Lucky Defense Beginner Guide - Test Your Luck with Best Tips


Welcome to the ultimate guide for beginners playing Lucky Defense, a thrilling tower defense game where your success hinges on a roll of the dice! Unlike traditional tower defense games, Lucky Defense is a game of chance that challenges you to make the most of whatever luck throws your way. In this guide, you'll discover essential strategies and tips to help you master the game, optimize your warrior upgrades, and outsmart your opponents. 

Lucky Defense Beginner Guide

Whether you're summoning new warriors, merging them for powerful upgrades, or gambling for legendary heroes, our guide will provide you with the knowledge you need to dominate the battlefield. Let's play Lucky Defense on PC with LDPlayer and test your luck to see how far it can take you!

How to Play Lucky Defense

Lucky Defense is more a game of chance than a traditional tower defense game. In each match, you summon warriors you have unlocked, with no specific pattern. You have to utilize whatever you get. When you summon three of the same kind of warriors, you can merge them to create more powerful and rare versions. You'll be matched with friends, and whoever deals the most damage receives the most rewards.

Strategies to Improve Your Odds

Upgrades are essential to tilt the odds in your favor. The upgrade section allows you to increase your chances of obtaining higher-quality warriors and leveling up both existing and future summoned warriors. There are four upgrade options:

  • Common Rare Upgrade: Increases the level of common and rare warriors.
  • Epic Upgrade: Increases the level of epic warriors.
  • Legendary Mythic Upgrade: Levels up legendary and mythic warriors.
  • Summoning Chance Upgrade: Boosts the likelihood of summoning better heroes.

Strategies to Improve Your Odds


While leveling up is helpful, it won't make a difference if you never get the high-quality warriors. Therefore, the summoning chance upgrade, although the most expensive, is crucial. Avoid going above three upgrades for rare levels and save your resources for epic and summoning level upgrades.


Another way to ensure you outperform your friends is through gambling. Defeating a boss grants you gamble coins. Always save and spend these coins on the legendary gamble machine. While the chance of getting a hero from this machine is low, legendary warriors are crucial for victory. Once you secure a legendary warrior, focus on the epic machine next. Never go for lower-tier machines until you have several epic warriors.



Bosses are not the only source of gamble coins. You can also earn them by defeating the Golem. The Golem challenge appears on the upper right side of the screen. Click on it to start the challenge. This challenge appears every few minutes, but don't initiate it if there is already a boss on the battlefield. Splitting your firepower between the boss and the Golem could result in failing to defeat either.

Lucky Defense Fight Strategy

To excel in Lucky Defense, start by spending all your initial coins to summon warriors. Focus on getting one or two common warrior upgrades to boost your firepower, as each monster kill will increase your income. The faster you kill, the faster you earn—it's that simple. Once you have a steady income, save up to unlock the first rarity level warrior summon chance and start summoning again. Merge your troops to increase your summoning chances.

Lucky Defense Fight Strategy


After a few minutes of this process, you should have a few epic warriors summoned. It's now time to level them up and unlock their perks. Most warriors have some kind of slowing effect, which is worth the cost to level them up. In addition to the slowdown effect, leveling up increases their stats and other attributes, like critical effects and AOE damage, making this a more attractive option.

Gambling Strategy

Understanding the gambling mechanics is crucial.. It's important to note that every time you fail in epic and below gambling, the chance of success increases by 5% next time. However, the coin you earn from bosses in one match is often insufficient to consistently increase the odds, so the previous strategy of aiming for legendary gambling options remains valid.

Summoning Mythic Warriors

Next, focus on summoning mythic warriors. To summon these warriors, you need a specific set of other types of warriors. For example, to summon a ninja, you need one devil, one paladin, and one wolf warrior. Be careful when merging troops to avoid missing the chance to summon your desired mythic warrior. 

Summoning Mythic Warriors


Plan your sets carefully. Once you have the required set, summon the mythic warrior. If you summon three of the same type, you can merge them into a higher-level mythic warrior, provided you have unlocked them. By following these strategies, you will optimize your gameplay, making efficient use of your resources and enhancing your warrior’s capabilities to tackle the challenges in Lucky Defense.

Troop Placement Strategy

Now that you're familiar with summoning and upgrade strategies, it's crucial to understand the importance of troop placement. When you click on any warrior, you'll see a ring around it indicating its attack radius. Melee units have a very low radius, so you should place them close to the edge of the battlefield. In contrast, ranged units should be placed in the middle, allowing them to cover two sides without moving.

