League of Legends Wild Rift Renekton Build Guide, Skills, Combos, and More!


Renekton is one of the best top-lane fighters in the game. With the ability to use his mobility, crowd control, and tankiness and the ability to latch onto the backline and absolutely annihilate carries, he is an incredibly powerful champion who can take advantage of his extremely serious damage and sustainability. He has an extremely lenient skill curve and can also be played in different positions as well if you are up for it. Here's a complete overview of his champion that lets you play him efficiently, including a skill build that you should be going for in all cases.




LOL Wild Rift Renekton Overview


A terrifying, rage-fueled Ascended being from the scorched deserts of Shurima. He was once the Empire's most esteemed warrior. He leads the nation's armies to countless victories. However, after the Empire's fall, he was entombed beneath the sands and, as the world turned and changed, succumbed to insanity. With a plot like that, it can quickly be understood that the champion is built on a rage-fueled vengeance. And, his gameplay is quite relevant to his particular skill set. If you haven’t already, you can take a look at the champion yourself by downloading Wild Rift for free on PC.


Tier List:


Just like our previous Zed or Blitzcrank guide, placing the champion in a Tier List is relatively difficult since his entire kit is entirely reliant on ensuring how good you are with his skills and your comfort level with the champion. There are definitely tons of other laners who are extremely reliant and can deal more impact as compared to Renekton. However, if you end up focusing on his strong points, you can comfortably place him in the S tier for all intents and purposes.


Since we already are placing this champion in the S tier, it can be quite apparent that Reneketon is an extremely viable champion in the meta and is a wonderful pick for almost every situation. However, we will be covering counters and synergies very soon. While he is not particularly considered an assassin, he enjoys playing against a team that is more squishy.




If you are an avid Wild Rift player, you’ll get to know that stats are the most important aspect of playing any champion in Wild Rift. For champions like Renekton, or any champion for that matter, getting an idea of your strengths and weaknesses helps you understand what particular aspects of the champion you wish to play. Stats are a culmination of HP, mana pool, movement speed, basic attack damage that helps you consider what aspects of the champion you need to use to make the most out of the champion.


Since the developers have spent tons of time in order to make sure that every champion in the game is balanced as much as possible so, if a champion isn't strong at a particular stat, they'll end up doing a lot more in other scenarios. So, while Renekton might not be as strong when it comes to his skills, he more than makes up for it in other cases.


However, before you get an idea of his stats, we have devised a rating system that helps you take advantage of what metrics are the most important when you start judging a champion. In these cases, the damage is considered as the right-click / basic attack damage. In Renekton's case, empowered attacks that increase your PHYS Damage are also taken into account.


When it comes to toughness, overall HP, Defense, and armor are considered. The longer the time it takes to start plowing down the champion. The harder it is to kill a particular champion, they are considered tougher. The utility is the amount of heals, CC or AoE spells they can throw at a particular point. However, it is not just limited to those aspects. The utility can also be tick damage or any skill that can help your allies or hinder the enemy, which might not just be direct physical attacks or magical attacks. The last factor, difficulty, is perhaps the most important part of a champion that must be taken into account before you get into them. The higher the difficulty of a champion, the more time you will need to invest in them to get better at them. Plus, if a champion has a serious difficulty, we would not recommend a higher difficulty champion as they are definitely not meant for newer players.


Here’s a complete overview of Renekton’s stats:


  • Damage: Strong ★★★
  • Toughness: Average ★★
  • Utility: Medium ★★
  • Difficulty: Easy ★★




renekton lol wild Rift


Since Rammus is mainly played in Baron Lane, he is known for being quite tough. As baron laners generally need to sustain tons of ganks and must be able to over-extend in certain scenarios without worrying about dying as often, Renekton has a higher than avg HP count, which helps him survive in rigorous situations throughout his laning stage.


  • Level 1: 650
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA




Renekton is one of the few champions in the game who does not need mana as a resource. His overall kit relies on him using his Fury, which he generates over time and through attacking. As such, he does not need mana at all, which makes him especially lethal in certain cases.


  • Level 1: 0
  • Level 15: 0
  • Per Level: 0


Attack Damage:


Attack Damage is your basic 'right-click' damage. Since you are played in the baron lane and need to secure the last hits for yourself and your team, there's a high chance that you will need to have a high amount of attack damage. Thankfully, Renekton delivers with a whopping 71 damage that lets you easily secure CS in the lane and also harass with your basic attack.


