Encounter and have the most romantic relationships with different kinds of interesting and good looking men in a never before seen otome game with an amazingly intricate romance and combat system that will leave you in awe by playing Love and Deepspace.
Despite being essentially an otome game where you take on the role of a female main character and get intimate with your best relationship targets in order to get close to them and become lovers, Love and Deepspace is unique in that it is a game where the game system is extremely intricately made, with a lot of interesting and confusing features that many players will need to get used to in order to be able to progress further in the game and meet new love interests.
In this guide, we will go over all of the tips and tricks that you should know when playing Love and Deepspace and show players all the ways they can best take advantage of the game’s system in order to master the system and meet all of the most interesting love interests in the game.
Love and Deepspace is an interesting game that integrates many different mechanics and gameplay features of many different types of games into it and mismatched it into a very intricate gameplay system with a lot of interesting mechanics and nuances that may confuse a player upon starting the game, especially if the player is not familiar with real time battling mechanics and other RPG game upgrading features.
Therefore, there are certain things that players should pay absolute attention to the most in order to progress in the game smoothly and avoid over spending your precious resources to upgrade your beloved husbandos.
Love and Deepspace main draw for players is the ability to meet different love interests throughout the story and fight alongside them by obtaining special memory cards that have them on it. The love interests you can meet in this game includes: Xavier (At the start of the game), Zayne (At the start of the game), Rafayel (After finishing main story 2-12), Sylus (After finishing main story [Long-awaited Revelry] 1-8), Caleb (After finishing main story [Homecoming Wings 1-3]).
Even when having not encountered the love interests through the main story, players would still be able to obtain the special main thing that will contribute to the game’s combat mechanic and gameplay feature - Memories. Memories are the main obtainable card system that can be obtained through the gacha in the game and is the most important part of the game overall gacha and combat system. The memories are divided among the different love interest and players can obtain them through the gacha, with their rarity going form 1* to 5* and with 5* memories having special animations and special scenes unique to each of them when obtained.
Upon obtaining a set amount of memories for each love interest, their affinity to you will increase, unlocking special items and features unique to them when you interact with them. So the more memories you have, the more interactive the game becomes.
Another thing players will need to care about when playing Love and Deepspace is the team building regarding the different love interests with you on the battlefield. A party in this game consists of equipping a total of 6 different memories of 1 single love interest so that the love interest can join you in the battle, with their abilities, costume and even weapons changing depending on the memory you have equipped.
The memories are divided into 2 different sections - Solar and Lunar, signified by their sun or moon symbols. In a team comp, players can equip up to 2 solar memories and 4 lunar memories, with the 2 solar memories determining the love interests’ abilities while the lunar memories provide important stats.
When 2 Solar Memories of a love interest is from a set and is equipped together, they will trigger a special effect that allows the love interest to change their costume in battle, granting them extra abilities, stats and even special animations during battle. This will also allow the main character to change their weapon to match the costume of the love interest.
Memories are also divided into 6 different types of “elements” colors. If players equip the team with different memories that share the same color, the damage output of the team will be increased while the damage received by the love interest and the MC will decrease.
Unlike other Otome games where you are mainly wooing the different love interests through words and charms alone, during specific story stages and in order to upgrade the different memories, players will need to enter combat against various foes alongside their love interest.
The love interest you go into battle with will be determined by you equipping the different memories onto the team setup, and their abilities will be determined by the solar memories. The main character and the love interests’ stats will be determined by the lunar memories
When entering the battle, the player will control the main character with the ability to choose enemies from afar and use their 2 special abilities: their skill which can be triggered at any time when they have enough charge and the ultimate which can only be triggered when their charge is enough and is put into cooldown afterward.
Dodging is also crucial in combat, as taking too much damage will of course put you out of commission and you will be defeated in the battle. Players can initiate dodging at any time, but if they dodge the enemies’ attacks perfectly, they will be able to trigger the love interests’ ability.
The love interest ability varies depending on which solar memory you use but you can unlock additional effects and abilities for the love interest by increasing their affection level and go on dates with them.
Memories are the most important aspect of the game, so it is extremely important that players pay close attention to the different memories that they want to roll before rolling them. If players want to see the different characters in multiple different costumes and forms, they should pay close attention to getting the love interests’ solar memories.
In addition, since using multiple different memories of the same color gives different bonus effects to the team, players also need to pay close attention to which memories to obtain and use during the team making process.
Since this is an otome game and players are encouraged to go for multiple different love interests, players might be tempted to go for a single love interest and invest solely on them because of their bias. This will prove extremely detrimental for the long term, especially for newer players.
Investing in a single love interest has the downside that every other love interest will not have any effects or bonuses that you can use during battles, making it extremely difficult for you to use them in order to obtain materials to invest in your bias. This is especially prevalent when there are stages that require you to use a specific character to clear the stages.
Unlike other RPG games that lock game progress through the main character’s own skill and stat progression, the bulk of Love and Deepspace’s progression relies on you raising the different love interests’ Affinity or Affection Levels as high as possible.
Players should raise all of the love interests’ affection levels by obtaining their memories, go on dates and interact with them as much as possible in order to unlock special effects that you can see during your gameplay. This also affects the players’ combat experience as the higher the love interest’s ability is, the more benefits you will see during combat like them blocking enemies’ attacks for you or even dealing extra damage.
As we mentioned above as well, do not simply just invest in 1 single love interest affection level, you should diversify and tends to everyone in order to best progress in the game as quickly as possible.
Love and Deepspace