Monster Island Guide and Tips for Beginners - Get Yourself Started


Welcome to the ultimate beginner's guide for Monster Island! The game offers a vibrant world filled with exciting battles, powerful Pokémon, and numerous opportunities for growth and adventure. This guide is designed to provide you with essential tips and insights to navigate the game, make smart choices, and build a formidable team of Pokémon.

Monster Island Guide and Tips for Beginners

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We’ll cover everything you need to know, from choosing your first Pokémon and managing your equipment to catching new Pokémon and participating in events. You’ll learn how to effectively use the map, optimize your team setup, and master the arena to rise through the ranks. Our step-by-step tips and strategies will ensure you have a smooth and successful journey on Monster Island. Let's play Monster Island on PC with LDPlayer and dive in and start your adventure!

Choosing Your First Pokémon

At the start of Monster Island, you will have the opportunity to pick your first Pokémon from three options. All these Pokémon are classified as S grade, making them powerful choices that will significantly impact your early game experience. If you’re new to selecting the right skills and enjoy winning most matches, Wartortle is your best bet. Lets see why

  • High Defense: Wartortle has impressive defensive stats, allowing it to withstand attacks better than most.

  • Good Damage Output: In addition to its defense, Wartortle can deal substantial damage to opponents.

  • Elemental Advantage: Most enemies you encounter early in the game are weak to water. Choosing Wartortle gives you a strategic advantage, making battles easier and earning you more rewards.

While Wartortle is highly recommended, the other two Pokémon are also strong choices. Importantly, you will encounter opportunities to obtain these Pokémon through the story, so you don’t need to worry about missing out if you don’t pick them initially. By starting with Wartortle, you’ll set yourself up for success in the early stages of Monster Island, leveraging its defensive capabilities and elemental strengths to dominate your foes.

Equip Handhelds

In Monster Island, the equipment system is straightforward, focusing solely on handheld items for your Pokémon. These handhelds come in two main types: enhancing items and food items. In Monster Island, enhancing items provide various boosts to your Pokémon:

Equip Handhelds

  • Extra Experience (EXP): Some items increase the amount of EXP your Pokémon gains in battles, helping them level up faster.

  • Elemental Damage Boosts: Certain items boost the damage of specific elemental types, giving your Pokémon a strategic advantage in battles.

  • Healing Items: These items can heal your Pokémon during battles, restoring their health and keeping them in the fight longer.

Food Items H3

Food items offer essential support by allowing your Pokémon to recover and maintain their health:

  • Health Regeneration: Food items can help your Pokémon regenerate health over time, keeping them in top condition.

  • Status Recovery: These items can also cure various status effects such as paralysis and poison, ensuring your Pokémon can perform at their best.

Food items are scattered throughout the map. Look for fruit-bearing trees and harvest from them. Remember to replant and water these trees to maintain a steady supply of these beneficial foods. Proper management of your handheld items will ensure your team remains strong and capable throughout your journey on Monster Island.

Read Before Choosing Skills

After most battles in Monster Island, you will have the opportunity to upgrade your Pokémon. Occasionally, this includes unlocking new skills. When your Pokémon has available skill slots, equipping new skills is straightforward. However, when all slots are full, you need to carefully examine and decide which skills to keep or replace. Here are some tips to help you make the best choices:

  • Skill Grade: Check the grade of the skills you currently have and the new ones you unlock. Higher-grade skills are generally more powerful.

  • Accuracy and Power: Compare the accuracy and power of the skills. Skills with higher accuracy and power are usually more effective in battles.

  • Skill Effects: Use the exclamation mark to get detailed information about each skill. Look for additional effects such as debuffs on targets or potential self-damage.

  • Debuffs: Some skills can place debuffs on enemies, which can be very advantageous in battles.

  • Self-Damage: Be cautious with skills that may also damage your Pokémon. Weigh the pros and cons before equipping them.

You don't have to equip every new skill you unlock while leveling up. Only replace a skill if the new one offers better benefits than your current setup. By carefully assessing each new skill and its potential impact, you can optimize your Pokémon's abilities for maximum effectiveness in battles. Remember, strategic skill management is key to success in Monster Island.

How to Get New Pokémons

There are a few ways to acquire new Pokémon in Monster Island. The gacha system is one of the best methods to obtain higher rarity Pokémon. Gacha tickets, however, are quite rare. When you do get the chance, using these tickets can reward you with powerful and unique Pokémon that are otherwise hard to find.