  • Level 1: 71
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Ability Power:


Ability Power is how powerful your spells get over time. Since you are in Baron Lane and are generally not a champion that deals spell damage per se, there's a high chance that you won't be getting an ability power increase at all. Since all of Renekton's spells do not deal with inherent spell damage, he does not gain any increase in ability power over time.


  • Level 1: 0
  • Level 15: 0
  • Per Level: 0




Armor is your primary defense from basic attacks. For a simpler explanation, the higher your armor is, the higher the percentage of attacks you can block/resist from basic attacks from enemies. Since you are a Baron Laner and must sustain yourself in the lane, you have a higher than average armor. But, it is still lower than most tanks. So, keep that in mind.


  • Level 1: 40
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Magic Resistance:


Magic Resistance is your ability to resist and withstand magical damage and spell power. However, the stat is quite self-explanatory. For Baron Laners like Renekton, you will need to be dealing with tons of magic damage as there’s a high chance that you will be at the forefront of your team. Thankfully, Renekton delivers with a naturally high amount of magic resistance. You will also be building items that help increase your magic resistance which takes your defense to the next level.


  • Level 1: 48
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Attack Speed:


Attack Speed is the amount of time your character takes to perform a basic attack. As a Baron Laner, you’ll be attacking quite a lot. However, this is where Renekton generally lacks. But, you will end up building items that help re-invigorate your attack speed anyways.


  • Level 1: 0.80
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Mana Regen:


Since you do not have mana itself, you will not have mana regen at all.


  • Level 1: 0
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Move Speed:


Renekton generally has a respectable amount of movement speed. However, you will be building more items to further take his mobility to the next level.


  • Level 1: 470
  • Level 15: TBA
  • Per Level: TBA


Renekton Rune Build:


Runes are mainly meant as supplements to your champion's general abilities. We have tons of different builds for you this time for Renekton. Each of these particular builds is meant for something entirely different. Since his entire playstyle revolves around positioning, ganking, and tanking, each build has its inherent advantages, which you need to take advantage of.


All these rune builds, and item builds are meant for completely different situations. As such, we recommend taking a look at all the different builds before you decide one that that is best for you. This time, we're going to be talking about rune and item build concepts before you talk about all the runes in detail.


Primary Build:


  • Trinity Force
  • Black Cleaver
  • Ravenous Hydra
  • Sterak’s Gage
  • Death’s Dance
  • Blade of the Ruined King




  • Conqueror
  • Legend: Tenacity
  • Last Stand
  • Overgrowth
  • Second Wind


The way we feel like Renekton is meant to be played. With changes made to his ultimate and issues with Trinity force, a duel-focused build that prioritizes running down targets makes the most sense. We recommend building Sheen early and then moving on from there in terms of melee matchups. You can also go for Heartbound Axe vs. ranged champions.


The build deals tons of more damage than a general team fighting build, but you are also much less tanky since you will be missing out a lot on HP and resistance stats. You can use Reneketon's passive scaling instantly with your second skill, so your auto attacks are extremely powerful once you finish Trinity Force. Once you get Black Cleaver, you'll be peaking with your speed alongside the item's Rage passive while also stacking a lot more cooldown reduction, which is usually right on time for mid-game fights as well.


However, we never recommend building Death's Dance and Blade of the Ruined King since they are not meant to be built the same. You should be choosing one, depending on the game. If you are a team fighting a lot, Death's Dance will be much more useful and rewarding as it presents you with an added benefit when it comes to diving in fights. However, Blade of the Ruined King is amazing when it comes to split-pushing or making anti-heal. With this build, you end up having quite a high attack speed, so you are an absolute beast in taking down enemy structures if no one bothers you in the side lane.


When it comes to runes, these are perhaps the most used default picks. Having Conqueror generally goes amazing with Trinity Force much better than PTA, but both are relatively great. Second runes are entirely dependent on your game.


Team-fight Build:


  • Goredrinker
  • Sterak’s Gage
  • Titanic Hydra
  • Gargoyle Stoneplate
  • Serylda’s Grudge
  • Black Cleaver




  • Tenacity
  • Last Stand
  • Transcendence
  • Nimbus Cloak


Meant for high-ability cooldowns and sustaining in combat, this build is the best for games in which your primary objective is to join in and dive in every team and to go for full-blown team fights instead of just relying on split push. You can also try this build for diving backlines if you really need to.


