Magic: The Gathering Arena Tips to Play the Game Like a Pro


Magic: The Gathering Arena, or we must say MTG Arena comes to the gaming world as another card collectible game, and this time, it has been different. It is because this game comes with magic, and it doesn’t take you on a simple journey. There are so many levels to cover through the journey, and achieving your whole success will always depend on the way you play the game. So it is a must to be informed with the specific tips of this game as it helps to flow with your gameplay, and here is our Magic: The Gathering Arena tips to play your game as a pro.






Magic: The Gathering Arena is not a game that makes you excited in a short time because it has been in the market for several years now. But it was recently the game released a playable version for the mobiles by making it an alternative to the Hearthstone, the card collecting game. However, everything in this new magical game didn’t fail to amaze the players since it came with so many interesting things to enjoy, making the players look for more ways to play the game efficiently.


So, if you have just started going with Magic: The Gathering Arena and still don’t know how to handle things correctly, let us provide you with some tips. These Magic: The Gathering Arena tips can make your gameplay easier as a beginner, and let’s start our best tips from here as they will help you to master the game easily.


Proceed with Your Daily Missions

First things first. And it is about the daily missions from this Magic: The Gathering Arena tips guide. Whatever the game you are currently proceeding with, and if you are a player who has played any of the mobile games before, you know the value of daily missions for sure. And that similar type of value comes from the Magic: The Gathering Arena daily missions.


Players who managed to finish their daily missions can have useful coins for you to buy booster packs. You know how important a booster pack is because those are the ones that will be heavily used in building the decks. You may have completed the deck, but we always recommend you to open more packs for wildcards. That is because those will help you have the right use for the future sets whenever your current decks are going to be banned from the Magic: The Gathering Arena. It may happen because this game is introducing more and more decks with time by making currently available ones outdated.


In daily missions, you have to complete some of the tasks, and some of these missions require to be done with a certain colored deck. But if a player doesn’t own such a colored deck, they can play with the pre-build decks of this game, and those pre-built decks are featured here as a reward for the PVP games on completing the quests. Just wait until you become sure about your deck; otherwise, don’t try to go for ranked games, as it can make you fall into the hard phases. That will be our biggest advice for you to provide in this Magic: The Gathering Arena tips guide.



Swapping Your Quests

From our next recommendation from this Magic: The Gathering Arena tips guide, we will highly recommend you to swap the quests as it gives you more chances to have gold. One quest will offer you more than 250 to 750 gold upon finishing, and it will be an excellent advantage for a player to finish these quests as soon as they can. But note that swapping a quest can only be done once per day, and you can have different types of them through the quest option from the menu. Having more quests means you have more gold, and it gives you a perfect match for the color of your deck.



If quests are hard to deal with, try Magic: The Gathering Arena with the best free emulator: LDPlayer. It is the only option you have to ease everything by setting up some key binding shortcuts, and you won’t lag with the game anymore. The Keyboard Mapping feature is the savior for you here, and don’t forget to use this feature as it will be the best way for you to progress from your gameplay.


Aware More about the Magic: The Gathering Arena Rotation System

In this game, a rotation system makes your cards illegal after being utilized several times. If you are just a beginner, getting more familiar with this system will be beneficial. That is what we recommend you from this next tip from the Magic: The Gathering Arena tips guide.


When this game releases some more card sets to the game, the previously available cards will be unavailable, and the ones that have been recently added are the only ones you can use. So it doesn’t matter if you have invested in some cards more or want them so bad to buy. Because at some time, they will not be available for you after the Magic: The Gathering Arena rotation system comes to its deadline.


So it is always good for a player to find out when the next rotation comes as it always helps them build themselves in a helpful way. Make this point a crucial tip from this Magic: The Gathering Arena tips guide as it is going to help you a lot from this gameplay.


Try to look into what cards have been banded and which card has been restricted. Since this is a way that is used by the game to balance their meta and to make the gameplay more competitive, you should be aware of it for the best deck predictions for the investment. And it would be the best thing that we are going to advise you from this Magic: The Gathering Arena tips guide.



Have a Right Mana Balance

This one is very important as a tip from our Magic: The Gathering Arena tips guide. Having mana lands is making your decks more powerful, so a deck should come to the game with a proper mana balance. Suppose you have so many mana cards with you. It comes with a high possibility of drawing more land than you want. But having fewer land cards will also not be helpful for a player as it can lock the card for not having sufficient mana for playing.


The number of mana cards that a player should own will depend. Your playing archetype will measure it. We recommend you to have 33% of the deck be mana cards from this Magic: The Gathering Arena tips, and it will be around 20 to 60 cards in total. If you go with a low-valued mana deck, the minimum number of the land cards should be 20 to 22, and this applies to an aggro deck.


Mid-range decks need to come with a maximum of 6 mana cards for land cards, around 24 to 25 from all 60 cards. A player who is going with a control deck should have higher mana cards with them, like 26 to 27 land cards. So it is not going to make a player wait to deal with a big shot.



What Will be the Fastest Way to Have Cards in MTG Arena? 

The fastest way for having your cards are the quests. We recommend you go through quests from this Magic: The Gathering Arena tips guide as it is way easier to proceed with. Based on the level of difficulty, you will be rewarded with 500 to 750 gold, and the game will offer you daily win bonuses every day as well.


There will be more than 15 games to win here, and they can offer you a value of 750 gold for rewards.


How to Farm Wild Cards in this MTG Arena?

Opening packs will clear your way to have wild cards, and it is not something that makes you a lot of effort since it is a simple process. But we don’t see the speediest method in this Magic: The Gathering Arena game to have rare wild cards, and the only way is to open the packs as fast as you can.




So these are going to be your best tips to talk under this Magic: The Gathering Arena tips guide, and we are sure that properly utilizing these tips is the speediest work to have progress from this game. So wasting your time doing nothing is not the best. Just follow this guide and be a champ for the Magic: The Gathering Arena game.

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