne as the strongest AoE damage dealer in the class, and maybe in the game. Despite this niche she is still capable of dealing large amounts of damage to single target enemies, supported by her massive mana regeneration tools and short cooldowns. She includes some utilities in her kit that help her deal with high DEF targets or help her team in some fights, such as M.DMG boosts and M.DEF shreds. She does well in Trial of the Flow.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) OPHELIA

General PvE: A

PvP: A

Commentary: Ophelia has a fantastic kit full of utilities, moderate damage and mana self-sustain. Unfortunately, she can be really hard to play, something older heroes have in common and detracts many newer players from trying them. The issue is that difficulty is not properly rewarded with higher damage as it should so there isn’t much of a reason to play easier and stronger heroes instead. She does well in Trial of the Flow, regardless.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) LILIA

General PvE: A

PvP: S

Commentary: Lilia is an odd one in the sense she scales her damage around different stats such as mana per second and attack, something unique to herself. This makes her builds normally really complex, as she also lacks base stats in her kit to fit everything she needs. Her kit also possesses some random elements in her damage and CC, which is less than ideal when looking for consistent results. She is not beginner friendly but does well in Trial of the Flow if built appropriately.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) ESKER

General PvE: A

PvP: B

Commentary: Esker is another hybrid between damage and support, but to the extreme. He has a really overloaded kit but depends greatly on cooldown reduction sources to truly shine. With Oddy being one of his best supports and his sudden decrease in usability, Esker has been dragged down along him, but he is still very much relevant in long single target and especially AoE fights. His powerful CC and DEF ignoring damage will make him great in Trial of the Flow, but he can be very hard to execute properly.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) MARIA

General PvE: A

PvP: A

Commentary: Maria is capable of dealing high damage, but in general she performs below average compared to specialized wizards. She is designed for PvP for strong and quick CC teams.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) NYX

General PvE: A

PvP: A

Commentary: Same as Maria, usable but with below average performance in PvE. Designed for PvP.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) DAKARIS

General PvE: A


Commentary: Same as before but vastly superior in terms of PvE performance, Dakaris can do really well in PvE if built and supported correctly, but never catch up to other more specialized heroes. Designed for PvP, he performs as you would expect.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) PAVEL

General PvE: B

PvP: S

Commentary: Same deal but to the extreme. Pavel will struggle against basically all PvE content. Designed solely for PvP.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) CAIN

General PvE: A


Commentary: Used almost exclusively in PvP as well, but with some niche support uses in PvE.



Priest Class:


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) ISAIAH

General PvE: SS


Commentary: There is really no way to describe how powerful Isaiah is, she just is. In every content she offers so much offensive and defensive power you will rarely need anything else. She performs excellently in every content, and despite not being the absolute best choice in some, she is close to be. Currently one if not the most contested pick and ban for PvP too, she is a massive hero for all beginners and veterans alike, with not excessive gear requirements to perform but more difficult to execute than other priests.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) SHEA

General PvE: SS


Commentary: Shea has lost a lot of her original dominance across PvE content due to new releases and balance patches, but still remains in the very top of the class ranks with one of the most overloaded defensive and offensive kits. She is one of the most manual intensive heroes in the game and can be very hard and expensive to build but every player should have one in their roster. They will need her sooner or later.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) FALLEN FREY

General PvE: SS


Commentary: Fallen Frey is similar in the sense that she keeps being pushed out of her originally dominant position due to more offensive heroes stepping in, but she simply refuses to leave entirely due to how strong and easy to play she is. She is by far the most recommended priest for beginners to work towards, enabling much of the earlier and mid-game content, and transitioning well into end game and PvP. Every player should build their own Fallen Frey.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) LAVRIL

General PvE: S

PvP: A

Commentary: Lavril is a purely offensive priest that shares a portion of her own stats to her damage dealer. She is strong, perhaps too much, but in contrast her defensive contributions are small, and her inability to sustain full teams in long periods of times make her hard to fit as the only priest, for example in Technomagic Raids. She is currently a core hero in all ranked content for magic teams. Recently buffed Lavril doesn’t solve many of her defensive issues, but her offensive kit has improved even more.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) MAY

General PvE: SS

PvP: B

Commentary: Purely a PvE May, she is basically irreplaceable in ranked and scoring content. She needs time to ramp all her offensive power for her team, but she also offers incredibly healing, stat buffs and CC. She is part of many content metas at the moment and nothing seems to indicate she will be leaving anytime soon. Works for basically every team and damage type.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) LAIAS