Black Cleaver and Titanic Hydra work very well with your shielding item passive and make you extremely tanky even though you are generally building damage. With your Grudge passive, this build is primarily meant for being in the midst of battle, with the ability to slow down enemies for your team while dishing out tons of damage in rapid successions with his short cooldowns. Unless you are absolutely destroying your enemies and can go for max damage, we recommend picking between Black Cleaver and Grudge, depending on your armor and kite threats.


The build works extremely well with Teleport or Goest for either side, laning and being ready to go and join your team whenever you need to. You can also use the runes to go over your prey as well. Without using your summoner spells, there's a high chance that you will be kited. If the enemy team has tons of melee champions, this build is ideal.


We recommend building Goredrinker as the first item. Then if you are against a tank, you should be getting a Black Cleaver or Last Whisper. However, going for Black Cleaver second is an extremely strong pick. You should then go for Sterak's Rage. When going for Stoneplate or Titanic Hydra, it is completely up to your judgment.




  • Eclipse
  • Trinity Force
  • Black Cleaver
  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Ravenous Hydra
  • Ghostblade




  • Conqueror
  • Legend: Tenacity
  • Last Stand
  • Demolish
  • Bone Plating


renekton overview


This built is entirely meant for those who want to go for 1v1 or 1v2 fights. The build is especially useful for those who want more power over fights that you are taking on the sidelines. Blade of Ruined King is added in this particular build of the life-steal, attack speed, and passive. They are extremely powerful for duels. Ghostblade is picked up because it has great out of combat movement speed which makes sifting around through lanes so much faster, helping save time. It also acts as an escape mechanism for getting away from fights that you will not be able to win by using the active bonus speed. 


Ravenous Hydra helps you clear minion waves instantly. The attack speed that you will be getting from Trinity Force will be plowing down lanes and enemy towers extremely quickly. By using this build, you should definitely be avoiding any large-scale team fights and should just stick to picking enemies off and skirmishing. We recommend applying pressure away from objectives that your enemies will need to address. This build is great for high-rated games because your team will know what to do around pressure. When you are in a low elo game, players usually force 4v5s anyways and then blame you for losing.


This build relies on you basing your first item on your lane opponent as getting a lead is important. To create side lane pressure, you need to be extremely powerful to handle the lane completely alone so that other players can make plays around the map when you are forcing more than one person near you.




  • Prowler’s Claw
  • Stridebreaker
  • Sterak’s Gage
  • Yomuu’s Ghostblade
  • Umbral Glaive
  • Ravenous Hydra




  • Press the Attack
  • Legend: Tenacity
  • Last Stand
  • Sudden Impact
  • Ravenous Hunter


When there isn't an Assassin in your game, this build is extremely powerful. When playing against a ranged top later when the enemy jungle is squishy, this build makes a lot of sense. However, you will need to do some side laning with this particular build in the late game. However, in the early game, you should be roaming a lot and should be looking for small skirmishes. This is quite useful against armored units to their 30% armor penetration, so most can generally 1v1 against other bruiser-based champions with ease unless and until they are ahead.




  • Goredrinker
  • Sterak’s Gage
  • Spirit Visage
  • Thornmail
  • Titanic Hydra




  • Conqueror
  • Legend: Tenacity
  • Last Stand
  • Overgrowth
  • Revitalize


Renekton, of course, is not known for his tankiness. However, if your team does not have a tank at all, you can end up taking a shot. The build above is sturdy and is generally well-balanced, which accommodates Renekton's impressive healing ability. Spirit visage is also extremely useful and synergizes well with Sterak's Gage as it now enhances shields too. The builds work extremely well when your team does tons of damage because the build has quite a standard Mythic start. You will also have time to assess the situation before going for a tank build.


Item Descriptions


Here’s a brief of every item and its usage in the game as Renekton. In most cases, the ultimate decision of going for a particular item is completely reliant on your team and the enemy team's composition.


Trinity Force:


Trinity Force works great vs. medium armor 1v1s. The item's passive has always been tempting for the champion. But, he never really needed the attack speed or the mana from the old version of the item. Now, the attack speed is lowered in favor of the damage, which is more useful. Plus, the item also provides extra movement speed, which is extremely good for the champion.


