Lost Light Maps Guide – All the Locations for NPCs Spawn and Loot


Lost Light is going to be your new world to defend your own self, and this game gives a chance for all the players to join the task force called Firefly. Your duty is to find the reason for the exclusive zone while surviving through the brutal domain. We do this by going through all the map locations in the game, and there are NPCs spawn to be dealt with as well. So, you are not required to remember these maps anymore. We are here for every player with a guide for Lost Light maps.







It is always necessary to know where our enemy is located as it gives us the chance to prepare ourselves before the danger. That knowing comes through learning all maps; maps don’t mean you only know where your enemies are. It also defines the places where your enemies will exit, and we will also get to know some valuable information about them.


So, this Lost Light maps guide has been created to give you all this knowledge with all information, and this is the guidance you can use to loot and for NPCs in the game. No need for prior information. Let’s get straight to the guide.


Lost Light Maps – Basic Overview

Lost Light is a game that provides you with money. The method it uses for it is looting; players can use this earned money for upgrades they would like to do on gears and weapons. So that states of them will be upgraded into more powerful states. The game asks you to collect some loot, which must be done by participating in the matches. And you will also have to escape from enemies by using an escape point. It offers the best method to store your loot safely.


Doing these will make you finish the matches and give you the chance to sell your collected lootsWhen a player is from inside a raid, they will get to meet so many areas available for the spawn loot. But every spawn loot is not going to be similar, and they will be changed from one another.




NPCs are named marauders here and they come with some items to heal. Armor, weapons as well as ammo. Some areas on the map need to be paid attention to as they come with some rare loot and some of them are available for us to meet Elite Marauders. Elite marauders will be very special as they are the strongest version of the normal AI marauders.


Elite marauders don’t find it hard to kill players and they will do it with an easy effort. They will first stalk and then try to kill. So as a player, you need to give your all effort to free yourself from these elite marauders and we suppose you snipe them. Don’t get closer to them and do the sniping wisely from a distance. If you can, putting them up with a grenade is also recommended. You should also have a powerful team with you here since marauders will never stop attacking you at any time.


Every NPC spawn and the loot you see in Lost Light maps will be randomly dropped, and sometimes, there will also be some other players who got the loot before you give them a try. So we recommend for any player to hurry in Lost Light maps if you want to earn your loot.


All Lost Light Maps Guide

We see there are four Lost Light maps available in the game Mt. Akiyama, BAF Factory, ARK Company, and Windswept Harbor.


MT. Akiyama



Mt. Akiyama is known to come up with four things: Elite Marauder, Legendary Loots, Rare Loots, and some Uncommon Loots. This place comes from the center of your map, and as you can see, it comes with all the good loot for the players. But things will not be easy although there are good loot in this place because most of the marauders and the players will be available in this Mt. Akiyama. So the amount of effort that you have to put into earning these loots will be high.


As the first map from our Lost Light maps guide, Mt. Akiyama also features a GPU spawn. But for this, we will need a keycard.


BAF Factory

The second map we will talk about under this Lost Light maps guide is the BAF Factory and as you see from the name, this is a factory. It gives you the chance to have rare loots and uncommon loots, as well as to meet the Elite Marauder. All these rare and uncommon loots will be available in the south of this factory and when you search for them, always keep them in your mind so that you won’t have to dig for them more.


And there is also a chance to see an Elite Marauder, and it might feel dangerous but give your all try to claim loot from them as it gives you special loot.




ARK Company

ARK Company map from this Lost Light maps guide comes with Elite Marauder, Raymond the boss, uncommon loots, rare loots, and some legendary loots. This map is also well known to provide us with the most useful GPU Spawn. But you as a player need to give your whole attention here as there is this Boss NPC Raymond as well as the Elite Marauders in the game.


So, give your all effort not to get caught by them but keep up the challenge. You will be offered many legendary loots if you manage to be strong. ARK Company is a location where you also have to deal with an underground area and the NPC Boss Raymond can be met there. So you better remember it before digging yourself into the unground area.




Windswept Harper

This is our last map to discuss under this Lost Light maps guide, and this is a very challenging place. It comes with rare loots, Elite Marauder, uncommon loots, and a huge population of NPCs, and when we talk about NPCs, the amount in this place is so high. And the most alarming part should be that there are so many Elite Marauder spawns here, so you better give your all eyes and concern when you deal with this map.


ARK Company comes with one place to earn rare loot but for many other times, it requires players to go through those NPC populated areas to earn those loot.




Do the Most against the Bosses and Marauders

If you really want to stand powerfully against the elite marauders as well as bosses, the one thing that you need to be fluent in is your movements. You need to be quick and effective with your gameplay movements and this will give you the chance to do the most performance out of the game than you think.




For the first step towards smoothening your performance, try to shoot accurately. The cursor has to be placed in the right direction to do this, and the smoothness that you are required for the aim can now be gained with the best android emulator: LDPlayer 9. It has the Y Sensitivity adjustments to make your shooting smoother and more effectively.


The second thing that we recommend from the same emulator is that you need to adjust your controls in a most familiar way to deal with. This can be done by creating some personalized controls over your game, and the Keyboard Mapping feature will give this opportunity. Here you have the movement easiness with W, D, S, and A controls given by the feature and if you want, you can also set your own controls here.


As an example, suppose you want to attack or drop a grenade at marauders with the easiest key. Here you can set the key C, Z, or whatever key you think is most efficient to do the task quickly.


And if you want to combine two or more actions together, the same android emulator has a solution for it as well. The Keyboard Macro Command comes into action here as it combines two or more actions by writing macro commands for each by one key. This way, you will not be going to do the repeating things more, and if you want to shoot and run at the same time, one key can be set here to do most of your gameplay.



So, here ends our Lost Light maps guide, and this is how you are going to be rewarded with each map. Don’t forget to refer to these all four maps, as they will help you do the most out of your game, and if you want some more tips for your gameplay, you can also refer to our Lost Light tips. So, good luck to you all players.

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