Over-Powered Champions you should instantly pick in Wild Rift Patch 2.0a


Over-Powered Champions you should instantly pick in Wild Rift Patch 2.0a


Riot Games has just released Patch 2.0a for Wild Rift. The new patch includes a lot of changes to Champions that have entirely altered the meta. A few particular champions have significantly been nerfed, whereas some have been buffed to oblivion. While most fans might agree that the new meta is favoring champions who favor fighting more than farming, most would disagree simply because the meta has constantly been evolving towards a more brawling style theme.


Every patch has some champions that are simply better than most. However, there are only a select few that, when picked, can decimate enemies. Those are considered over-powered enemies. Here is a list of over-powered heroes in the newest patch of Wild Rift.


What are Over-Powered Champions?


Over-Powered champions are those who get a huge power spike at a certain point of the game. This power spike is usually in the Early Game or Late Game. If a hero feels extremely strong in the Early Game where they can take on multiple champions without a sweat, then you might think of them as over-powered.


In some cases, the timing does not matter, but rather the skills and the balancing do. So, if the ultimate of a particular champion counter the abilities or the kit of other champions, it can be considered over-powered. So, without further ado, here are the best Over-Powered champions in Wild Rift Patch 2.0a.




Over-Powered Champions you should instantly pick in Wild Rift Patch 2.0a


Traditionally considered as a Jungler, Olaf has incredible dueling against melee champions with insane attack speed when he's low. Moreover, he offers high levels of sustain and huge damage output, especially when combined with his axes and reckless swing. You should then play a champion like Olaf in Baron Lane, especially when you are against a melee laner on the other side.


Olaf possesses incredible power in the early game and can leverage this to dominate the map's entire top side. Olaf's primary problem is that he scales down quite quickly in the jungling lane. However, in Baron Lane, Olaf maintains split push power against many champions for most of the game.


Moreover, Olaf's increased access to gold and exp in the lane slows down how fast the enemy can out-scale, making him quite relevant for almost the entire game.




Gragas is perhaps one of the most under-rated OP picks you can go for in Wild Rift. Even though he has not been nerfed or buffed in recent memory, he remains virtually ignored by most of the community. Gragas can destroy certain compositions with a well placed Explosive Cask winning team fights entirely on its own.


In the early game, Gragas is not the strongest laner as he lacks wave clear and cannot sustain fights against most other laners. However, where he does shine is in his ganks. Gragas can Body Slam, which is a huge AoE CC ability that, if it lands, almost guarantees a kill in most situations. However, his biggest power spike is perhaps when he unlocks his ultimate, Explosive Cask. After this ability, Gragas’s ganking potential goes through the roof with an insane amount of damage being pumped out with all his abilities combined.


Over-Powered Champions you should instantly pick in Wild Rift Patch 2.0a


You should lead with a Body Slam as it becomes much more threatening if the enemy knows your ultimate is coming soon afterward. If an enemy chooses to flash your Body Slam, you can still catch them off-guard with your ultimate.




Kennen is one of the newest champions added to the game and is directly ported from its PC version.  His laning potential is quite strong, and his electric abilities are quite shocking to deal with for most enemy team compositions.


He should mainly be played in the mid lane as his kit suits the lane particularly well. Even though he is known for his ability to bully melee champions while mid laners generally are ranged, he still functions well against most 1v1 matchups if you know what you are doing.


Do note that Kennen does not possess a lot of range on his auto-attacks. However, his Thundering Shuriken should be used to last hit minions that you cannot grab due to their proximity to the enemy tower. If the shuriken lands on the enemy laner and you want to deal some extra harass damage, you can always follow up with an Electric Surge for some nice poking potential.


The closer you are to people fighting each other as Kenne, the better you are. Once the team fight starts breaking out, you can flash in and cast Slicing Maelstrom. Even if you weren’t winning the lane particularly hard, you can still completely lock the enemy team and deal tons of damage, which can turn into why your team wins a fight.


Over-Powered Champions you should instantly pick in Wild Rift Patch 2.0a


What to Build On Over-Powered Champions:


As a general rule, over-powered champions are meant to be played at a faster pace than normal. So, all three of the champions mentioned above should be played extremely quickly. If you are not popping off in the lane with any of them, you should instantly resort to ganking as it helps your team the most in certain situations.


When it comes to building items, try to always go for Offensive items and try to run a very aggressive play style that focuses on pressurizing the enemy as much as possible. If you do it right, you will end the match with a positive K/D and a well-deserved win.




Wild Rift has constantly been shifting its meta from one trend to the other. The newest patch is no different. However, with the addition of new champions, the game has started to get much more complicated as there are many new skills you should be looking out for in every match.


Even though there are many new additions, older champions like Gragas have still maintained their place in the meta even though they have gotten quite under-rated. Therefore, it only makes sense for you to look at this guide and pick a champion you like the most and spam it for some free Ranked Points till the entire meta stabilizes and balance patches are introduced.

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