He can accelerate himself quite quickly with the combo. However, do note that if you want to pull into auto-attack between your first and second skill, you can proc sheen for both, which maximizes overall damage but reduces burst. You can identify the situation accordingly and choose your playing card.




One of the most commonly built items for the champion. It is Healing at low health is absolutely insane. With Tiamat's active built-in that heals for a lot of damage when low, it also provides solid stats and is also meant for a cooldown reduction build. However, you will need to get into the habit of no longer using this in your second skill's animations but rather saving them up when you are low. The item's aggression synergizes with Renekton really well.


When you are up against a team with a lot of ranged matchups or games with a lot of backlines that you need to get into, Stridebreaker is the item to go for. It has quite a useful mini dash as well as a slow while the rage passive from Black Cleaver is really useful here. Since you will be dashing and slowing, you can access and attack your target even quicker without using burning Fury on your second, third skill.


One of the most popular dueling items out there for Renekton, it specializes in both durability and sustains. However, perhaps its most important aspect is its assassination which really works with Renekton. Once you end up landing your stun combo, you are given a shit that protects you from retaliation. While the shield is relatively small, it is amazing for surviving larger team fights.


While this item is geared towards tank-killing, it does not provide any real armor penetration. If you really up for busting tanks, you should probably be going for Black Cleaver instead. But, if you feel like your enemies are relatively tanky, you should get this item as your second choice.


Prowler’s Claw is relatively similar to Stridebreaker but is mainly meant for assassination. While Renekton is considered a bruiser, he can do quite well with items meant for assassins too. However, the item’s pick is situational and is meant to be replaced over Stridebreaker when your team needs assignation over backline rundowns. We recommend building this item first vs. ranged laners to gain a third dash on them. This is amazing for Renekton because he can also dash a second time without the concern of burning Fury on his third skill.


Ironspike Whip is an amazing item for wave clear while it doesn’t shove quite as hard. The newer item has an improved active without the passive. Now you can choose to hard shove or free a lane since the auto-attack no longer triggers the item's AOE. If you want to use freeze, just don’t use the active. However, when it is time to push, you can get in the center of the wave and one-shot minions.


While the Cleaver might not have lost their speed, they have been given a lot of missing HP damage. They make it even better vs. tanks which were their original purpose in the first place. Their build path is also more comfortable, providing you with cool-down reductions with both items instead of just one.


While this item may not seem ideal for Renekton at first glance, Serylda’s Grudge is the best buff to Renekton’s ult since Spear of SHojin! You can slow any foe in your sandstorm by 30%, where only drastic measures will allow them to escape your jaws. It also has really nice stats giving you damage and a large amount of armor penetration and cooldown reduction too.


While a few discouraging nerfs have been made to the item, its passive has been nerfed, and that active is now a procing process on every third hit. This is a big issue for Renekton because these hits will lead to his second skill, which will usually be when the enemy is stunned anyway. It cannot be used to snipe speed from a target you are chasing. This has made the item less mandatory for Renekton over time.


The Omni Vamp is very good for the champion because all his spell damage heals him. It also gives a lot of AoE damage to the enemy team in cluttered fights, which stats very hard over a short time if you land your second skill surrounded by their allies.


While it lacks the improved passive of Ravenous, Titanic Hydra can still come in handy when you are building HP for a defensive bruiser. With black Cleaver, steraks, and this, you will see a lot more on-hit damage than you would with Ravenous.


Sterak’s Gage has been recently buffed for Renekton. The item now gives you more sustainability in combat and an impressive shield that you can max with extreme ease using your first skill's range to hit all your enemies instantly. This leads to a massive shield when you drop low, presenting you the charge to heal back up and keep on fighting.


If you are needed in fights, this is the perfect item. With this, you can 1v5 a team if you are ahead. In a team fight, the passive will heal you for even assists and kills, almost exactly like Streak's Gage.


Basic Skill Introduction:


renekton skills


Renekton, just like any other champion, has particular skills and abilities that you need to be quite familiar with so you can become a better player. Renekton, in this case, is quite an ability reliant when it comes to dueling. However, due to his lack of mana and easy-to-understand abilities, you won't be spending a lot of time investing yourself in trying to understand all his skills and abilities.