Troop Placement Strategy


Additionally, remember to place melee warriors that can slow down enemies on your friend's side of the battlefield. This tactic allows you to leverage your friend's warriors' splash damage, which will be applied to your enemies. Consequently, your troops' damage will also affect their enemies, enabling both of you to simultaneously damage enemies more effectively.

Movement Strategy for Boss Battles

When a boss appears, your primary goal is to kill it as quickly as possible. If you have a small number of warriors on the field, move them to the next location the boss will travel to as soon as it leaves their effective radius. This tactic ensures continuous attacks, facilitating a quicker boss kill. However, if you have a full board of troops, this can be challenging due to the difficulty of accurately clicking and dragging troops, especially if you have large fingers. 

Movement Strategy for Boss Battles


In such cases, focus on moving your highest-grade warriors and forget about the rest. If you want easy and more laid back gameplay, you can try playing Lucky Defense on PC with LDPlayer, here you will not cover the screen with your fingers and do the moving more swiftly. 

During boss encounters, prioritize moving warriors with slow-down effects, as they will give other units more opportunities to deal damage. When you have a full board of warriors, give priority to these types. To identify which warriors possess these effects, go to the Guardian section, click on each hero, and read up on their unlockable skills. This will provide a clear idea of which warriors are more important to move during battles.

Upgrade Your Warriors

If you want to start every match with high-level troops and minimize the need for in-match leveling, head to the Guardian section to upgrade your warriors. Upgrading warriors here ensures that when you summon them, they will already be at the upgraded level, providing you with a significant starting boost.

Upgrade Your Warriors


To upgrade your warriors in the Guardian section, you need copies of the same type of cards. These copies can be earned by playing matches, opening boxes, and through the gacha system. By accumulating and using these copies, you can enhance your warriors' levels before the match begins, giving you a strong advantage right from the start.

Upgrade Priority

Given that the gold coins required for upgrades can get very expensive, it's important to follow a strategic upgrade priority to make the most of your resources. Start by leveling up common type warriors. They are the first to be summoned and significantly contribute to your early game. Upgrading them will give you a strong start in every match. 

After upgrading your common warriors, focus on upgrading other warriors according to their rarity. This depends on your personal preference and gameplay style. Higher rarity warriors often have more powerful abilities and stats, making them valuable assets as the match progresses.

While upgrading, maintain a balance. Ensure that your common warriors are strong enough to give you a good start, and progressively enhance your higher rarity warriors to sustain and dominate in later stages of the match. 

This balanced approach will help you manage the high costs of upgrades effectively. By following this upgrade priority, you can optimize your use of gold coins, ensuring that you have a powerful and well-rounded set of warriors ready for battle.

Lucky Defense Economy

Lucky Defense features several types of currencies, each with its own specific uses and strategies for optimal utilization.

  • Gems: Gems are primarily used to obtain copies of more powerful warriors from the shop. You can use them to upgrade these warriors and refresh the store's inventory. Collect and spend gems wisely to ensure you always have access to the best warriors available.
  • Diamonds: Diamonds are used to unlock high-quality mythic warriors and purchase more expensive items from the shop. These are more valuable than gems and should be saved for significant upgrades and high-impact purchases that can greatly enhance your gameplay.

Lucky Defense Economy


Summoning Scrolls

Summoning scrolls are essential for participating in the Lucky Defense gacha system. Each time you gather 30 summoning scrolls, you can play the gacha. If you meet the required troop pass, you get a free 30 summons. 

Summoning Scrolls


However, if you have a large number of summoning scrolls, avoid repeatedly summoning after a failure, as this increases the required troops pass and decreases the chances of getting a free summon. Instead, close the window and start over to reset your chances.

Shop Strategy

Upon reaching your first wave 20 in Lucky Defense, you unlock the shops, which happens early in the game. The shop offers a variety of free and discounted items. Buy all available items and collect the free ones. If there are no items left to buy, use the advertisement option to reset the store, restocking the free and discounted items. 

Shop Strategy

You can do this up to five times a day. Ensure you fight and gather coins to purchase the items offered for coins and collect the free items. This strategy can yield a ton of useful items on your first day and should become a daily habit. By understanding and effectively managing these currencies, you can maximize your resources and enhance your overall performance in Lucky Defense.


By following this Lucky Defense beginner's guide, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the unpredictable world of Lucky Defense. With a solid understanding of summoning, merging, upgrading warriors, and strategic troop placement, you'll be able to maximize your chances of victory. Remember, luck plays a significant role, but with the right strategies and careful planning, you can tip the odds in your favor. Good luck, and may your warriors bring you glory on the battlefield!

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