The Ultimate Guide to King’s Raid – How To Get Better Quick


The Ultimate Guide to King’s Raid – How To Get Better Quick


King's Raid is an RPG game developed by Korean Studio Vespa released in Early 2017. The game's core premise revolves around creating a team of 4 heroes, which you then use to farm, gear up, level up, and awaken as well. All the heroes you can get are free, but since this is a Gacha game, you need to use the currency to acquire unique gear.


The game has a few pays to win elements; however, this game is generally considered very F2P friendly as the developers are quite lenient with general rewards.


Core Gameplay:


Unlike other Gacha Games, which rely on rerolling accounts, you will not worry so much about your luck as you later can recruit every hero in the game at a particular stage. Moreover, unlike other games where special gear cannot be changed or dismantled in any way, you have the innate ability to destroy whatever special equipment you want and make your own.


As you move on further in the game, you will realize that taking advantage of good early summons is not worth it since you can get most of those pulls after some time anyway. For a F2P player, reaching the endgame in King's Raid is quite doable, and you will not need to spend a lot of money as in real life, money usually speeds up progression and nothing more.


The Ultimate Guide to King’s Raid – How To Get Better Quick


The entire game revolves around a manual battle system. While your characters keep auto-attacking, you need to cast specific abilities at particular points still when fighting. You do have the option to leave the game at full auto, and heroes will use the skills whenever they can. However, this is not always worth it as the game does not feature the smartest AI systems.


Playing the Tutorial:


When you clear chapter 1, it is generally known as the Tutorial. The developers are gracious enough to reward you with a few perks that make clearing waves much easier. You are given four heroes in the start that you need to start with. They are as follows:


⦁    Kasel

⦁    Frey

⦁    Cleo

⦁    Roi


In most gacha games, the starting heroes are not competitive, and you need to change them immediately. However, King's Raid provides you with decent enough heroes that you can use them as combinations in the late game as well. Do keep in mind that there is a vast collection of heroes you can try out from. So, try them all before making your final choice.


After you complete the first five chapters, you end up getting beginner login gifts. If you log in repeatedly for fifteen days, you receive a set of items to help you progress by a considerable amount.


Do note that you get Marianne, a 3 Star Assassin, as soon as you clear the Chapter. Generally, we recommend replacing Roi with her due to her superior base stats. Turn on Auto Mode when removing the Tutorial and change the Game Speed to 1.5x to clear through this part of the game quicker.


How to Compose A-Team:


The Ultimate Guide to King’s Raid – How To Get Better Quick


Team composition is essential for King's Raid. Keep in mind that you should always focus on building more towards the PvE side rather than PvP. Generally, a good team composition will accompany heroes with the same type of damage, whether physical or magical.


Only one damage type is played generally to create a synergy that is vital when creating team compositions. As a result, most good players typically prefer magic or physical teams over thoroughly mixed teams.


Keep in mind that Magic damage heroes will amplify magic damage while physical ones will amplify your physical damage. If you were to go for a team with both, you would be missing the potential buff.


There is only one exception to this rule, which is the Priest class. Priests in King's Raid are mighty regarding their general versatility. Most priests in the game provide magical damage; however, they also offer offensive and defensive buffs that are quite advantageous to your entire team.


Keep in mind that damage type amplification is not everything you should be looking out for, especially when picking a Priest. Take their other abilities into account, such as shield, cleanse, and their buffs.


Having a Team Framework:


The Ultimate Guide to King’s Raid – How To Get Better Quick


King's Raid follows the same team framework as any other MMORPG. The game allows eight heroes to be used at once. However, most of it was played as teams of 4. Here is a common framework that most players use:


⦁    Support: Usually, a priest focuses on healing and keeping the Tank alive in most situations.


⦁    Tank: Often, with a Knight, they are your team’s main frontline. Their primary purpose is to soak up aggro and protect the rest of your entire team.


⦁    Main DPS Dealer: The primary DPS dealer will deal with your entire team's most damage and is generally the primary / most skilled player.


⦁    Subordinate DPS: The Sub-DPS is unique to King’s Raid. Whoever is filling the 4th spot in your team is generally the Sub-DPS. If you play as one, do not focus on your DPS but rather try to look at what utilities they offer. If you are a newer player to this role, we recommend playing a hero with a lot of crowd control as they are generally easier to play with.




King's Raid is one of the better, fairer, and more balanced Gacha games out there. The game includes a lot of intricate mechanics that help cement the game in its league. Hero's Raid also has a well-developed AI battling system that enables you to go through the first few game levels with ease.


Moreover, as you progress further into the game, the game does not force you into spending actual currency but somewhat slows your progress down to a standstill. While this might be infuriating, you can still plow through and do everything as a F2P player in King’s Raid.

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