Here’s an overview of all of Renekton’s skills and abilities:


Passive: Reign of Anger


Casting abilities with 50 Fury or more consumes that Fury for enhanced effects. Enhanced abilities do not generate any fury. Attacks generate 5 Fury. Fury Gains are increased by 50% when under 50% Health. Out of combat, 4 Fury dissipates every second.


Renekton does not have a mana bar. He has a rage bar. Each attack will be generating Fury, which is gained faster when you have less than half of your health. When you move out of combat, your Fury level will be going away every second. When you castability with 50 Fury or more, he will consume Fury to enhance the next ability as well.


The passive is perhaps the most important part of Renekton’s skill set. It makes him very powerful as you won’t need to worry about taking up mana when you use your abilities. We recommend always keeping a close look on your Rage Bar (right underneath your health), so you always have enough Fury to enhance your abilities.


Active: Cull of the Meek:


Deal Physical Damage (60 + 80% AD) to nearby enemies, generating 5 Fury and Healing 4 per enemy hit. Reign of Anger: Damage increases to 99 Physical Damage (90 + 120% AD), and Healing is tripled.


Since you do not have mana, you will be spinning in a circle that deals physical damage to enemies near you. You will also be generating Fury with each enemy you hit. If you are low and stack up 50 fury, you can use Cull The Meek on minions to heal up quite a bit and stay healthy in the fight.


It also works absolutely well in a huge team fight since there’s a high chance that you’ll have loads of enemies that are low with champions surrounding you. In those cases, you gain the ability to heal quite a lot while also staying in the fight.


Active: Ruthless Predator:


Empowers the next attack to strike twice, stunning for 0.75 seconds and dealing Physical Damage (20 + 150% AD).


Reign of Anger: Strikes three times, stunning for 1.5 seconds and dealing Physical Damage (30 + 225% AD).


Your next attack is empowered, so you strike twice. You will also be stunning for lower than a second and will also deal physical damage. Reign of Anger will be striking the enemy three times and stunning them for longer while also dealing more physical damage.


If you are using Ruthless Predator, you will need to make sure that you have more than 50 Fury. You strike three times which works very well with Blade of the Ruined King and Black Cleaver. You will also be stunning the target for longer, allowing the rest of your team to follow up and help kill the enemy.


Ruthless predator is perhaps the most effective during the early game to gain an advantage in a lane. It deals tons of damage, and you can follow it up with even more auto attacks and other abilities while the enemy is still stunned.


Active: Slice


Dash in a direction, dealing Physical Damage (40 + 90% Bonus AD) and generating 5 Fury for each enemy passed through.


Hitting an enemy grants a second dash to cast within 4 seconds.


Reign of Anger: The second dash now deals Physical Damage (70 + 130% Bonus AD) and shreds armor by 25% for 4 seconds.


You can dash in a direction and deal physical damage while also generating Fury for each enemy you are going through. Hitting an enemy champion also grants you a second dash to cast within a few seconds. When in Reign of Anger, the Second Dash will also be dealing more damage and shredding armor for a few seconds.


When using these abilities, we recommend hitting an enemy when using this ability. The ability works on monsters, minions, and champions. This lets you dash again. So, if you want to chase down an enemy or want to dash away, it is possible!


Ultimate: Dominus:


renekton gameplay


Gain 20 Fury and 250 Health for 15 seconds. Every second after casting, gain 5 Fury and deal 40 Magic Damage (40 + 20% AP) to nearby enemies.


Renekton Skill Progression:


Skill progression is an integral part of any champion, and Renekton is no different. As you get better at the character, you will start identifying skill builds and progressions that suit you better. But, in the meanwhile, here’s the skill progression that we recommend for most scenarios:


  • Cull The Meek – First Ability: 1 – 4 – 6 – 7
  • Ruthless Predator – Second Ability: 2 – 12 – 14 – 15
  • Slice and Dice – Third Ability: 3 – 8 – 10 – 11
  • Dominus: 5 – 9 – 13


Renekton Summoner Spells and Combos:


Just like most champions in the game, Flash is an absolute must for Renekton. It is a great spell to help you get out of a situation, especially if you want to go for aggressive plays or the killing blow. For the second spell, we recommend going for Ignite as it is extremely helpful when going into fights and when you try to get extra damage to kill enemies off.




The champion has tons of different combos in his abilities. Some of these combos are more useful than the others, while most you learn over time. However, here’s a list of the most commonly used Renekton combos that you should know about before you start playing the champion seriously.