Exploring the World

Exploring the Monster Island world is another effective way to find new Pokémon. While traveling for quests, keep an eye on different terrains such as grass areas and water bodies.

Equip Handhelds

  • Grass Areas: Walking through grasslands will automatically initiate a battle with any Pokémon residing there. These encounters are a great way to discover and catch various Pokémon.

  • Water Areas: Use a fishing rod to start a battle with Pokémon living in the water. This method is essential for catching water-type Pokémon.

How to Catch Pokémons

To successfully catch Pokémons, especially rare ones, you need to be strategic thinking. Here are some tips:

How to Catch Pokémons

  1. Battle Strategy:

    • Avoid High Damage Pokémon: When trying to catch new Pokémon, don’t use your highest damage Pokémon as it might defeat the wild Pokémon too quickly. Instead, use a relatively weaker Pokémon that can lower the wild Pokémon’s health without knocking it out.

    • Lower Health: The key to a successful catch is to reduce the wild Pokémon’s health. Be patient and use weaker attacks to gradually lower its HP.

  2. Poké Balls and Their Grades:

    • Poké Ball: This is the most common ball in Monster Island and is best used for low-grade Pokémon. You don’t need to reduce their health too much to catch them with a Poké Ball.

    • Great Ball: Offers a higher success rate than the Poké Ball and can be effective even if the wild Pokémon’s health is not very low. It’s useful for mid-grade Pokémon.

    • Ultra Ball: Very rare and should be reserved for the most elusive and high-grade Pokémon. It offers the highest success rate, making it ideal for catching Pokémon that are difficult to capture with other balls.

How to Catch Pokémons

By exploring different areas, employing the right battle strategies, and using the appropriate Poké Balls, you can efficiently expand your collection of Pokémon and enhance your team’s capabilities in Monster Island.

Use the Map

As you progress through the early stages of Monster Island, you will unlock the mini-map, which shows potential areas where you can find Pokémon. However, exploring these areas without a plan can be time-consuming. Here’s how to effectively use the map features to find and catch wild Pokémon.

When you unlock the mini-map, it will highlight locations where Pokémon may appear. To get more detailed information, click on the mini-map to open the local map. On the right side of this map, you will see a list of Pokémon available in the area along with a "Go" button next to each Pokémon. Clicking the "Go" button will make your character walk towards the area where the specified Pokémon can be found. Once there, walk around if it's a grassland or use a fishing rod in water areas to encounter Pokémon.

Usually, each area contains multiple Pokémon. After battling one, you will encounter the next, and this sequence will repeat. If you accidentally defeat a Pokémon you intended to catch, continue battling the other Pokémon in the area to reset the queue and get another chance.

Collecting all the Pokémon in an area of the Island rewards you with a high-level Pokémon from a reward chest. To maximize your collection and rewards, use the world map to travel to different areas, then switch to the local map and follow the same process. This strategy ensures you efficiently find and catch a variety of Pokémon while earning valuable rewards.

Participate in the Login Events

If you want some free and powerful Pokémon, one of the best strategies is to participate in the daily and 7-day login events. To receive daily login rewards, simply open Monster Island once a day. These rewards can include various useful items and Pokémon that can help you progress through the game more smoothly. Consistently logging in daily ensures you never miss out on these valuable bonuses.

7-Day Login Events

The 7-day login events of Monster Island offer even greater rewards but require more effort. Each day of the event comes with specific tasks that you must complete. Unlike daily quests, these tasks do not expire or reset at the end of each day. You have the entire 7-day period to complete all the tasks.

7-Day Login Events

Ensure you complete each day’s tasks within the 7-day timeframe. These tasks can be varied and might include battling specific Pokémon, collecting items, or completing certain in-game challenges.

As you complete the full set of daily tasks, you will receive puzzle pieces as rewards. Collecting all the puzzle pieces by the end of the 7 days will grant you a high-grade Pokémon.

By actively participating in both the daily and 7-day login events, you can steadily accumulate powerful Pokémon and other valuable rewards, significantly boosting your team’s strength and your overall progress.