General PvE: S

PvP: S

Commentary: One of the simplest kits but most effective kits in the game, she is the greatest line of the defense in a team against magic enemies and offers a rare Recovery stat boost to allies to help alleviate the constant healing reduction debuffs in modern bosses. Basically a must have hero in any serious team for Apocalypsion Raid, due to her large M.DEF, M.Crit resist and M.DMG reduction buffs.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) EVAN

General PvE: S


Commentary: Evan is a priest with a heavy focus on protecting his team against physical damage, and currently the only owner of an irremovable shield in the game which makes him one of the most broken heroes against hard hitting dispelling attacks, such as new bosses in Challenge Raid, and a contested pick in PvP.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) REHARTNA

General PvE: S

PvP: B

Commentary: Rehartna is a jack of all trades among priests, and one of the strongest early game choices for beginners. She is extremely cheap and autonomous even without items and will provide powerful buffs and protections to her team, on top of team wide cooldown reduction. She can easily be replaced later or be built fully and transition well enough into end game fights like Eclipse, where she reigns supreme.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) MEDIANA

General PvE: A

PvP: B

Commentary: Mediana provides the highest ATK buff in the game, given the player invests in her. She is extremely expensive as she normally needs pure ATK stat and invested Soul Weapon to even just rival other buffers. She can provide dmg immunity against a single hit which adds a lot to her skill expression to time and protect against specific attacks and can make her damage dealer immune to death. Unfortunately, all this doesn’t match some of the new hero releases in terms of power.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) LUCIAS

General PvE: A

PvP: S

Commentary: Solid priest against physical enemies or in situations where constant cleanses and dispels are needed. Lucias has a very strong buff for all allies at the start of each battle, similar to Glenwys’, but unfortunately this effect can be dispelled by enemies. He has a fun kit, great healing, and unique effects but none of this is enough to make relevant against the priest powerhouses that dominate the game right now.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) KAULAH

General PvE: A

PvP: A

Commentary: Another great priest in paper, with great healing, above average CC, and stat buffs similar to may’s but lacking in all other aspects, with really uptime of effects and no damage modifiers for his damage dealer. He is a great and cheap starting choice for beginners but will quickly fall behind in terms of supportive power.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) FREY

General PvE: A

PvP: A

Commentary: Frey is a free hero from the very start of the game and fulfills her purpose as one of the most solid and cheapest early game priests. Players can complete the entire story mode of the game with her if they so choose, without problems, and transition into mid game well enough. The bad news is her offensive power is almost insignificant and has no presence in any end game fights. Watch her full video review here:





Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) JUNO

General PvE: S

PvP: S

Commentary: Juno doesn’t offer too much offensive or defensive power but has one if not the most versatile kit among priests. She has incredible utilities, mana battery, healing, shields, dispels and cleanse. You can fit Juno in practically every team you want for any needs, accepting the damage loss of not including more modern options, of course.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) LEO

General PvE: B


Commentary: Leo is a powerful presence in Arena, dealing high damage and causing a lot of disruption, while powering up other physical damage dealers in his (usually) burst teams with his P.DEF shred tools. In PvE he has absolutely no presence.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) REPHY

General PvE: B

PvP: S

Commentary: Similar to Leo in his focus towards PvP, but this time on a more defensive role into Bruiser or Wall teams, with great healing, cleanse, and anti-physical damage tools. No presence in PvE.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) CASSANDRA

General PvE: A

PvP: S

Commentary: Cass has a lot of uses in PvE if the player choses, but her power is not remotely close to the standards of today resulting in a very underperforming spot in most scenarios. She is designed for PvP, creating a lot of chaos in enemy team with fast and short cooldown CC effects, moderate healing, and good team protection at the start of the fight.


Kings Raid Ultimate Tier List [Best PvP and PvE Heroes](November Updated) BAUDOUIN

General PvE: B

PvP: A

Commentary: Very little things about Baudouin are worthy of talking about. His damage immunity has a very long cooldown and can be dispelled, a utility many PvP teams have aplenty. His presence in PvE is null and he is not exactly in a great shape in PvP either.


LDPlayer Features for King’s Raid:


LDPlayer has tons of features that help you to have more fun playing King’s Raid and enhance your gaming experience to the next level with improved graphics and framerate. For example, you can use the emulator’s in-built keyboard mapping feature to quickly bind keys to your mouse and keyboard, emulating the experience of an actual PC game.



We sincerely hope that you have found good information while reading this guide about the top heroes for both game modes.

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