Complete Combo: Slice and Dice – Auto – Ruthless Predator – Auto – Cull The Meek – Slice, and Dice


Sustain Poking: Slice and Dice – Cull The Meek – Auto – Slice, and Dice


Safe Escape: Slice and Dice – Call The Meek – Auto – Ruthless Predator – Slice and Dice


Empowered with 25 Fury: Slice and Dice – Cull The Meek – Ruthless Predator – Slice and Dice


Ultimate: Domminus – Slice and Dice – Auto


Renekton Pros and Cons:


Every champion in the game has their own pros and cons, which makes or breaks the games for them. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of a character helps you identify their advantages, helping you take advantage of them.




  • Strong early and mid-game
  • Nearly unrivaled lane sustain
  • No mana
  • Fantastic duelist
  • Item versatility
  • Great outplay potential
  • Can destroy when ahead




  • It doesn't have late-game scaling.
  • Usually weak without Fury
  • Cooldown reliant
  • Long cooldowns early.
  • Hard to come back if behind
  • Can be predictable


Renekton Synergies and Counter Guide:


Before you start playing a champion competitively, you should have a general idea of what characters what best with them and which ones you should be avoiding playing against due to them naturally being able to beat you in almost every situation.




These are the champions you should definitely not be playing against due to them being able to absolutely destroy you in most situations.


Dr.Mundo: An extremely hard counter to Renekton. There’s practically nothing you do. His CC immunity forces very awkward counterplay requirements, which he abuses in most cases. His ultimate at low health is too strong for ignite to work. He is perhaps the only ban you should be doing in competitive. If you are playing against him, going for Grievous is good as it lets you kite him.


Vayne: Vayne is an absolute pain to play against. She is extremely mobile and even has the ability to throw you backward. She is more mobile than you and scales against any armor that you end up building. Vayne can also knock you back and stun you at any time you engage. She’s crafted to be borderline impossible to fight with melee champions. If you do need to fight her, make sure to be very aggressive till level 2. Try to use any misplays she makes against her. Use bushes as a cover, and if she wards it, she'll have less vision to see ganks coming.


Vayne is going to be scaling really well into the late game, and she generally goes top to bypass her weak laning.




default renekton ldplayer


These are champions you should be playing with as they can boost your own skills and help propel your own self to the absolute next level very quickly.


Olaf: Olaf and Renekton are both known for their snowballing in the late game. These two work very well for a top camped game, removing the enemy top lane and jungle from the game.


Malphite: One of the best tanks in the game and is an absolute beast. Renekton really feeds off his skills and takes full advantage of them.


Rammus: If you love tanky, engage junglers for team fights, then Rammus is the right synergy. He is great for taking hits while you deal the damage. If you are both ahead, a 2v9 is very much possible. You can catch a glimpse at our Rammus guide for Wild Rift for more info.


Lux: Lux's Hard CC is extremely helpful, and the champion herself is quite broken. She is great for team fights and sniping low-health enemies that manage to escape you.


Blitzcrank: The champion is great for snatching a single target and pulling them towards you for a quick, clean, easy kill. The fight will turn into a 5v4 real quick, and the enemy team may not even move away from that much, depending on who you killed. You can take a  look at our Blitzcrank guide for more info about the champion.


Fighting with Renekton:


Your primary objective as Renekton is to deal short heavy damage trades to keep putting on some pressure on the laners. You will never really want to stay and auto-attack opponents on the first fight. Your champion is completely based on outplaying who capitalizes on the enemy's mistakes in the lane. This is why champions like Camille, Jax, and Fiora are not really that great against him.


They have a lot more room for error which puts players in tons of different spots. Only by establishing a lead with proper trades will you be able to kill most top laners in a fresh HP fight early on.


You should start establishing lane dominance and try zoning your opponents as quickly as possible. The champion is very powerful with full Fury but is also extremely weak when he has none. This generally that you will end up crushing your opponents in the lane or get crushed yourself because of how easy it is to zone you if you end messing up early. Succeeding in combat quicker and managing your wave properly will ensure an extremely strong lead and the power to shut down your opponent so bad they will be too weak in the mid-game to do anything.