Build Up a Good Team

As you know, in Monster Island you can obtain new Pokémon by playing the gacha or catching wild Pokémon. However, once you exceed the limit of six Pokémon, any additional ones you find or catch will be stored on the computer. To use these stored Pokémon, you need to access the computer, replace any low-grade Pokémon in your lineup with higher-grade ones from the computer, and then bring the chosen Pokémon back into your lineup. Pokémon are graded based on their strength and rarity. The grades are as follows: C (lowest grade), B, A, S, SS, SSS (highest grade)

Elemental Weaknesses and Coverage

In addition to grades, in Monster Island it's essential to pay attention to elemental weaknesses. Having a diverse team that covers multiple elements allows you to overcome various elemental weaknesses you might face during battles. Here are the elemental counters:

  • Water: Covers Fire, Ground, Rock. Weaknesses: Grass, Electric.

  • Electric: Covers Water, Flying. Weaknesses: Ground.

  • Steel: Covers Ice, Rock, Fairy. Weaknesses: Fire, Fighting, Ground.

  • Fairy: Covers Fighting, Dragon, Dark. Weaknesses: Poison, Steel.

  • Ground: Covers Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel. Weaknesses: Water, Grass, Ice.

  • Fighting: Covers Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, Dark. Weaknesses: Flying, Psychic, Fairy.

Recommended Monster Island Team Setup

Here's a potential team setup that offers good coverage:

1. Swampert (Water/Ground)

  • Strengths: Fire, Ground, Rock, Poison.

  • Weaknesses: Grass (covered by Togekiss and Metagross), Electric (immune).

2. Jolteon (Electric)

  • Strengths: Water, Flying.

  • Weaknesses: Ground (covered by Swampert and Garchomp).

3. Metagross (Steel/Psychic)

  • Strengths: Ice, Rock, Fairy.

  • Weaknesses: Fire (covered by Swampert), Fighting, Ground.

4. Togekiss (Fairy/Flying)

  • Strengths: Fighting, Dragon, Dark.

  • Weaknesses: Poison, Steel (covered by Garchomp and Swampert).

5. Garchomp (Dragon/Ground)

  • Strengths: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel.

  • Weaknesses: Ice (covered by Metagross and Lucario), Dragon (covered by Togekiss), Fairy.

6. Lucario (Fighting/Steel)

  • Strengths: Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, Dark.

  • Weaknesses: Flying (covered by Jolteon), Psychic (covered by Metagross), Fairy.

Team Synergy

This combination works well due to the complementary strengths and weaknesses:

  • Swampert provides immunity to Electric and covers multiple types that pose a threat to others.

  • Jolteon is a fast attacker that can take out Water and Flying types.

  • Metagross offers strong defense and offense against Ice, Rock, and Fairy types.

  • Togekiss provides coverage against Fighting, Dragon, and Dark types.

  • Garchomp is versatile with strong attacks against Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, and Steel types.

  • Lucario brings powerful Fighting and Steel moves to counter Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, and Dark types.

This team should provide you with a broad spectrum of coverage and the ability to counter various types effectively.

How to Do Arena

In Monster Island, you have five chances each day to participate in arenas. You can choose players from the provided list and use these chances to earn arena points. Here's a guide to help you maximize your success in the arena.

How to Do Arena

First, you need to set up your defensive lineup. This lineup will defend against other players when they attack you. Make sure to pick the most powerful Pokémon you have for this. Choose Pokémon that belong to the recommended elements from the team creation section to counter most attacks effectively.

Once your defense is set up, it's time to fight. Start by choosing a good team of Pokémon for your offensive lineup. Aim to select players with lower combat power and player levels from the provided list. 

However, be cautious of high level players with low combat power, as they might have high-level Pokémon that can defeat your team. It's essential to estimate the expected combat power based on the player's level and avoid players who appear weaker than expected.

If you don't find a suitable opponent, use the refresh option to change the challenger list. Remember not to attack players with a significantly lower level than yours, as the points awarded for defeating them will be significantly lower.

When choosing your Pokémon for battles, consider their elemental advantages. Use Pokémon that have elemental strengths over your opponent's team, referring to the elemental counters mentioned in the team creation section to optimize your attacks.


By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to conquer Monster Island. Choosing the right Pokémon, managing your handhelds, exploring efficiently, and participating in events will set you on the path to success. With a strong team and smart gameplay, you’ll not only enjoy the adventure but also dominate battles and climb the ranks. Remember, every decision you make impacts your journey, so plan carefully and enjoy the thrilling world of Monsters!

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