The champion has a few Fury amounts where you can start engaging in. 35 and 25 are perhaps the most notable amounts before you end up reaching 50 Fury. We’ve already listed down the combos above. Having an idea of these combos will help you fight much quicker than 50 Fury, which is where most inexperienced Renekton players will look to wait for. These combos are very situational. At 25 Fury, however, you end up having the potential to do a lot more damage than 50 Fury against champions like Darius. This is because your second skill always ends your trade with him, so by starting with 25 Fury, your third and first skill will be used first while the second will allow you to escape. If you go in with 50 Fury, you will use the first and skill second are empowered.


Hitting minions with your first skill can also spike your Fury amount by a ton, so you can pull these off with less Fury than listed. Some minion waves are just extremely diverse for each game and time, so these are listed to work even when there are no minions.


Renekton Full Guide (Early, Mid, and Late Game Scenarios):


The laning phase is a huge decider for how your game is going to be as Renekton. What happens in your laning phase will decide how you will be handling the rest of your game. Renekton has a tendency to either dominate or be dominated in most cases. He has to start hitting minions to start gaining Fury. This means controlling the wave is perhaps the most effective way to win or lose with a champion. If Renekton can’t safely access the wave, he just cannot fight. If you can zone your opponents with the Fury you built, he can turn into an unmovable object between your enemy and farming.


Trading in the Early Game:


You are quite weak at level 1, and most top laners can absolutely destroy you in this particular state. You can turn the fight sometimes by starting with your second skill, which they won’t be expecting. But, that is highly unlikely. We recommend not unlocking any abilities before you enter the lane for multiple reasons. You can start unlocking the third skill for any reason you need to get out. You can get ganked by the enemy jungle before the minions even collide. This is quite rare. However, you can survive because you can hold your unlock and pull your third skill to dash back and waste their team to get your jungle ahead.


You can also find yourself in a favorable solution to win a trade with the second skill before level if your opponent gets too aggressive on a champion that can actually end up losing at level 1. If the lane seems like a farm lane in the early game, the first skill is great for securing the three melee minions at the start.


When you are closer to level 2, you have the chance for a level 2 all in if the enemy will not be hitting their level up when you do. The same can be said for level 3, so look out for those early level spikes to get ahead in the lane very early.


If you are losing lane before level 3, you will most likely lose the race to level 2. So, when the second wave arrives, fall back before your opponent kills the minions on the front line. You cannot die so quick as Renekton as it will quickly dismantle your lead.


Diving Turrets:


Renekton is one of the best divers in the game, but not all champions are so easy to dive. If you can dive into the matchup, make sure not to dash before your combo. Walk-in with a large minion wave and test your opponent with the threat of an attack. This is aimed to bait out the CC of abilities or dashes. If they end up hitting you, they will get minions agro as well, which will help with your burst damage.


When you feel like the time is right, kill them and quickly dash out. Champions that are relatively risky to dive are ones with hard CC. You cannot afford to die to any of these enemies once.


If you are against ranged champions, your options are relatively limited. But, you can snowball quite hard because they generally do not build armor. This makes it easy to repeatedly tower dive them at full health if you get a completed damage item over them.


If you are against them, we recommend playing safe until level 2, where you can then look for poke combos to start healing and dropping them down. As you get to level three, you have a few options. You can either unlock your second skill for a potential kill early or just level your first skill instead for better Healing and poke damage.




renekton wild rift


Renekton gets ahead in his lane most of the time. However, how do you start translating that lead into further success? Here are some of the things you can do.


By not buying Tiamat early, you can start freezing lanes extremely quickly and also denying your opponents gold. Using these strategies can lead to a huge CS difference between you and the enemy laner. This is effective against champions who need the wave to poke you or are dependent on a particular item. If you are unable to 1v2 your laner and the enemy jungle or mid laner, you can freeze lanes to set up a large minion wave to crash into the tower.


You can also dive kill your opponents, which forces them to miss most if not all the minions you crashed under the tower.


A proxy provides you with a guaranteed ability to either win a 1v2 or 1v3 or escape safely. Instead of you staying in the lane, you can roam to the enemy top jungle and get vision, kills, or camps while also catching minion waves before they reach the outer tower. You can watch your minions and get an exact idea of where the enemy minions are on the map.


Rift Herald:


You should start eyeing the Rift Herald with your jungler when they are close. Renekton does not have the kit to solo the Rift Herald, unlike some other top laners. But you can do it just fine. Do not burn your second skill on the Herald because you will want both your skills in case a fight breaks out. With you missing out of the lane, it might be very obvious as to what you are up to. This is benefited by roaming a lot prior so that your presence is less alarming.


Split Pushing as Renekton:


Since you are a split pusher, you will be solo laning for much more time than most other players and gain a level lead in losing games too. Your primary goal is to distract the enemy team away from the objective and to punish them if they don’t address you. As Renekton, you can’t blow away towers. But, it still takes a lot more people to detour your push.


In most cases, you should be split, pushing your way to victory and solo farming as well. However, you have to choose your pushes wisely. If your team has no pressure on the map, you shouldn’t be over-extending. If your team is pushing bot, push top. The same is applicable for any other objective; Pushing the objective opposite to you helps draw people away.


Creating Distractions:


Your main goal as Renekton is to be as annoying as possible and to try and not die. To do this, you should start faking aback when someone catches your split push that you can’t safely kill. In some cases, they may be too healthy to dive, or the threat of others being nearby might be too prominent. In these cases, you should run up your side of the lane but instead take a tour through the enemy jungle toward and take camps. This lets you prep the jungle with vision and does something while you wait on the minion wave to push back up a little.


Your opponent will usually just send the wave back and not push too far. If they end up doing so, you can just killing them and then get back to pushing the tower. Even when you are pushing uncontested, you can take detours in the jungle unless you see every enemy player and they are not responding at all.


Commit to a Decision:


You should always dedicate yourself to a task. Either you want to push, back off, or teleport to help with an objective is very situational and won’t be the same every time. If your team is guaranteed to get the objective like Dragon or Baron without you, you should keep pushing. This helps stack up pressure on the enemy. If your team can take Baron and they need help, teleport to the fight after you have shoved the wave.


If your team is behind and won’t be winning no matter what you do in a team fight, then you should try pressuring as much as you can. Either trade baron for an inhibitor instead of dying for the lost objective or draw attention to your push, either making the enemy neglect Baron or have to surrender taking Baron.


Team Fighting in the Late Game:


Your job in team fights is to dive after the enemy backline and kill their carries. It is your team's job, however, to follow you're engaged but applying front line pressure, so they do not pressure your front line is a must. In most cases, the presence of Renekton in the area will deter a lot of fights unless the enemy is just too out of control to be stopped.


When the game is even, Renekton is generally strong at zoning enemies off because no one wants to blow up by his burst. When fights do end up breaking out, get on their main threats for a primary skill that will be extremely beneficial for your team. This is made much easier by using the active of Youmuu’s Ghostblade or Ghost to charge after your target.


It is apparent new ability to pass through units is quite useful. You can then reframe from landing the auto before your second skill's stun or just stun immediately. In most cases, trying to get that auto makes things awkward or gives you time to flash or use any other form of broken mobility ADCs are gifted with.


Once you end up killing your primary target, consider quickly if you can stay in the fight to get out. While Renekton can make some really good plays at the low hit, you probably will need more time to get back. If you are running the team fight build, you will be able to go in 2-3 times because you will have extremely low cooldowns.


Skins Introduction and Overview:


Skins are just cosmetic enhancements that do not serve any purpose but to change how your character looks. We’re now going to be talking about all the skins currently available in Wild Rift.


Scorched Earth Renekton:


scorched earth renekton ldplayer skin


Rarity: Epic

Price: 725 Wild Cores

How to get Scorched Earth Renekton: Buy it in the Store.


LDPlayer Features for Wild Rift:


renekton ldplayer


Playing Wild Rift on your mobile phone is relatively difficult. Even if you end up practicing, you might end up missing due to the sheer small size of your device. Thankfully, there’s a very easy way for you to help take your Wild Rift gameplay to the next level.


You can use LDPlayer, arguably the best Android Emulator out there, which supports tons of features that help you take advantage of your gameplay. If you are playing a champion like Renekton, you can easily change your binds to match the control scheme or use the game’s Macro Feature, which lets you record specific key binds and actions and then assign them to one key.




Renekton's release in Wild Rift means something else for those who want to take Baron Lane seriously. With tons of damage, good sustain, mobility, and a general knack for adrenaline-based team fighting, you'll be having a lot of fun playing Renekton in Wild Rift. Make sure to take a look at all the builds before you start your first match!

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